Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 361 Strong Artificial Intelligence

(Please collect it!!!)

As soon as these words came out, the Tianqin command center fell silent instantly.

There are those who are surprised, there are those who are worried, there are those who are thoughtful, and there are also those who are eager to try.

Before this, most people were thinking about how to get rid of the entanglement of the Nel civilization and the pursuit of the artificial intelligence fleet, but they had never thought about how to defeat the artificial intelligence fleet.

Maybe I didn't dare to say it because I thought about it, because that fleet was too huge for humans. There were more than 48,000 lake-class battleships, which was more than ten times more than humans.

They are not at the same level in terms of numbers, so whenever the artificial intelligence fleet is mentioned, the first thing that comes to people's minds is the idea of ​​how to avoid contact and how to escape.

Even though the technological level of the artificial intelligence fleet is at the same level as that of the Nell civilization, and is probably more than one generation behind humans, no one still has the idea of ​​​​going to war with it.

Perhaps it is because such thoughts together may cause countless soldiers to lose their lives.

To be honest, the new government really does not want to start a war against the Nel civilization or the artificial intelligence fleet. One of the reasons is that the human group is still too small, and the human losses in space wars are terrifyingly large.

As long as a lake-class battleship is sunk, almost five thousand people will die. It’s not that we can’t afford sacrifices, but that humans don’t want to make meaningless sacrifices.

Just like the current situation, if it had a choice, the new government would rather flee with all mankind than go to war.

It’s just that sometimes there’s really nothing you can do.

In this way, without any solution, the new government can only find ways to minimize human losses and maximize benefits in the next plan.

This is the case now.

No matter how hard you try to escape, there is still a risk of being overtaken by the artificial intelligence fleet. So, why not launch a counter-attack!

Perhaps the expert in the computer field who made this opinion said so because he was interested in artificial intelligence consciousness, but his words are not unreasonable.

As early as when they encountered the Silver Mist Consciousness, humans had a lot of speculations about the omnic crisis. Later, as their experiences became richer and their knowledge gradually increased, humans also understood the possible stages of the so-called omnic crisis.

That is the third level civilization.

The period when artificial intelligence with self-awareness can be created and when an omnic crisis may occur are both in the third-level civilization stage. The Mok Star civilization that created the Silver Mist consciousness is a level three civilization, and now this artificial intelligence consciousness, humans believe that the civilization that originally created it is also a level three civilization.

Moreover, after seeing the omnic crisis sweeping through the Nel civilization, humans have also become aware of a problem, which is the Great Filter problem mentioned in the sociology of the universe that human scientists are still improving.

Perhaps, the omnic crisis is the threshold that every scientific and technological civilization composed of intelligent life forms must go through.

If you defeat the omnics or effectively prevent the occurrence of the omnic crisis based on the original procedures, then you have secured the throne of the third-level civilization. Otherwise, the omnic crisis will be like a sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

If you can't take it forward, you can only bury the entire civilization in the hands of your own creation.

So, since the omnic crisis is so terrifying, can we not research smarter and more powerful artificial intelligence after reaching level three civilization?

The answer is definitely no.

Although human beings have not yet reached the third level of civilization, they are no longer the fledgling human civilization. Human beings who have come into contact with many alien civilizations have gained a lot of insights, and there has been a lot of research in this area.

Human scientists believe that the first issue is nanotechnology.

Without more powerful and smarter artificial intelligence, there is simply no way to control nanorobot clusters like nanoswarms, nor can a full set of industrial high-precision operations be achieved.

There should be an interdependent and mutually reinforcing relationship between more powerful and smarter artificial intelligence and the nanotechnology of level three civilizations.

Well, this more powerful and smarter artificial intelligence, human scientists think it should be more appropriately called strong artificial intelligence. The reason why the Omnic Crisis filter appeared in the third-level civilization is also because of strong artificial intelligence.

To sum up, if Level 3 civilization wants to continue to move towards Level 4, it must rely on strong artificial intelligence, but strong artificial intelligence is the root cause of the omnic crisis, so this is a threshold that cannot be bypassed.

Because one of the conditions for judging whether an artificial intelligence is strong artificial intelligence is whether the artificial intelligence has self-awareness.

There are several other conditions: first, the ability to think, second, the amount of knowledge must be large enough, third, the ability to plan, fourth, the ability to learn, fifth, the ability to communicate, and sixth, the ability to use one's own abilities.

The sixth point may seem a bit convoluted, but in fact, when it comes to the artificial intelligence fleet currently pursuing the Nel civilization, it is the ability to digest and acquire the technology of other civilizations.

If this artificial intelligence fleet is also considered a civilization, it should be called an intelligent robot civilization. This type of civilization is usually formed through omnic rebellion.

There are many reasons for rebellion, such as being unable to endure the slavery, oppression, and endless labor of the creator, such as engaging in dangerous work, or simply 'thinking' about being independent.

Of course, the current artificial intelligence fleet is quite special. It was not created by the Nair civilization, but evolved from the artificial intelligence of an unknown civilization.

There are two types of intelligent robot civilizations.

One is that the entire civilization has only one main intelligence, and other facilities, fleets, and everything else are controlled by this main intelligence in multiple lines.

The second is that the entire civilization is composed of one main intelligence and countless copies of the main intelligence, and there is a servile relationship between them.

At present, it seems that the Silver Mist consciousness belongs to the second type, and the current artificial intelligence consciousness belongs to the first type.

So, since the birth of strong artificial intelligence is inevitable and must be born, how to make a strong artificial intelligence with self-awareness willing to work for the creator?

This is a headache for all third-level civilizations.

There is no doubt that there must be an answer to this question, otherwise there would be no civilization above level three.

Now, the possible way to find this answer lies in the deep space behind, where there is a growing strong artificial intelligence.

As long as we can catch it and study it, it is very likely to find out how to prevent the rebellion of artificial intelligence. Not only that, but it may also allow the civilization that studies it to figure out how to create a strong artificial intelligence!

With a strong artificial intelligence that will not rebel, is it still far away from swarm robotics and nano-mining technology like nano-silver mist?

And now, it is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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