Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 334 Getting better

Seeing that the Nel people had wavered, the human negotiator immediately struck while the iron was hot and said with a sincere face: "The most I can give you is two million more, twenty-seven million trading points. This price is already higher than the trading market. Several million is the highest price we can give. If you are unwilling to sell, there is nothing we can do.

And you must have seen a lot about this from the 'Basic Common Sense Information on the Galaxy', so to be honest, you don't lack valuable goods, it's just that you didn't realize it before. "

"Oh~~~" The Nair negotiator didn't know what tone he used. He actually asked the translator to translate a long-sounding 'Oh~'. After the modal particle, the Nair negotiator continued to speak: "Expensive Are you talking about biosphere resources?"

"Yes, what can be exchanged among civilizations in the universe is nothing more than energy, scientific theories, technology trees, technical documents, scientific research experience, and various biological resources in the biosphere. That is billions of years of nature or even Tens of billions of years of precipitation contain various mysteries about life, which are undoubtedly treasures of the universe." The human side replied.

After all, 100 million transaction points have been sold to the Nair people. News about biosphere resources is naturally included. After all, this is how to purchase their biological resources from the Nair people.

Of course, humans do not say that the value of biosphere resources is higher than that of other technologies, but that biosphere resources are valuable and are tradable resources that can be accepted by all civilizations in all interstellar trading venues, and are at the same price level as ordinary technologies.

Although saying this may allow the Nair people to buy human biosphere resources at a low price like humans, humans have absolutely made the Nair people owe humans trading points, so this is not a big problem.

Even if the Nair people really want human biosphere resources, they can just use some Kuntai civilization or Wolfe's L-DNA biosphere resources to cope with it, and then say that they are an exploring fleet and do not carry too many creatures. .

It's just that humans never expected that the Pot Lid Star is not the home planet of the Nair people, but that the second star field that controls this star system is actually a force of the Nair people, and they do have some power here. There are many animals and plants from their home planet, but after all, it is an outer space base. Even if there are many, they cannot be as rich as one home star.

Therefore, it may not be feasible to obtain a planet's diverse biological resources from the Nel people.

At this time, the governor of the second star field vibrated the abdominal organ: "That's fine. We will draw up a list of biological resources next, but our home planet is not here, so there are not many biological resources available. "

Seeing that it was the Grand Governor who was speaking, Yue Yuan also said on the human side: "It doesn't matter, we will accept all the species of animals and plants you have here, and the price can be based on the standards of the interstellar trading market."

"Will this standard be met?"

As soon as the Great Governor of Neer said the price, he heard Yue Yuan smile and say: "Don't worry, Great Governor, of course we know what to do. You are so enthusiastic about accepting us into the star system and providing us with various supplies. We can give you some discounts on this price, let’s give you a 20% discount on the interstellar trading market price, and we will pass on to you the basic pricing range of various biosphere resources in the interstellar trading market.”

Speaking of this, Yue Yuan winked at the person in charge of compiling the information and asked him to quickly send the false biosphere pricing list to the Nair people.

Although it was false information, the comprehensive content in it also opened the eyes of Nair people.

After getting this basic price reference for biosphere resources that humans claim to have come from the interstellar trading market, but which is actually made up, the Nair people entered a state of serious reading one by one.

Among other things, the classification and price measurement methods of biosphere resources were very novel to them, and each of them couldn't help but discuss it softly with the colleagues next to them.

"Grand Governor, look at this. The trading unit of biosphere resources is not fixed. Instead, it is based on the animal and plant categories and the degree of exploration of a certain category by the holder's civilization. This degree of exploration is compared with the written genetic map. The degree of completion is the genetic code sequence that biologists say.”

"Well, it actually needs to be matched with the completion of genetic map exploration." The Grand Governor muttered, turned to look at a biologist on the other side, and asked: "Dr. Altin, our second star field is currently facing us How many species are there that have completed biological gene exploration and have a complete set of genetic maps?"

Dr. Altin sighed: "As for our own genetic map, there are several animal genetic maps that are often used in clinical research that have been fully explored and have the entire genetic map. Most others do not."

"So, doesn't it mean that it can only be sold to humans at the price of original biological resources?" The Great Governor was obviously a little unhappy, because in that case, the price would be almost twice as low. According to humans, the reason why creatures with genetic maps would It's so expensive mainly because the value of 'wisdom and knowledge' is poured into it.

Nair people agree with this statement.

After a short pause, the Grand Governor asked again: "Dr. Altin, do you think we can compile a set of fake genetic maps for some animals and plants?"

"Similar categories are fine, but Your Majesty the Great Governor, I'm afraid we can't hide it from human eyes. They have experience in the interstellar trading market, and they must know that they need to inspect the goods after they get them. In fact, it's not just biological genetic maps, other sciences The same is true for technology. After all, we all know this, how could they not think of it." Dr. Altin clicked his paws twice and shook his head.

"Okay, hey, if that's the case, I'm afraid that if we sell all the creatures in the Pot Cover Star to humans, it won't be enough to buy the technology we want."

"We can have a good negotiation with human civilization on the price. They come all the way and they must also want to get some technology from us, just like the previous photon computer technology. Maybe we have fallen into a misunderstanding in this regard, maybe we feel that it is very Ordinary technology, in the eyes of human civilization, is a kind of technology that has never been seen before. I think His Excellency the Grand Governor has also noticed the unique technology that human civilization once mentioned when talking about 'electronic computers'."

"Oh! There is such a thing. What Dr. Altin means is that we can bring out many of the technologies we think they have for negotiation?"

"Right, that is it."

"What do you think?"

"I think it works."

"I think it's feasible too!"

"Dr. Alkin is right!"

"Yes, just like space elevator technology, maybe human civilization also has it, but maybe they are lacking in some aspect?"

"Yes, that's the truth."

In the venue, everyone from Nair participated in the discussion.

At this time, a Nair civilization military man thought for a moment, vibrated the voice organ and said: "Your Majesty the Great Governor, I think we don't need to be too obsessed with the price in front of us. We must know that the transport ship fleet in the second star region is still there. On the way here, as long as we complete supplies to humans and trade with them before they arrive.

Even if we lose some money, it doesn't matter. Anyway, when humans are gone, we can definitely earn back from the First Star Territory. As long as they want the technology sold to us by humans, they have no choice. "

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