Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 360 Everyone expresses his or her own opinion

As Staff Officer Xian explained, a plan on how to escort the cluster of residential spaceships, how to guard against Nair raids, and how to counterattack emerged on paper.

"To sum up the five points mentioned above, it's not that we are passive, but the Nair civilization. It's because they overestimated their abilities and they overestimated their capabilities!" Finally, Staff Officer Xian concluded.

His words were well-founded, and he used a star chart to explain his intentions in front of everyone in an easy-to-understand way. This immediately made people who just thought that humans were on the passive side feel more confident.

Yue Yuan, who had been extremely worried before, also felt suddenly enlightened and believed that this plan was feasible.

At the same time, he also said: "Well, very good, we humans are not scared. If the Nair civilization is obsessed with continuing to threaten us and cannot recognize its own status, then the only thing that will greet them is destruction. This universe is not suitable them."

Seeing that Yue Yuan also agreed, a voice from the crowd said: "Commander Yue, if this is the case, should we directly act according to Staff Xian's plan now, or..."

As he said this, the man also looked at other people.

Yue Yuan also followed this person's gaze and looked at the people in the Tianqin command center. It seemed that everyone felt that Staff Xian's plan was feasible at this moment.

It stands to reason that he would have made a decision at this time and decided to act on this plan, but he still swept his eyes across everyone's faces as usual, and then asked: "What do you think? Don't hide any ideas you have, speak up and let them know." Everyone also consulted in detail, as the saying goes, brainstorming."

Perhaps Yue Yuan's words had an effect. A member of the think tank who was hesitant to speak finally made up his mind and said, "I have an idea that is not very mature."

I saw someone had an idea, but when I heard what he said, it seemed that he didn't want to mention it at first. How could this work? Yue Yuan felt that the new human government should not have opinions that would not be raised, nor would it say anything in public.

With this in mind, he said: "If you have an idea, just say it, no matter whether it is feasible or not. As I said before, brainstorming, brainstorming, our human civilization is a group civilization, even if the individual's wisdom is high, there are still people who are not thoughtful. situation, so working together is not our weakness, but our strength.”

Hearing what Yue Yuan said, the think tank member no longer hesitated as before, and said directly: "Commander, what I want to say is that if our strategic goal is to get rid of the entanglement of Nair civilization, then Staff Xian's plan It is undoubtedly the best. But if our strategic goal is to completely get rid of that artificial intelligence fleet, then I think Staff Officer Xian’s plan is still too conservative."

"Well, keep talking." Yue Yuan nodded.

"If it's the latter," members of the think tank met Yue Yuan's gaze and said, "We should take the initiative and wipe out all the Nair civilization fleet following us within ten years. After eliminating this trouble, we should find a direction to leave. . By then, the sea and the sky will be vast, and without the Nel civilization to interfere, the artificial intelligence fleet will not only be unable to find us, but we have to pray that the Nel civilization will not become angry."

Yue Yuan understood that taking the initiative to eliminate the Nair civilization was indeed a move to avoid future troubles, but he was afraid that the Nair people would be angry and tell the artificial intelligence about the existence of human civilization.

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan turned to the science officer aside and said, "With our supply speed, is it possible to escape the pursuit of the artificial intelligence fleet?"

The science officer thought for a moment, then made some calculations with the help of a computer on the workbench, and replied:

"At present, we have too little information about the artificial intelligence fleet, so it is difficult to judge. However, judging from the description of the artificial intelligence fleet by the Nair civilization, the technological level of the fleet is the same as that of the Nair civilization. Judging from the situation where the White Giant has completed fleet fuel replenishment or partial replenishment in only four years, the probability of getting rid of it is 60%. Of course, all this is based on the existing amount of information and the subsequent pursuit of our technology. The situation has not changed.”

The artificial intelligence fleet does not need to produce other miscellaneous things to support individual intelligent life, and it has collaborative working characteristics that are incomparable to ordinary civilizations. It must be more powerful than the productivity of the Nel civilization even under the same technological conditions. A lot, otherwise the Nel civilization would not have been beaten and had no choice but to flee into the stars.

Thinking about it this way, it’s really a bit confusing.

"Chief, I think." At this time, another person said: "The Nair civilization does not need to tell the artificial intelligence consciousness about our existence at all. The fact is: as long as we don't get rid of the Nair civilization as soon as possible, we will first If they are eliminated and leave, they will inevitably be discovered by the artificial intelligence consciousness, because it has been staring at the Nair civilization. As long as it drags on, there is no reason why it cannot discover us who are speeding up to set sail."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Tianqin command center fell silent.

Dare to love, this won’t work, that won’t work either

Let's just use Staff Officer Xian's plan. It won't be a problem for humans to get rid of the Nair civilization. But if the Nair civilization becomes angry and dies, it will have to support it and tell the artificial intelligence consciousness the existence and whereabouts of human beings without hesitation!

Let's eliminate the Nair civilization first. It won't be a problem with the powerful human fleet, but we will also face the same problem.

In the final analysis, it is still a problem of artificial intelligence consciousness.

Do we really want to agree to the needs of the Nair people, share the core technologies of various folding and unfolding machines, and then escape together?

But even so, the probability of being able to escape the pursuit of the artificial intelligence consciousness is still there!

After a long time, a military expert suggested: "In this case, we might as well pretend to agree to the Nel civilization first, gain its favor, and then inquire about more detailed information about the artificial intelligence consciousness, such as the artificial intelligence consciousness fleet. Regarding supply speed, industrial capacity, etc., we will make a comprehensive judgment after we have more accurate information. If its supply speed is not as fast as ours, then it will not be too late for us to take action against the Nair civilization."

“What if artificial intelligence’s consciousness is replenished faster than us?” someone asked.

The military expert replied directly: "Then we should cooperate with the Nair civilization, and even help them quickly resupply, and then run together. Then while running together, find a way to let the Nair civilization separate the rear fleet to stop the artificial Intelligent consciousness, in order to delay its pace.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, no matter how fast the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness is replenished, it will not be much faster than us, so this catching up process must be a long-term process.

At that time, we only need to break through to the third level civilization in the process, and then we can counterattack it, and we can even wipe out this hateful Nel civilization that wants to drag us down. "

It seems to be true. As far as human beings know, artificial intelligence consciousness is definitely not creative. Even the original Silver Mist consciousness was not creative, let alone this artificial intelligence consciousness that is still growing. .

Its pursuit of Nair civilization is nothing more than wanting to annex all the knowledge of Nair civilization and then evolve itself.

So as long as humans break through to the third level of civilization, wouldn't it be easy to kill them?

At this time, a scholar in the computer field suddenly said: "In that case, why didn't we find a way to use the Nel civilization from the beginning to kill the pursuing artificial intelligence consciousness fleet? That is a growing Artificial intelligence consciousness, as long as we catch it, we can definitely find a way to prevent the omnic crisis!"

Record: Goodbye 2023. Thanks to all the book friends for their support and to the book friends who have been accompanying me. I have not collected more than 10,000 yuan in this book, but with your company, the author will persevere in the end.

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