Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 355 The wind is blowing hard

When everyone on the Tianqin was discussing and guessing about the situation of the virtual consciousness.

But another different voice appeared: "Commander, although the Nair civilization is indeed like that, I think we still can't take it lightly. Now, whether it is from the fleet composition of the Nair civilization or the experience, there is no There are flaws, but it’s precisely the things that don’t have flaws, the more we have to be careful.”

Yue Yuan pondered for a moment: "Are you saying that this move of Nair Civilization may be a scam?"

"Yes!" the man said.

"So what?" Yue Yuan wanted to hear his opinion.

"We just don't get involved in their affairs." The man thought for a moment and continued: "Regardless of whether they have any conspiracy or not, after we give them the supplies, we will leave here.

If they obstruct us verbally or in any way, it must be a conspiracy. If they behave as they say and let us leave as soon as possible, then nine times out of ten it is true.

Of course, we can't just rely on guesswork to judge the truth or falsehood. After we leave, I think we can leave some detectors. Didn't the Nell civilization say that the fleet will arrive here in thirty years? Let's leave the detectors Just wait and find out. "

"This is a way, but in this way, we will really be connected with the Nel civilization. I am afraid that they will lure the virtual consciousness to the direction we are going in the future!" A person who didn't speak much before members of the think tank echoed.

"We are already involved now!" Yue Yuan shook his head, and then nodded slightly, "But as things stand, this is the best way."

Next, human beings held some internal negotiations and finally decided to give up the Great White Star to the Nair civilization, but the Nair civilization had to agree to human beings' request to leave some detectors.

As soon as the news reached the Nair civilization, the Nair people's great governor agreed without saying a word. Obviously, for the current Nair civilization, their primary goal is to replenish supplies and fuel as soon as possible and then leave here as quickly as possible.

In fact, when he heard the human request to leave a group of detectors here after leaving, the Nair Governor understood that human civilization still had doubts, but he could not think so much, because the Nair civilization only had time to Thirty years.

The Nair civilization must complete the supply of fuel and materials within thirty years, and then when the pursuers enter a state of deceleration, let the entire fleet accelerate away from the galaxy immediately.

Based on his previous experience of escaping, the Nair man knew that the virtual consciousness seemed a bit stupid and would not slow down the fleet in batches, so he planned to wait for the fleet of virtual consciousness to slow down before speeding up to escape, so as to maximize the possibility of escape. consume their fuel.

Because there are many scientists who have escaped from the third star field, the Grand Governor is quite familiar with the virtual consciousness body. In general, since the fleet of virtual consciousness does not need the life-support resources of various living individuals like the fleet of Nair civilization, the time it takes to stay for supplies will be much shorter.

But fleet fuel is still needed, so only by consuming its fleet fuel to the best of its ability, allowing it to stop for replenishment, and wasting time on fuel replenishment, can the Nair civilization have the possibility of escaping, otherwise it will be in the future. During the chase, the time difference gradually shortened, and he was finally caught up.

Anyway, the virtual consciousness fleet is so huge that it will definitely not be able to defeat it, so since the failure of the first confrontation, the great governor of Nair civilization now only wants to run away.

In fact, not only the Nell civilization, but also humans wanted to run away after hearing that the virtual consciousness fleet actually had 48,000 lake-class warships.

This matter is not a human matter.

Ever since, the two parties reached an agreement.

First, the Nair fleet must stay outside the cordon, and only after the various human engineering ships, biosphere spacecraft, and residential spacecraft clusters leave the Great White Star range can they enter the Great White Star to mine resources.

The second problem is to leave the detectors behind. Wherever human detectors are placed, Nel civilization must not interfere. The Nair civilization also agreed to this, but they also made a request, that is, human detectors cannot carry any weapons.

Of course, when two civilizations of the same level meet in the interstellar world, one must be very cautious if they want to evacuate. Just like now, the so-called evacuation of the residential spacecraft cluster does not mean that the residential spacecraft cluster accelerates and sails in a direction where there is no Nel fleet. Instead, it separates a squadron, first travels in the predetermined direction, and releases a large number of detectors. , to ensure that there is no fleet that has not entered the deceleration state in the direction you want to go.

After this, there must be another fleet behind to prevent the Nair civilization fleet from following and attacking the civilization's residential spacecraft cluster.

Although the Nair people seem to have too much to take care of themselves in the current situation, they must be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years.

The precautions that should be taken must still be used, otherwise people have no desire in the first place, and if they slip through a gap, they will only arouse people's greed, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

In this way, while the two sides were on guard against each other, they gradually completed the change of positions.

Oh, it's not a change of places. After all, the next destination of humans is not where the Nair people came from. It should be said that the humans withdraw and the Nair people move in.

So far, things are going well.

Such smoothness also made humans realize that they might have been overthinking it. The Nair civilization was indeed not here to cause trouble, but was really fleeing.

Of course, even if they understand, humans will not turn around and do anything to the Nair civilization. Instead, they will accelerate the fleet without hesitation and slowly leave the white giant star.

As everyone knows, fleets are most easily detectable during acceleration and deceleration, and are also the most effective and conventional means for aerospace-grade civilizations in the universe to discover each other.

And the human fleet is a huge fleet, and when it sets off, the tail flame happens to be facing the direction of the virtual consciousness. If the white giant star's light is not too strong, it will cover up the tail flame light generated by the fleet's acceleration. , I guarantee that if humans accelerate their departure this time, they will be discovered by the virtual consciousness.

Humanity's target this time is the star closest to this white giant. Judging from humankind's own star map, the dynamic distance between the two sides at this moment is only 13 light-years. This distance is already considered very large in a place with sparse stars like the edge of the cantilever. Close.

This target star is also the closest star to a white giant, making it an ideal destination.

Previously, humans wanted to reload all the electromagnetic railgun shells of the Lake-class battleship here at White Star, but they were interrupted by the hurried Nel civilization, so they had to focus on this destination.

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