Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 339 An unexpected surprise

However, it must not be single-sex, and the Nair people must not be made aware of the idea that humans want to raise a group of Nair people themselves.

Therefore, we certainly cannot directly say: It is okay not to sell scientists, but we must sell the population to us.

Saying this will definitely make the Nel people aware of it, and it will also define humans as interstellar human traffickers, which is not a good reputation.

After an unknown amount of time, the Neer people finally turned on the microphone again: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I regret to tell you that we cannot agree to your request. We cannot accept the sale of scientists."

Yue Yuan: "Then how will you pay the difference?"

"We can reduce the purchase of some technologies." Neil said: "We have discussed that in addition to the basic common sense information about the Milky Way that has been handed over, we only need the No. 1 alloy material technology, universal quantum computer technology and supporting artificial intelligence source code, There is also your entire electronic computer technology tree and life potion version 1.0 manufacturing technology. As for the biological resources you purchased in the interstellar trading market, as well as all other technologies, we don’t want them.”

"Is that so? That's still 130 million trading points short of that."

"I don't want the electronic computer technology tree either."

"That's still 120 million trading points short."

"We will then package and sell to you other related technologies, production lines and manufacturing processes of our space elevator, as well as all technical documents and derivative technologies involved in the history of the development of photonic computers."

"Yes, these, plus some other branch technologies and fragmentary research data, total about 10 million transaction points."


The Nair people were confused. After all the calculations, they were still short of about 100 million, but they really couldn't give up on buying the remaining technologies, especially the No. 1 alloy material technology, which beat the other two star regions. The hope of unifying Nel civilization.

"How about this!" Seeing the Nel people's hesitation, the humans gave another opinion: "Actually, the purchase of scientists we are talking about is not a transaction like market goods, and we don't need your top scientists. We are quite For recruitment, we hire some scientists who are not having a good time with you and pay them with trading points. It's that simple.

Don't worry, since it's recruitment, it means that the scientist who is willing to come has joined us humans. We will definitely guarantee the interests of your scientists and the living and living conditions will never be bad.

And if you are still not at ease, you can send a fleet to follow us to explore the universe. In this way, the scientists who accept our recruitment will not feel lonely.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about being saddled with the name of selling your own scientists. Oh no, our original intention was to invite one of your scientists to bring a team of yours to join us on our journey of exploring the universe. Trading scientists and so on, it must be a problem with the translation system that caused you to misunderstand. "

"A scientific expedition team, this..." the governor of the Nair people pondered.

Seeing the situation on the other side, the humans continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Your Majesty the Great Governor, actually you don't have to worry. In fact, it's not a scientist deal, but you exclude a scientific research team from following us to explore the universe. To be honest with you, in fact, we There is already a scientific research team from another civilization in our exploration fleet, and they are also exploring the universe with our fleet in this way."

Having said this, Yue Yuan immediately motioned to the staff to send the images of life in the spaceship where they lived after the Kuntai civilization surrendered to the Nair people.

He also pointed at the different forms of Kuntai people in the image and introduced them to the Nair people: "You see, their Kuntai civilization was originally two civilizations, one was called Kun civilization and the other was called Tai civilization. The two sides were in contact with each other. After a long time, through biotechnology, the two civilized individuals were gradually transformed to adapt to the same environment.

Life in the universe is a big family. We believe that in the distant future, whether it is your scientific research team, the Kunrentai people, or us, they can all live in the same environment and become a whole. In this way, everyone is We are a family, how can we be considered as buying and selling scientists! "

"You can take this scene to discuss with your internal scientists and scientific teams who are willing to set foot on the stars. Maybe they will voluntarily follow us? You think so, Your Excellency the Grand Governor."

The Grand Governor thought for a moment and asked casually: "You mean you are leaving? Can you tell us approximately when? So that we can be prepared."

Yue Yuan: "We are an exploration fleet. The purpose of coming here is for supply and trade. When the supply and trade are completed, we will leave."

Governor Nair: "Well, I will use this video to promote it, but whether there is a scientific team or scientific researchers willing to embark on the voyage with you is entirely voluntary. If there are willing, we will set up a scientific research team team."

Yue Yuan: "That's very good. It will be up to you to decide how many follower ships you need. Your scientific research team will also have the final say on internal management. You just need to ensure that you obey the instructions of our exploration fleet on the big voyage. This is I hope the Grand Governor understands that we are an exploration fleet after all, and our instructions must remain unified."

Grand Governor: "Of course."

I had no hope at all and just wanted to get a boatload of Nair people to leave, but I didn't expect that by changing the explanation casually and using the Kuntai people's video to fool me, there would be such a result.

It makes humans overjoyed.

The Nair people did not agree directly, but such words were no different from agreeing. However, humans also understood that those who were willing to leave were definitely not top scientists, but at most ordinary scientific researchers who had failed in their own civilization.

But for humans who already had no hope, it was pretty good. As long as there are both males and females in the so-called scientific expedition team, there is no fear that scientists will not be born in the future.

As for the issue of control, as long as we leave the Niel civilization area, disarmament and peaceful evolution are not the final say of humans.

Due to the inability to break through to the third level civilization for a long time, and supplementing the sociology of the universe from various information, human beings are no longer as radical towards aliens as before. Of course, the purpose is just to let them serve mankind.

Human beings are happy, but what humans don't actually know is that the reason why the Nair people agreed was not just because they were forced by more than 100 million trading points, but also because of other factors of the Nair people themselves. For example, the Nair people want humans to leave this star field as soon as possible so that they can blackmail the second star field. For example, the Nair people themselves are basically novices in the universe society and don't understand anything, otherwise they would never be fooled so easily.

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