Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 353 The Growing Omnic

Looking at the Nel people's statements in the reply, humans roughly understood what was going on.

However, there are still many things that I don’t understand, such as what kind of existence is that virtual consciousness? Where are the so-called unknown civilization ruins? What is the approximate level of unknown civilization? Why haven’t I heard Nel civilization mention it before? And what exactly is the first star field, the second star field, and the third star field mentioned by the Nel civilization? It sounds like they are three separatist forces.

As the First Fleet sailed toward the predetermined location, it sent a reply to the Nair civilization asking for the specific reasons for these problems.

At the same time, within the Tianqin, experts, scholars and think tank members in various fields are also discussing the reply from the Nair civilization.

"Everyone, if the Nair people are not lying, it should be that they have encountered the remains of the unknown alien civilization. Under normal circumstances, they would not talk about this kind of thing to other civilizations casually, so they did not mention it to us at the beginning. It’s also within common sense.”

One expert analyzed,

"Now, it must have reached a point where there is no other way. According to them, the virtual consciousness in the ruins of the unknown civilization has taken control of what they call the third star field, and is carrying out devastating attacks on their civilization. This forced them to abandon everything and escape into the stars, but the virtual consciousness seemed not to let them go."

"Yes, and more importantly, they are all running towards Bai Juju now." One person said worriedly.

Another person also sighed: "Yeah, I don't know whether that virtual consciousness is a mature body or a larvae. If it is a virtual consciousness like the Silver Mist consciousness, then I think we'd better run away. Speaking of which, this Nair’s civilization is pretty good, and they told us to get out of here as soon as they found us.”

A member of the think tank nodded: "Yes, if it is really a virtual consciousness, I also think it is a good idea. You must not have forgotten the silver mist consciousness. At present, we can basically confirm that the second-level civilization technology cannot create it. Such smart artificial intelligence, and therefore the technology that can give birth to virtual consciousness, is at least a level three civilization.

In other words, the unknown civilization relics mentioned by the Nel civilization are likely to be the same as the Silver Mist we encountered back then. They are the relics left by a third-level civilization. But why are there so many omnic crises in this universe? "

For a time, everyone in the Tianqin started discussing one by one.

"Who knows, anyway, as long as we can't mess with that kind of existence."

"No, have you noticed that the description of the virtual consciousness in the Nel people's reply is that it was released by the third star field, and there is no description of the nano-silver mist between the lines, but only that The virtual consciousness controls the entire third star domain network and all its battleship systems. Does this mean that the virtual life is different from the Silver Mist?"

"It is indeed possible, but it does not affect our decision to leave here. I think we should leave now. If the Nair civilization wants to resupply here, just let them do it themselves. After we arrive at the next star system Take some supplies and continue walking. Anyway, the goal of that virtual consciousness is the Nair civilization, and it doesn’t know our existence, so there is no reason to pursue us.”

"Yes, the Nair civilization told us to leave quickly. It's better for us to leave quickly. Anyway, we can't stay to help them resist that virtual consciousness fleet, which is composed of more than 48,000 lake-class warships. Fleet, who wouldn’t think of having a head-on collision?”

"Commissioner Liu is right. Maybe the virtual consciousness is more than just those fleets. You must know that virtual consciousness is not like us. It requires a large number of people to control the warships. As long as there are resources, they can build as many warships as they want, and the efficiency is not as high as ours." Comparable.”

According to the positions of the fleets on both sides, there is still a 7-hour communication delay between humans and Nairs, and it continues to decrease as the fleets on both sides get closer.

In line with the fact that there are many relationships between calls, a group of new government personnel on the Tianqin are also brainstorming and discussing.

What they don't know is that according to the original plan of the first star region of the Nair civilization, they came here with a premeditated plan. It was the original plan to calculate the second star region to cause trouble for humans.

If that plan goes smoothly, then the Nair people should have come to Bai Juju's side long ago. However, there are unforeseen circumstances and misfortunes for people.

The plan had just entered the negotiation period between the two parties when it was interrupted by a message from the third star field. Then there was a fleeing fleet that came from the third star field and brought news of the fall of the third star field.

At the beginning, the First Star Region did not believe it, until a few years later, a huge fleet appeared in the void of the universe. Immediately afterwards, after a slight resistance from the First Star Region fleet to provide time for the Nair people in the vast star of the pot lid to evacuate, they also followed the fleeing fleet of the Third Star Region and embarked on the road to escape from the stars, and all the way to The white giant star where humans live.

In addition, humans do not know that the reason why the Nair civilization is so advanced in artificial intelligence technology is entirely because after the Nair civilization encountered the ruins of an unknown civilization, it discovered that there was an extremely smart person on the ruins. AI.

The Nair people suspected that the cause of the destruction of unknown civilization was the Omnic Crisis, so since then, they have consciously placed many restrictions on artificial intelligence research.

Over time, it became the consensus of the Nair civilization.

However, the third star field that occupies the ruins of an unknown alien civilization couldn't help but study that artificial intelligence. In the end, it was backfired by that artificial intelligence. The entire network fell into the hands of artificial intelligence, and then that artificial intelligence began to use endurance. We constantly enrich ourselves with the knowledge of our civilization and iterate rapidly.

It eventually evolved into a virtual consciousness, and then in order to continue to grow itself, it began to openly take over the entire third star field network, and used the technology of the Nair civilization to create a large number of robots to fully control the entire Nair civilization home planet.

Some of this information was told to the Second Star Region by the fleeing Nair people from the Third Star Region, and some of it, such as the information about the artificial intelligence in the ruins of the unknown civilization, was already known to the Second Star Region.

In fact, half of the reason why the Nel people of the previous Pot Lid Star were so interested in human artificial intelligence technology was because they believed that humans already had ways to prevent the omnic crisis.

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