Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 362 The plan is in progress

Onboard the Lyra.

Everyone discussed for a while, and finally Yue Yuan made the decision, "Go ahead!"

Since it is difficult to escape, then rise up and resist!

From the moment Yue Yuan made the decision, humanity's strategic goal changed from escaping to overthrowing the artificial intelligence consciousness fleet and capturing it.

Therefore, since then, the topics discussed in the command center have also changed. Once the goal is determined, it is natural to brainstorm strategies first. After all, if you want to do it, you can't do it recklessly.

After a while of discussion, everyone first reached a consensus: if you want to overthrow the artificial intelligence consciousness fleet, it is best to rely on the power of Nel civilization.

The current human population is less than 200 million, and the number of warships is only 2,200.

You may be able to win alone by relying on a fleet with advanced armor, but you will inevitably suffer a lot of losses. Human beings are so precious and cannot be sacrificed casually.

Therefore, Nair civilization must be utilized.

As for how to use it, we need to discuss it with Nell Civilization.

Anyway, it is impossible to transfer the core technology of mechanical proficiency to them according to the current requirements of Nel civilization, because this is a strategy for everyone to run away together.

Therefore, the first thing humans have to do now is to reverse the concept of Nair civilization and make them accept their own strategy of annihilating the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness bodies.

Only when both parties reach an agreement on the big goals can the subsequent detailed operations be carried out easily.

After deciding in this way, humans sent their thoughts to the Nell civilization that had completed the deceleration.

Dozens of hours later, the reply from Neil Civilization arrived, which was a video message. After the staff skillfully imported the video information into the computer, in the next breath, the former Grand Governor of the First Star Territory and now the Grand Governor of Nair Civilization appeared on the big screen.

At the same time, the translated voice also came from the amplification equipment in the Lyra command center.

【Oh my god! human civilization! 】

[After receiving your message, we listened to it several times to confirm that we heard it correctly. There was no interference during the message transmission, and no information was lost. Yes, so we have established that you human civilization is crazy. 】

On the big screen, the Grand Governor of Nel Civilization danced his claws and clicked them rhythmically. His appearance showed that he was very shocked, but humans could not see any meaning at all.

I saw the great governor of Nair vibrating its abdominal vocal organs and continued the following words.

[Yes, your human civilization must be crazy. How could you have such an idea? That is an artificial intelligence fleet! It has unparalleled construction capabilities. It does not know tiredness or hardship. Its machines can work day and night. The machines it controls can achieve strict coordination. When fighting, the cooperation between warships is even more difficult for us to compare with. of.

At the same time, it has such a powerful fleet. Now you actually want to tell us that you want to destroy it? With all due respect, human civilization, even if our two civilizations put together, is not its opponent.

So we think it is more problematic to use our solution. You share that technology with us, and then help us master and use it. Finally, we will set foot on the starry sky to escape from this star field]

I thought that Nair Civilization might not agree so easily, but I didn't expect that it would refuse so firmly. And between the lines, there is fear of the artificial intelligence fleet.

After watching Nair Civilization's video reply, Yue Yuan couldn't help but pursed his lips: "Tsk! It seems that Nair Civilization hasn't realized what the problem is if they don't make it clear. They thought they had the initiative. Where is the right?"

After muttering something, Yue Yuan raised his neck and looked at the big screen that had returned to its original state, and said: "'Light of the Milky Way', start replying to the communication video record!"

"It's ready, you can start!" The synthesized voice of Tianhe Light appeared immediately.

The Nair civilization fleet is still far away from where humans are now. The distance between the two sides can be measured in astronomical units. Therefore, communication cannot naturally be carried out in real-time video like it was on the other side of the Pot Lid Vast Star.

At this moment, after hearing the preparation of the 'Light of the Tianhe', Yue Yuan began to speak, raising his head and looking at the camera.

[Your Majesty the Great Governor, you seem to have made a mistake. The ‘Strategy for Eliminating the Fleet of Artificial Intelligence Consciousness’ that we told you was not a consultation with you, but a notification! Can you understand? This is a notification, not a discussion! 】

Discussions are reciprocal, but notifications are unilateral. You must listen to what I say.

What Yue Yuan said was not his personal whim, but the result of everyone's discussion.

Of course, it is not to fall out with the Nair civilization at this point in time, but to take a tough attitude and let the Nair civilization understand that the initiative lies with humans, and then win the initiative for subsequent cooperation.

After a pause, Yue Yuan continued to talk to the camera,

[Haha, first of all, your Excellency the Grand Governor needs to understand that if our human civilization wants to leave this yellow dwarf star, it will not help if you have twice as many warships. We can still prevent any war from approaching our residential spaceship cluster 1 astronomical unit range.

Secondly, Your Majesty the Great Governor must also understand that our human civilization is fully capable of wiping you out and leaving calmly. Please don't rush to refute, my Lord the Great Governor, you might as well let your think tank think carefully about what I rely on for saying this.

Forget it, in order to save you from wasting your mind, I will remind you a few points: First, our human civilization is indeed a wandering civilization, and the experience in the starry sky is beyond your imagination. Second, based on the information you revealed about the artificial intelligence consciousness, we have calculated its supply speed and concluded that it cannot catch up with us. I believe you have also discovered this, which is why you are so determined to come here and want to obtain our "quick supply" technology. 】

[One more point, on behalf of human civilization, I would like to say to Your Excellency the Governor that as a kind-hearted civilization, our human civilization is also very sad to see your civilization being destroyed by an artificial intelligence fleet. Therefore, we have what I mentioned before, the strategy to eliminate the artificial intelligence fleet.

Don't worry, Your Majesty the Great Governor, since our human civilization dares to say such things, we are naturally confident. However, this matter is your business, so we also hope that you can cooperate well.

At that time, after destroying the artificial intelligence fleet, you will have your revenge and you can return to your home planet to rescue your compatriots. And we can now embark on the cosmic journey that belongs to our human civilization without any worries. Why not? 】

Then, Yue Yuan described the glorious image of the Nair people returning to their home planet to save their compatriots in the future after defeating the artificial intelligence fleet, and then said that some people would divide up the defeated artificial intelligence technology and finally return it to the Nair people. People have drawn some pie, for example, after the two parties cooperate, human civilization will provide some technical support to the Nell civilization.

Don’t miss New Year’s Day, yo ho ho ho~

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