Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 348 Changes in the Concept of Space Warfare

The information on the big screen was displayed simultaneously. At this glance, everyone discovered that the shell material and impact-resistant structure of the shell were made of No. 1 metal.

An atomic bomb is built-in as a fuse, and the main explosive force is a hydrogen bomb. The No. 1 metal shell was made porous to release the energy of the hydrogen bomb explosion.

I see!

Everyone understands.

They all understand that even if it is just a meteorite falling from the planet's orbit to the ground under the action of gravity, it will cause a super strong impact energy. If it is an ordinary metal, the super strong impulse will be enough to knock it out the moment it hits the ground. Melt into liquid.

In this way, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the effect of underground explosion. Only No. 1 metal materials can withstand such impact.

What they didn't expect was that this form of electromagnetic railgun shells was originally not available to humans. It can be said that it was designed because of the requirements of mining.

According to the military's point of view, the emergence of this kind of shells has made the warheads of human electromagnetic railguns more diverse. It can even go a step further and design an armor-piercing projectile that can penetrate the armor of warships based on this.

This is not unexpected. In fact, the weapons design department already had discussions and preliminary designs in this regard when designing this planetary orbital earth-penetrating bomb.

Their idea is to upgrade the design based on the armor-piercing projectile structure of the Earth era, replace the funnel-shaped structural material in the armor-piercing projectile warhead of the electromagnetic railgun with No. 1 metal, and then replace the 'ammunition' in the warhead with a hydrogen bomb, so It can turn the armor-piercing metal jet of the original armor-piercing bullet into the high-heat energy jet of the hydrogen bomb.

The purpose is to use super high temperatures to instantly melt away the armor of the battleship.

But at the beginning, they encountered a difficulty, that is, the melting point of No. 1 alloy is 150 million degrees Celsius, and the original intention of this armor-piercing projectile was not to penetrate ordinary armor, but to penetrate warships also armored with No. 1 alloy seats. shell.

Then the problem arises. As we all know, the core of a hydrogen bomb can reach temperatures ranging from 1 to 1 billion degrees depending on the yield. Therefore, if No. 1 alloy is directly used as a loophole-shaped reflective jet structure and placed in the core of the explosion, then it is not possible. The jet is concentratedly reflected by the hole-like structure, and the No. 1 alloy material itself melts first.

It is possible to use No. 2 alloy as a structure that reflects concentrated high-temperature jets, and then rationally design the hydrogen bomb yield of the warhead, but humans feel that using No. 2 alloy as a projectile is too wasteful.

Therefore, the weapons design department is still studying the reasonable structure of this armor-piercing projectile, mainly experimenting and adjusting the distance between the funnel structure of the reflective jet and the explosion core of the hydrogen bomb, as well as the appropriate explosion yield.

The main idea is to control the distance to ensure that when the core heat of the hydrogen bomb explosion contacts the No. 1 metal material as the funnel-shaped reflection structure, the temperature is below 150 million degrees Celsius, and the energy temperature of the high-temperature jet tip of the hydrogen bomb after reflection must exceed 150 million degrees Celsius. degrees Celsius, so as to ensure that this armor-piercing bullet can burn through the armor instantly when it concentrates on the battleship armor.

In fact, after the No. 1 alloy material manufacturing process was sold to the Nair civilization, the weapons design department had the intention to research in this area, because they felt that the positron cannon would have a greater impact when the second-level civilization warship had a magnetic shield. discount.

If the armor of both warships is very strong, the positron cannon will not be able to break through the magnetic shield for a while, and conventional laser weapons cannot burn through the armor of the warship. At this time, the electromagnetic railgun will naturally become The main force of the war.

However, the speed of electromagnetic railgun shells is too slow, making it difficult to adapt to space battles at a distance of 15 to 20 light seconds. Therefore, if you want to unleash the true power of the electromagnetic railgun, you have to get closer.

Humanity has fought a space war, which was the war with the Kuntai civilization.

It's just that at that time, humans and Kuntai civilization were both first-level civilizations, and neither had magnetic field shield technology. Therefore, in fact, both human space warfare practice and theory and command system are based on first-level civilization technology.

After reaching the second level of civilization, the human command has also considered changes in the form of warfare, but until now, the awareness of space warfare has remained the same.

It was not until the No. 1 alloy material was sold to the Nair civilization and the design model of the electromagnetic railgun armor-piercing warhead appeared that the high command understood the problem.

Now, after watching the effect of the orbital bombing's earth-penetrating bomb warhead, the staff of the headquarters have become more firm on this idea.

That is, the battle of the second-level civilization will be different from that of the first-level civilization. The main force of the battle will no longer be the positron cannon, but the electromagnetic railgun, and the combat distance will be closer.

It may be zoomed in from 15 to 20 light seconds to hundreds of thousands of kilometers or even tens of thousands of kilometers.

Looking at it this way, the main gun of the Tianqin back then was designed as a super large positron cannon, but it greatly weakened the attack capability of the Tianqin. This really suffered from the concept of the times.

Because the positron cannon is a type of charged particle jet weapon, if you want to break through the magnetic field shield, unless the magnetic field generator is damaged or the magnetic field strength is not strong enough to distort the charged particle jet, it is really a tortoise fighting a turtle.

Fortunately, not all the main guns of the human fleet's Lake-class battleships are equipped with super-large positron cannons. The manufacturing ratio at that time was that each of the three types of main gun battleships accounted for one-third, so only a three-three system was needed. The problem should be Not too big either.

If you want to take full advantage of the Tianqin, you still have to replace the super-large positron cannon with a super-large electromagnetic rail gun.

As a flagship, it must have both offensive and defensive attributes.

The orbital bombing mining experiment is still going on. After the first round of bombing, the planet continent is already filled with smoke and dust, but humans don't care about this, and then arrange the second and third rounds.

While a group of experts in various fields were observing the orbital bombing experiment, ideas were constantly coming to their minds, especially the weapons manufacturing department and the department that researched space warfare strategies and tactics.

In short, after the orbital bombing experiment was completed, it didn't take long for Yue Yuan's office terminal to see documents on the research of battleship main guns, secondary civilization warfare ideas, space warfare tactics and other such documents.

There is also a special proposal document, which proposes to replace the main gun of the Tianqin. The view inside said that although the current armor-piercing projectile has not yet been manufactured, according to the research progress, it will probably be within this decade. The Tianqin is now modified, and in ten years it will be enough to assemble the armor-piercing warhead. Electromagnetic railgun shells.

Not only that, this proposal also suggests that the main guns of the existing Human Lake-class warships be partially modified, so that the number of warships equipped with electromagnetic railgun main guns in the entire fleet reaches two-thirds of the total number.

Yue Yuan saw this proposal and found that modifying the Tianqin was not a big problem, but he felt it was unnecessary for other warships. Because when he saw the content of the proposal, he asked the person in charge of the space dock to understand the situation, and the answer he got was that extensive modifications were worse than new ones.

Just change our shipbuilding plan and replace the main guns of the warships to be built in the future with super-large electromagnetic rail guns.

Yue Yuan thinks this makes sense.

As long as the main guns of the warships in the construction plan are replaced by large electromagnetic rail guns, the proportion of the three main gun warships in the entire human fleet will be in line with the high command's understanding of the concept of second-level civilization space warfare.

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