Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 338 Life and Wisdom

Just like humans and Nair people, humans are obviously ahead of Nair people in many branches of science and technology, but they cannot come up with cable materials that meet the requirements of space elevators, nor can they develop photon computers.

Before, humans might have thought that this was the reason why the number of human individuals was currently too small. Of course, the small number of total groups must also be one of the reasons.

But after learning that the Nel people's computers actually followed the photon computer route, and combined with what the awakeners said, human scholars believe that perhaps one race's thoughts, way of thinking, or wisdom alone cannot break through. Those barriers that block the road to civilization advancement.

Because the rules of the universe are so inclusive, so broad, and so all-encompassing, and an individual civilization or even the entire civilization is just a life in a corner of the universe made up of some substances and with different operating modes.

As the awakener said, wisdom has its limits.

Using such intelligent life entities to explore the technological barriers formed by the numerous and all-encompassing basic laws of the universe is tantamount to catching a glimpse of a leopard in a tube. Even if you can see clearly, you can only get some formulas and theorems that are only used in a certain field.

Therefore, if we want to get a more comprehensive glimpse into the true nature of the various laws of the universe, perhaps the collective efforts among individuals of this civilization are not enough. We also need to let other races think in their own race’s way of thinking and from directions that this race has never imagined. In this way Only then can you see the whole picture of the 'Leopard' from all angles.

The situation of racial intelligence is like this in scientific research. If it is placed in people's daily life, it may be like this: It is the same math question that two people know. During the exam, one person can easily solve it, and the other person can easily solve it. One of them suddenly couldn't figure it out, but after a while, he understood it on his own.

Well, this metaphor may not be appropriate, so to use another description, it can also be said to be a cognitive barrier, which is a phenomenon that prevents individuals from in-depth practice due to focusing on deep pointing and misunderstanding. What this statement refers to is not the superficial understanding of specific events or things, but the inherent flaws in the thought circuit formed by an intelligent life.

The universe endows life with wisdom, but it also makes wisdom trapped in the eternal thought circuit that gave birth to it!

Perhaps it is for this reason that there is the so-called racial talent. After all, if there are no differences, then there is no way to talk about talent.

If this guess is correct, then it is not difficult to think that the Galaxy Axis Alliance, which often broadcasts in the Milky Way and does not spare even low-level civilizations, must be doing such a thing.

And having said that, the current Nair people are obviously unwilling to trade their scientists, but the Nair people have never been to any interstellar trading market. This kind of refusal is entirely due to the wisdom of the group after the civilization has developed to a certain height. After the individual life forms a certain social order, the intelligent life individual protects itself.

No normal intelligent life is willing to turn itself into a commodity trade, unless this intelligent life individual has been instilled with one kind of education or another since the beginning of the formation of self-awareness, and then takes this kind of thing as a matter of course. Another situation is involuntary.

However, unless each civilization in the universe has its own wisdom that is completely natural and flawless, it will eventually need the help of the ideological circuits of other races, so conflicts between civilizations arise.

It is certainly the best solution for everyone to open their hearts and communicate with each other, but who can guarantee that you will not take advantage of me, destroy my civilization, and use the individuals in my civilization as stepping stones for the advancement of your civilization?

Thinking about it this way, the awakener may also be constantly improving his "wisdom" in his own way. The name Awakener comes from awakening fallen civilization, so this method is most likely related to fallen civilization.

The reapers, presumably, are doing the same thing, but in a different way.

Exchanges between civilizations are beneficial to the development of both parties, but there are also huge risks. After all, no one knows if you have made progress after exchanges, will you stab me in the back and turn me into a person who complements your 'wisdom'? nourishment.

This may be the reason why the top civilizations in the galaxy do not seem to communicate with each other!

Nowadays, mankind's request for scientists from Nel civilization has been rejected, but from the related information, it has once again glimpsed the dirty things among cosmic civilizations, thus supplementing and improving its own cosmic sociology to a certain extent.

Of course, all these inferences are based on mankind's current judgment on the form of civilization composed of intelligent life in the universe.

So, what is this basis?

There is no doubt that it is a civilization composed of a group of intelligent life forms.

So far, humans have not encountered any single civilization. Yes, although the Awakeners appeared as a battleship back then, they were not a single civilization. It was just one of their battleships.

The top existences in the Milky Way, except for the Reapers, others like the Galaxy Axis Alliance, the Immortal Community, and the Silicon-Based Alliance, don't look like single civilizations just by looking at their names.

In addition, there are civilizations that humans have direct or indirect contact with, such as the Mokxing civilization, Kuntai civilization, and the current Nair civilization. They are undoubtedly not technological civilizations composed of individuals.

Even the indigenous kobolds are group intelligent beings.

If we didn't have self-awareness and knew that we were just a civilization that had just entered the universe, humans would doubt that the only civilization in the universe was the group technological civilization.

Not only that, but characters that often appear in science fiction movies, such as Zerg, planetary consciousness, demons, and starry behemoths, have never been heard of by humans.

If humans knew that these things existed, then the currently complete sociological model of the universe would either have to continue to be optimized, or it would have to be torn down and started all over again.

As for the problem that they have only encountered group technological civilization for the time being, anthropologists also have several inferences.

First, the mainstream life form in the universe is life born from social species. Second, species that live in groups are more likely to break through filters and form civilizations by working together. Third, other forms of civilization were wiped out. Fourth, humans simply have not encountered other forms of civilization.

Of course, no matter which one it is, it will be a matter for the future. What humans have to do now is to wait for the Nel people to reply, and then continue to fool them into trading.

It would be very difficult for scientists who want to buy them if they don't see the reactions of the Nel people enough. Human beings also know this very well.

But it doesn't matter. After all, humans don't have much hope for this in their plans. If they can't buy scientists, then the next best thing is to find a way to buy some ordinary or even criminal Nair people.

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