Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 335 Digging a hole to bury yourself

"General Cole is right. As long as we complete all transactions with humans before the Second Star Domain's transport fleet arrives, then it's not up to us to decide how much benefit we want to get from the Second Star Domain? "

The Nel people discussed each other sentence by sentence.

"That's what we say, but how can we ensure that humans will leave after completing the supplies? Instead of stopping here waiting for the transport ship from the second star field to arrive?"

"This matter is indeed a bit difficult to handle, but it is not impossible. But next we have to confirm one thing with human civilization."

"What's up?"

"Confirm whether they know that the Second Star Domain Fleet is rushing to our Pot Lid Star."

"I don't think there is any need to ask this question. Think about it, the original destination of human civilization is the Great Fire Star. The reason why it turned to our boundless star must be that the Great Fire Star in the second star field was there for the first time. What happened during the contact?

And everyone must be very clear. The reason why we know that human civilization came here is entirely because the second star field told us. What does this mean? This shows that they have realized the benefits of contact with human civilization, so in order for humans to stay and wait for their transport fleet to arrive, they will definitely tell human civilization in advance that a transport fleet is coming full of all kinds of supplies you need. On the way. "

"That's true, but what about your method?"

"Simple, we need to find a way to make human civilization suspect that the fleet coming from the Great Fire Star is not a transport fleet, but a battleship fleet."

"Ask them this? Wouldn't that reveal the secret? Since the Second Star Region has told them before that it is a transport fleet, we have to tell them now that it is a battleship fleet. They will definitely suspect that there is something wrong within our civilization."

"No, no, no, don't tell them, we just need to trade all the biosphere materials here on the Pot Lid Vast Star, and hint in some words that this is already something we can trade and there are no biological resources in nearby galaxies. .

Oh, and there are other technologies that can be freely traded, and try not to talk too much with them about price. The more generous we are, the more they will suspect that our current transaction with them is actually a delaying measure. , and even more suspect that we are waiting for other fleets to arrive.

The fleet that can reach the Pot Lid Star the fastest is undoubtedly the transport fleet of the second star field. In this way, humans will naturally think that it is not actually a transport fleet, but a huge fleet composed of warships. , How can they stay here with peace of mind? "

After hearing these words, the First Star Territory Governor of Nair Civilization looked at the speaker. He still had doubts in his heart, so he asked: "If human civilization becomes angry in shame, wouldn't we be the unlucky ones? You know, their battleships are like this It’s so powerful, if there really is a fight, it’s completely impossible for us and the fleet from Planet Guogai 3 to win!”

"There is indeed this risk." The planner was a military expert. He first affirmed the words of the Grand Governor, and then said: "But we must also consider that this human civilization is just an exploration fleet. Since it is just a fleet , then there is a high probability that they will not risk a war with us. I speculate that as long as they believe that what is coming is a battleship fleet and not a transport fleet, they will not dare to go to war and will only choose to leave after completing the transaction."

"What if they want us to transport biological resources from our home planet for trade, or directly propose to go to our home planet?" Another Nair man asked.

The military expert clicked the pincers of his right hand and replied: "No, they won't. Have you forgotten what was mentioned in the 'Basic Common Sense Information on the Galaxy'? Since it says that biosphere resources are treasures valued by all civilizations, then revealing Giving information about your home planet to other civilizations is definitely a suicide attempt.

Fortunately, we did not reveal any information about our home planet to this human civilization at first, otherwise they would definitely know at the first opportunity that we are an ignorant civilization that has not had contact with other civilizations. "

"Okay, then how are you sure that after seeing our generosity, humans will not think of us as a very kind civilization, but think of us as an insidious civilization?" Another Nair person asked. own questions.

The military expert was obviously confident. He first asked: "Director Bulger, do you think human civilization is a kind civilization?"

"On the face of it, yes." replied the Nell man known as Bulger.

"Okay, let me ask another question." The military expert was silent for a moment and said: "Where Bulger is, do you think human civilization is a civilization that has never seen the world?"

"Of course not." This time Bulger's answer was very definite, but after saying this, he still added, "If what they experienced in the interstellar trading market is true."

"Yes, do you think such an experience can be fabricated?" The military expert showed a smile that only the Nair people could understand, and looked around at all the Nair people in the conference room.

"This shouldn't be possible."

"Probably not!"


Listening to the answers one by one, the military expert clicked his paws a few times, sighed, and then explained: "It seems that there is no conclusive evidence, and you will not believe it easily. That being the case."

"Wait a minute, Your Excellency Wen Erya, what you said about 'Is human civilization a civilization that has never seen the world' and 'Do we believe that human civilization made up their experiences?' These two things have nothing to do with how human civilization will transform the Second Star Region What does it have to do with the incoming transport fleet becoming a battleship fleet?" A confused Neer man couldn't help but ask.

"It seems that you still don't understand." The military expert known as Wen Erya sighed and said, "Do you think that a well-informed Nairan has many thoughts, or an ignorant one? Do you have many thoughts on your mind?"

"Then it must be that the well-informed Naier people have many thoughts!" A Naier man replied.

"Look, you also know this truth." Wen Erya said: "I ask you the question 'Do you believe that human civilization says whether their own experiences are made up?' It is just to illustrate this truth."

"Okay, I understand." The Nell man who had doubts just now said clearly.

At this time Wen Erya continued: "In that case, we only need to know whether human civilization has really been to that interstellar trading market."

Seeing that there were other Nair people who wanted to ask questions, Wen Erya immediately interrupted and said: "Don't worry, everyone, listen to what I have to say. Of course we can't question them directly, but we will start from the trade aspect. All you need to do is ask them if you want to buy some biological resources from other civilizations that they bought from the interstellar trading market at a high price.

That way, we can truly judge whether they have really experienced that. As for whether they will think about it in that way, don't forget what the Grand Governor told them after we first saw the No. 1 alloy of human civilization. If it's full of gunpowder. "

At this point, all the Nel people finally understood.

If human civilization really has biological resources that obviously come from different civilizations, it means that the interstellar trading ground mentioned by human civilization is true, and it also means that human civilization is a well-informed civilization. After all, there are also things that human civilization encountered when going to the Great Fire Star.

I’m not afraid that humans won’t think that way.

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