Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 347 Orbital bombing and mining

Well, although it is said that it is "even a planet", in fact, both the battleship captains and the fleet commanders understand that the planet is really big.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go to the sky but difficult to enter the earth. Imagine the age of the earth. At that time, humans could already build space stations in space, but they still knew very little about the underground world of the earth. The surface layer has not been dug through.

Not to mention the mantle and core below.

Don’t think that you often see scenes of one punch exploding stars in TV movies. To truly destroy a planet, even if you detonate the entire earth’s nuclear weapons, you can’t do it. A global nuclear explosion can’t even make the earth sneeze. arrive.

The same is true for humans as a second-level civilization now. With the current technological strength of humans, it is impossible to explode a planet as big as the Earth. Even if all weapons are aimed at one point and concentrated bombing, at most, it will trigger a blast that can destroy the dinosaurs. The power of extinction.

Not even close to destroying the planet.

It is precisely because of this that mankind understands the power of the civilization that blew up the sun and the Centauri triple star.

Of course, humans are no longer fledgling now. After meeting the Awakener, humans once asked the Awakener this question, and the answer they got was: Level 5 civilization.

The Awakener told humans that if they want to destroy stars, they must at least have the technology of a fifth-level civilization. However, the Awakener didn’t know what technology it was, and he didn’t say it for some reason. Maybe he thought it would be useless if he did.

As for what kind of technology is needed to blow up a planet, and what level of civilization it needs to reach, humans have no idea. After all, humans only had hatred for the one who blew up the sun.

Maybe it's a level three civilization, maybe it's a level four civilization. As long as humans reach level three civilization and master all the derivative technologies of level three civilization, they will naturally understand the answer.

If humans are not capable of destroying a planet at that time, then only level four civilizations can master the power to destroy a planet.

This matter is not urgent.

Back to business.

But it was said that after Manyuemei got Yue Yuan's approval, she gathered people to connect with personnel from the resource exploration and mining department for the purpose of the orbital bombing experiment.

After some contact, Manyue Mei felt confident.

First of all, because the main purpose is to mine, this matter requires the resource exploration and mining department to produce various data on detonation locations and detonation depths.

As for the military, it is responsible for formulating specific bombing plans. For example, what weapons are needed for a certain location on a certain continent, a certain mountain, a certain valley, and various terrains? Is it a positron cannon or a conventional electromagnetic railgun, or an electromagnetic railgun with a warhead replaced by a nuclear warhead? How many weapons are needed? The equivalent amount of ammunition can achieve the desired effect.

After completing the plan, the next thing to do is to wait for the five space elevators to be completed, and then start to explode the mine.

This did not take too long. With the support of highly mechanized manufacturing technology, all five space elevators were completed in the eighth year after the bombing plan was completed.

This day is the day when the plan is implemented.

Because of the orbital bombing and mining experiments, all personnel who had previously conducted various tasks on the planet have returned to space.

At this time, in the bridge of the Tianqin, a group of people gathered together, all curious eyes looking at the big screen that projected the progress of the plan.

"Report, all 100 Lake-class warships of the Eighth Division of the Second Fleet are in place and are currently adjusting their posture in synchronous orbit. It is expected that the first round of bombardment will be carried out in three minutes!" Just like during the battle, the observer's voice said The Lyra sounded.

As the commander of the bombardment experiment at this time, Manyuemei opened her red lips lightly after hearing the observer's words: "Okay, let the captains of each ship use the preset weapons to target their respective targets according to the longitude and latitude coordinate information provided by the exploration and mining department. Strike.”



The order was transmitted to each battleship through neutrino communication.

At the same time, the various Lake-class warships located in the planet's orbit also completed attitude adjustments and bombed their respective targets based on the planet's gravity data, firing angle, orbital distance and other factors.

It can be seen from the big screen that the posture of each Lake-class battleship in the planet's orbit at this moment is different. Some have the main gun barrels on their heads perpendicular to the plane of the planet's sphere, some are tilted at an angle, and some are tilted at an angle. It is directly parallel to the plane of the planet's sphere.

The reason why there are such various status differences is that the weapons used for orbital bombing are not powered precision-guided missiles, but electromagnetic railgun shells equipped with different warheads.

Some of these shells have extremely strong ground penetration capabilities and are equipped with time fuze warheads, while others are simply ordinary alloy warheads.

The battleship captain assumes different postures according to the target's position, and then uses precise scientific calculations to allow the outgoing shells to accurately land on the target point under the influence of the planet's gravity.

This is the first batch of warships. They mainly conduct orbital bombing in geosynchronous orbit. However, since a bombing experiment is to be carried out, it cannot be carried out only in synchronous orbit.

There is also a second batch of warships randomly assigned to high and low latitude coordinate points, and a third batch of warships arranged in far-Earth orbit.

Humans will evaluate based on the bombing results of three batches of warships, using this as a basis for higher efficiency and more accurate bombing on that orbit.

As for whether the bombing will cause major earthquakes or dust in the sky, it doesn't matter. Human beings can't breathe on the planet anyway, and such a planet is a desolate planet in itself. It can be created with all the effort.

In the universe, terms such as garbage and pollution do not exist. After all, the energy of technological civilization is so clean. Take heavy nuclear fusion as an example, even stones can be used as fuel.

Speaking of which, this is the situation on human spaceships now. Some garbage, domestic garbage, etc. that do not need to be recycled are directly thrown into the heavy nuclear fusion furnace after filtering out the iron and the metal elements behind the iron. Burned.

At this time, the warships opened fire one after another, and the electromagnetic railgun shells with different functions came out one after another, and then fell towards their respective targets under the influence of the planet's gravity.

After a while, a bright spot lit up.

Everyone in the Tianqin knew that this was an electromagnetic railgun shell with a hydrogen bomb warhead that exploded more than ten meters above the ground.

While some people were admiring the first bright spot, other people's eyes were already looking at the target in another split screen.

That's a mountain.

People only felt that a black shadow shot into the mountain from the sky at a 45-degree angle, and then in less than a second, earth and rocks flew from the surface of the mountain, and then the entire mountain exploded.

By slowing down the video footage, people finally saw clearly what was going on.

The flying earth and rocks are the effect of earth-penetrating artillery shells piercing the mountain. The explosion of the mountain is a process. First, cracks like spider webs appear on the mountain, then strong light shoots out from the cracks, and then the mountain Razed to the ground.

Seeing such an effect, some people couldn't help but look at the data of this shell, probably to see what kind of shell could withstand such a powerful impact and pierce themselves into the mountain before exploding.

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