Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 356 The Nair people’s idea

13 light-years. With the navigation technology of a second-level civilization, it will only reach about forty-four years. It is just a sleep, and humans have become accustomed to it.

The accident did not happen. As time went by, humans safely accelerated away from the Great White Star, and the Nair civilization also sent various types of spacecraft to exploit the resources of the Great White Star after humans left.

However, because the Nair civilization is not like humans, all facilities are designed for wandering, so after arriving at the Great White Star, their mining progress was very slow.

First of all, the Nair civilization has to face infrastructure problems. They must build all the functional buildings necessary for resource extraction on the planet, as well as build space elevators or orbital mass accelerators from scratch.

This is a situation that Nair civilization must face.

In fact, on the way to the defeat and escape, some Nair civilization scientists had already thought of this problem. However, they thought of it, but it was impossible to change it in a short period of time.

Therefore, in the past thirty years, the Nair people feel that it is good to complete the supply of fleet supplies. If some smart Nell people hadn't asked for the resource distribution map of the Great White Star from humans, it would have taken thirty years.

So after the humans left, several Nair scientists found their Great Governor: "Your Excellency, the Great Governor, I wonder if you have noticed the difference in human mining facilities."

"Of course." The Grand Governor clicked his chelates and vibrated his abdomen and said in a rather emotional tone: "Although human civilization did not allow our detectors to approach at that time, from the time they agreed to evacuate to the time they completed the evacuation, their resource extraction The facility should have some kind of quick release and retrieval function. Before, there were some doubts about whether they were truly a wandering civilization, but now I am certain that if they were not a wandering civilization, they would never be that fast."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Great Governor." The scientist who just spoke first agreed with the words of the Great Governor, and then said: "Human civilization not only responded quickly to the evacuation, but also after we mined the Great White Star, we found that there were no traces on the planet. The buildings of human civilization remain. We were shocked at first, but we were relieved when we later learned that human civilization may be a wandering civilization."

The scientist who spoke was originally from the Third Star Region, so he did not know the First Star Region's speculations about human civilization. So when he discovered that there was not even a single facility left on the Great White Star, he was shocked. It wasn't until he learned from the vocal organs of the Nel people in the First Star Region that human civilization was most likely a wandering civilization that he realized that this was the case. appearance.

Then, he found the Grand Governor and had the conversation just now.

At this time, the scientist continued to say to the Great Governor: "Your Excellency, there is no doubt that human civilization has mastered some kind of technology. It is this technology that allows them to quickly develop planetary resources. And retract various facilities as you wish.

Although they did not allow our detectors to get closer for observation before, we were still able to 'see' some large structures. I heard that His Excellency the Grand Governor conducted a transaction with human civilization and sold space elevator technology to human civilization in the transaction. "

"There is such a thing." The Grand Governor directly admitted. Anyway, now that the Nair civilization is unified, he is not worried about what other Nair people say, although this method of unification is fucked.

"That's right." The scientist clicked his claws a few times: "But now we haven't even found the base of the space elevator on the Great White Star. This shows that human civilization has transformed the space elevator into some kind of convenient space elevator."

"Well, I know this, but so what?" The Grand Governor looked at the scientist who was speaking.

But it was not the scientist who answered him, but another smaller Nair man next to him: "Your Majesty the Great Governor, of course we have to buy this technology from human civilization. Think about it, now we have become We have a wandering civilization, and there is a virtual consciousness chasing behind us. Without the rapid deployment and rapid gathering technology of human civilization, we will one day be overtaken by the virtual consciousness."

After hearing this, the Grand Governor was silent. If he had not understood the virtual consciousness body, he would have sneered at this statement, but not now. Because he knows very well that the fleet of virtual consciousness only needs to replenish fuel, and the so-called fuel of the second-level civilization needs to be manufactured except for cold nuclear fusion fuel. Heavy nuclear fusion is almost everywhere. Under the same conditions, the collection speed is comparable. It is much faster for Neer civilization to reproduce resources into individual life-sustaining resources.

If things go on like this, they will inevitably be caught up.

He understood this truth, but the Grand Governor was still a little worried, so he hesitated and said: "However, human civilization has not come up with such technology before. Even if we catch up after completing the supply, they may not necessarily sell it to us, or even sell it to us." There may be a conflict, and besides, we don’t have anything valuable to exchange with them.”

Hearing the words of the Grand Governor, the smaller Nair man first clicked his claws twice, and then the organs in his abdomen made a strange sound, which seemed to be the unique chuckle of the Nair people. After that, the Nair man said: " Your Majesty the Great Governor, I think we should follow the lead of humans and tell them directly that we want to buy their technology.

As for the possibility of conflict, well, if there are still smart people in human civilization, I think they will never conflict with us, because we have a large fleet of virtual consciousness bodies behind us! "

Hearing this, the Grand Governor became excited for a moment, as if this was really the case.

If there is a conflict between the two sides, it will not only be the Nair civilization that is unlucky. Human civilization will also waste evacuation time due to the conflict, and will eventually be overtaken by the large fleet of virtual consciousness bodies.

"Good idea, let's do it! Send me an order to pull out some large-diameter telescopes and point them in the direction where the human fleet disappears. Don't lose it!" The great governor of the Nair people gave the order immediately.

Although he felt that it was a bit shameless to do so, in order for the Nell civilization to survive, this was the only way.

The reason why the large-diameter telescope is pointed in the direction where the human fleet disappears is mainly because it is afraid that the human fleet will change its voyage midway, and the Nair civilization will be in vain.

If that were the case, the Nel civilization would really be doomed.

"The Great Governor is wise!" Seeing that the Great Governor was so decisive and came up with the idea, the Nair man immediately complimented him. Apparently, his satisfaction with the original First Star Territory Governor had increased a lot.

The Grand Governor accepted this compliment with satisfaction, because he still knew the meaning of it.

Apart from anything else, as long as the Nel civilization follows humans, the fate of the two civilizations will be tied together whether humans want it or not.

At that time, humans will have to be willing even if they are not willing, because only by giving technology to the Nair civilization can the two civilizations escape together by relying on rapid supply methods, otherwise they will be wiped out by the virtual consciousness together.

As for whether humans will run away regardless, the Grand Governor is not worried at all, because Nair civilization will not let human civilization leave in peace by then. He believes that humans will think of this.

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