Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 340 Great Harvest

Next, the two parties conducted several months of negotiations, and finally finalized everything and then entered the formal execution stage of the contract.

The situation is probably not much different from what was negotiated before. The Nair civilization has obtained universal quantum computer technology and supporting artificial intelligence technology, life potion version 1.0 full technical guide, No. 1 alloy material technology, super-large electromagnetic gun design drawings, and other information from humans. There is that "basic common sense of the Milky Way" that is nine points false and one point real.

These are relatively specific major technologies. In addition, there are other supporting related technologies, totaling thousands of various branch technologies.

Humanity, on the other hand, has obtained from the Nel civilization a complete set of technology and scientific research materials for space elevators, a complete set of technology and process research materials for photonic computers, all types of living animals and plants and specimens stored in the Pot Lid Star, and other related branches of science and technology. Thousands of items.

In addition, the biggest gain is a scientific research team from Nair. This team is probably composed of a few scientists who usually don't have a satisfactory life and more than 300 ordinary scientific researchers. There are no top scientists.

But matching it, there are three thousand ordinary Nair people. The Nair civilization specially dedicated a large transport ship for this team to live and live in. The euphemistic name is given to the three hundred Nair people who volunteer to follow humans on the journey to the stars so that they will not be lonely.

What is puzzling to humans is that the "scientific research team" of the Nair civilization seems to be handed over directly to humans, and they did not send a few warships to go on the road together.

This will save humans from using force when the time comes.

Humans are not aware of the recruitment process, but relevant experts speculate that those who voluntarily follow humans on the so-called "exploring the universe" voyage probably really don't know the truth that they have been betrayed by their own civilization.

Human beings don't ask the great governor of the Nair people. After all, they will naturally know when they leave the Pot Lid and the Vast Star.

In fact, the truth is just as humans think. The Nair people in this "scientific research team" really don't know that they have been betrayed by their own main civilization, and they all thought they were really participating in the space exploration of an alien civilization.

Using 110 million trading points in exchange for such a scientific research team, humans feel that they have made a lot of money this time. Similarly, the top management of the Nair people also feel that they have made a lot of money, because those are not such top scientists, and because they concealed the true situation, the 3,000 ordinary Nair people who were selected are still there. I am happy that I was lucky enough to be chosen.

I don’t know how these people will feel when they know that they have been sold to aliens by their own master civilization.

Time passed bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye, it came one year after the first video negotiation between the two parties. During this period, both sides were busy analyzing and verifying various scientific technologies obtained from the other side.

The materials delivered to humans by the Nair people were also continuously transported by human transport ships from the far earth orbit of the planet Guogai No. 5, one trip after another, to the large fleet outside the meteorite belt.

There, all resources will be pulled into space factories that have been waiting for a long time again according to categories and uses, and turned into batches of industrial products needed by mankind.

The factory residues and stones containing few minerals are transported to the warehouse to be used as heavy nuclear fusion fuel. As for the cold fusion fuel, it is produced in the local factory of the Nair people, and humans directly receive the packaged finished fuel packages one by one.

Humans and Nair people belong to the same level of civilization, but the other party's science and technology cannot be used immediately, and it also takes a certain amount of time to digest. After all, they are all things that we do not have. We need others to learn and let engineers Go learn and let everyone involved learn.

Only in this way can we become the science and technology we master.

For humans, the most important technologies gained from this exchange are photon computers and space elevator technologies. The former is an unexpected surprise, while the latter is a long-awaited one.

Therefore, after obtaining the complete set of technologies and research materials for the space elevator, top scientists from various human disciplines took the lead in diving into related work.

Especially Xu Zhenyi, who studies materials science, has been excited for several days.

Before, it was impossible to make a suitable cable. Now, according to the technology of the Nair people, the cable material was made directly in the laboratory, and it was successful in the first time.

This shows that it is not that human technology cannot reach it, but that it has not found the real direction and has not mastered the core technology of this process.

Similarly, after absorbing the complete set of space elevator technology, humans also discovered it.

The Nel people's space elevator design is very similar to those plans in human history. Humanity indeed lacks only the cable manufacturing technology.

However, what humans did not expect is that from the data alone, these cables weighed 140,000 tons, which is far greater than the total mass of any space station in the earth's era.

From the research and development process, humans have seen that when the Nair people first built the first space elevator, their cables were built in sections and then connected in sequence according to different heights and different tensile strength requirements. However, due to the development of the nanometer field, Advances in technology finally enabled them to create a carbon nanotube that was 200,000 kilometers long.

Yes, it's carbon nanotubes.

Although it is still far from the true nanotechnology imagined by humans, the technology for manufacturing this kind of carbon nanotubes is undoubtedly superior to any technology currently used by humans in the nanometer field.

Therefore, after obtaining the entire set of space elevator technology, the technology in the nanometer field that has been blocked in front of mankind for countless years finally has a glimmer of light.

Humanity has seen the dawn of true nanotechnology from this carbon nanotube manufacturing technology and research process used in space elevators.

The third-level civilization technical barrier that has been standing in front of mankind for countless years finally has a crack.

According to scientists, level three civilization has gone from seeing only the direction to finding the way to the other side.

They believe that as long as they fully understand Nair people's research on nanotechnology and continue to explore in this direction, they will be able to break through the technical barriers and truly master nanotechnology.

Having said that, in fact, the reason why humans discovered this as soon as they obtained the Nel people’s research information on the nanometer field is not to say that the space elevator nanotube manufacturing technology is the key to breaking through the technological barriers of level 3 civilization, but that humans discovered themselves I fell into some misunderstanding before.

Human beings have always believed that the key to breaking through the technological barriers of level three civilizations is material technology. After all, nanotechnology is not just material technology. However, now, humans understand that it is not just materials, but nano-scale processes and nano-scale manufacturing technologies of a complete industrial system.

It not only requires the ability to produce real nanomaterial robots, but also requires that various fields, whether it is primary equipment accuracy, secondary equipment accuracy, industrial equipment accuracy, or scientific and technological creation accuracy, equipment operation accuracy, and mechanical command response, must reach nanometer levels. level.

The third-level civilization is not just a civilization that has mastered the production of true nanorobots, but a civilization that has achieved nanometer-level precision in all aspects.

It can be said that if going from primitive civilization to first-level civilization, and from first-level civilization to second-level civilization is about vigorously flying bricks and making miracles, then reaching third-level civilization is about micro-manipulation, precision and precision in all aspects of technology.

True nanorobots are only a superficial marker, and a true third-level civilization is an all-round improvement of the entire civilization.

And this may be the powerful power that technological civilization has gained in the microscopic realm.

May all compatriots in Gansu be safe!

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