Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 352 The so-called pursuit of soldiers

According to Yue Yuan's request, the correspondent converted his words into written language and then sent them to the Nair Civilization Fleet.

At the same time, the sensor door of the Tianqin command center was opened, and then a woman in uniform floated in, but it was Yue Yuan's assistant Long Xiaolin. After she landed next to Yue Yuan, she spoke Said: "Shuai Yue, scientists from all fields have returned to the scientific research ships in the fleet cluster. All non-combatants who are not resident on the Tianqin have returned to their respective office spaceships. All personnel on the Great White Star have also withdrawn to the space station, and the residential spaceships The swarm can perform large maneuvers and evasive maneuvers at any time.”

"Okay, where is Zhu Pite?" Yue Yuan nodded and asked.

Long Xiaolin answered directly: "Minister Zhu has started working on the residential spacecraft cluster in accordance with the yellow alert system, and everything is going well so far."

"Yes." Yue Yuan responded, then raised his hand to indicate that Long Xiaolin could go to his place.

However, Long Xiaolin did not turn around directly, but hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Shuai Yue, I hope there is something about business on the residential spacecraft No. 21 that you may need to take a look at."

"Let's talk about this later." Yue Yuan looked at Long Xiaolin, a little confused as to why she would say such a thing at such an obviously inappropriate time, and felt that business and other matters could be handled directly by the relevant departments.

Moreover, the purpose of the Nell Civilization Fleet's coming here is unclear. Everything is military first. If other matters are not necessary, they can be postponed for later discussion.

"Yes!" After looking around at the people in the command center, Long Xiaolin realized that the matter seemed to be quite serious, so he responded and floated to his seat to listen quietly.

Because the Lyra was about to maneuver with the First Fleet, everyone had already firmly fixed themselves in their seats.

After the enhanced transformation of the human body, humans no longer need acceleration buffers and can withstand the ultra-high G caused by the acceleration and deceleration of battleships. Therefore, while the Lyra was maneuvering, everyone in the command center was also paying attention to the Nel civilization fleet. discuss things.

At the same time, staff at various positions were also reporting on the operating parameters of various battleships and the factual trends of the Nair civilization fleet in the internal channels.

The Lyra and its first fleet also began to adjust their posture at this time, and then accelerated towards the direction of the other two fleets of the Nair civilization.

The 1,200 Lake-class battleships of the First Fleet were divided into four squadrons according to tactical arrangements. The main fleet to which the Lyra belongs is in the middle, and the other three squadrons are slightly forward and separated from the main fleet. Each of them is connected to form a triangle in space. They slowly escape from the gravitational range of the Great White Star and head towards the eight astronomical units away. Go to the target location.

The path that humans have drawn for the Nair civilization is ten astronomical units away from the Great White Star. Now the fleet is eight astronomical units forward, leaving a distance of two astronomical units as a buffer.

One astronomical unit is 149.6 million kilometers, which is the average distance from the sun to the earth. At this distance, the fastest light takes about eight minutes to travel.

If the Nair civilization fleet really rushes in regardless, the distance between two astronomical units is enough for the human fleet to make various reactions.

All human actions are in preparation for possible conflicts. As the saying goes, if you don't predict everything, it will be ruined. Even if you know that the Nair civilization is likely to get into trouble, you can't let them get close to you with enthusiasm. A cluster of habitable spaceships.

With such a large fleet accelerating, their whereabouts will definitely not be concealed now. Not only the second fleet, but also the first fleet will be clearly detected by the Nel civilization.

Sure enough, this could be seen in the reply from Neil Civilization a few hours later, but the content of this reply was a bit surprising at the same time that it was indeed true.

[Oh, my God, my great human civilization, your strength has almost doubled in such a short period of time. It is incredible. But even you are unable to deal with the incoming pursuers. 】

This is the first sentence at the beginning of the reply, and the following part is an answer to the human's question.

[The leader of human civilization, I am the Grand Governor of the First Star Region. I know that you are not a space exploration fleet, but a civilization. I don’t know what kind of past you have to become such a wandering civilization today. I Don't want to know either.

It’s not that we are not curious, but we are also experiencing your unknown past. Yes, I believe your detectors have seen it. Our Neer civilization has not only brought battleships, but also many residential spaceships.

In fact, we have more than just these three fleets coming here. There are also 6 fleets that will enter the deceleration state in one day. But you don’t have to worry. Of the 6 fleets, only the one at the back is a battleship fleet, and the others are residential types. Spaceship cluster. 】

[As you can see, we are on an interstellar escape, and this white giant star is the closest star system to the first and second star fields of our Nel civilization, so we all chose this place. After replenishing supplies here, we will Set sail again.

As for the pursuit of troops you are asking about, if I don't tell you now, it seems that you will not let us supply supplies here no matter what. Well, the so-called pursuer is a large fleet composed of 48,000 Lake-class battleships.

Those fleets once belonged to the third star field, but now, they have lost control and become everyone's enemy. We guess that, looking at the current situation, the third star field has all fallen. Our Second Star Fleet also failed in the battle with them, so we chose to escape. 】

[Human civilization, we want to say sorry to you here. In fact, our Neer civilization does not occupy an area as large as 27 star systems. Our first star field only has two stars, and the same is true for the second star field. Only The third star field controls three star systems including our home star.

And the current pursuers don’t need to guess to know that it was the Third Star Region who couldn’t resist the temptation, violated our agreement, touched the ruins of the unknown civilization, and released the virtual consciousness that did not belong to our Nair civilization. . 】

[And the fleet that is catching up now must be controlled by the virtual consciousness of the unknown civilization ruins, because we understand the third star field, their warships will never be so fearless of death, and the warships will not be so fearless. Good cooperation.

Facts have proved that we were right. During the battle, we specially sent warships to explore the warships sunk by us in the third star field. There was indeed no Nair person inside.]

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