Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 365 Allied Forces Headquarters

The human and Nair squadrons remained relatively stationary in space, and the personnel on both sides continued to communicate through one-minute delays. One by one, you and I discussed and negotiated on the overall goal of how to eliminate the artificial intelligence fleet. .

As for the Allied Forces Command, the only thing humans can say is that it must be established and humans should serve as the commander-in-chief, otherwise this matter cannot continue.

The Nel people finally figured it out.

In fact, the Allied Forces Command is not unacceptable to the Nair people. After all, they really want to complete the feat of wiping out the artificial intelligence fleet, but they are somewhat unwilling to accept that they must accept human command.

But as Yue Yuan said, human beings say this based on strength.

The great governor of the Nair people, who had come into contact with human military technology due to trade, naturally understood the value of this sentence, so after some discussions with other internal Nair experts and scholars, he had no choice but to acquiesce in the matter.

However, the Nair people did not want to hand over the command right so suddenly, so in the following communication, the Nair people's great governor explained his own opinions on this matter.

"Your Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief of Humanity, we can agree to the formation of the Coalition Forces Command, but as for the specific command rights, we can only report to the Coalition Forces Command in the form of an organic fleet. The command rights of the captains of each ship in our fleet must be returned. Under the command of our fleet."

Oh, this is to accept the command of the headquarters in the form of a fleet!

Hearing the words of the Nair Governor, Yue Yuan felt relieved, and at the same time he also knew that it was done.

To be honest, humans don't think they can take command of every Nair civilization warship at once. That would be unrealistic. After all, Nair civilization is also an independent civilization.

Thinking like this, Yue Yuan nodded and said: "This is a reasonable request. Not only that, your Nair civilization can also keep its own fleet independent of the command system of the coalition headquarters to patrol and protect your residential spacecraft cluster. , and other types of spacecraft.

But this fleet cannot be too large. I think five hundred warships will be enough. Our other warships must be integrated into the command system of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. After all, the enemy is very powerful, and both of us must do our best. "

"Also, we have also said before that our ultimate goal is to eliminate the artificial intelligence with 48,000 warships. However, our two sides now only have more than 6,000 warships combined, and the combat effectiveness of your warships varies. I am here for you. I also saw so many triple main gun configurations in the information, which is not acceptable.

Therefore, after accepting the command of the coalition command, corresponding technical upgrades and matching system training must be carried out. Don't worry, we provide the technology and our engineers will handle the transformation plan. You just need to follow our plan.

In addition, from now on, all the resources of your Nair civilization must be tilted towards the coalition headquarters. Of course, our human civilization must also strive to complete the upgrade and training of your fleet in the shortest possible time. Only in this way can we defeat the powerful enemy's hope.

After the coalition headquarters is formally established, we will send you some specific parameter documents through the headquarters, and technical support for warship transformation will also be handed over to your engineers through this channel. "

"After the plan is officially launched, you and I will definitely not be able to stay in the same star system all the time. Stop-and-go will inevitably become the norm. Therefore, in order to allow your Nel civilization to keep up with our pace, our human civilization will We provide you with a complete set of finished resource exploration, mining, and collection equipment in a complete and large-scale manner.

However, due to the different races between you and me, we have very different requirements for operating systems, operating interfaces, operating habits, and physical engineering. Therefore, we need you to provide such data on your side so that our engineers can more perfectly design the system. You design these devices. "

In fact, humans have already had corresponding data on Nair's physical engineering, Nair's systems, operating interfaces, etc., after they got the 'Nair's scientific research team', but the data is too little, and in order to provide To save Nair's face, Yue Yuan raised the matter again.

As the discussions between the two parties deepened, one problem after another was solved, and the final cooperation plan was decided on the fifteenth day of consultation between the two parties.

First of all, the coalition headquarters will be composed of the human first fleet and the second fleet, plus the four fleets of the Nair civilization.

The original Nair people had a total of more than 4,000 lake-class warships. After excluding the 500 warships that were drawn out to form the garrison fleet of this civilization, the remaining warships were divided into four fleets, with each fleet having about 900 warships.

After joining the command system of the Allied Forces Command, these four fleets were named the Allied Forces Third Fleet, Fourth Fleet, Fifth Fleet, and Sixth Fleet. The two human fleets were the First Fleet and the Second Fleet.

Among them, the commander of the third fleet is personally appointed by the Nair Governor-General. The commanders of the other three Nair fleets are also personally appointed by the Nair Governor-General, but they all obey the orders of the Allied Forces Command.

The commander-in-chief of the coalition headquarters is naturally Yue Yuan himself, and there are two deputy commanders. One is the Grand Governor of the Nair people, and the other is Man Yuemei, the commander of the original human second fleet.

After the establishment of the coalition fleet, its total number of warships was approximately 6,000.

After the two parties reached an agreement, they signed a memorandum with each other, and then started proceeding as planned.

In the first step, human civilization will deliver a set of rapid supply equipment to the Nair civilization within fifteen years, including four portable space elevators, several complete sets of ground deployment bases, mining equipment, and a set of modular portable orbital mass accelerators.

These machines and equipment are all finished products. Human civilization will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the equipment, but the required resources and costs will be borne by Neer civilization.

In the second step, the Nair civilization must replenish the number of warships in the coalition's third fleet, fourth fleet, fifth fleet, and sixth fleet to the scheduled full number within fifty years, that is, 1,250 lake-class warships. The same is true for the first fleet and the second fleet of the human fleet.

During this period, the main guns of the newly built warships must reserve the main gun positions according to the requirements of human engineers, and then install the main guns manufactured by humans.

The remaining triple-mounted main guns of the Nair civilization must also be completely replaced within the next two hundred years. Among them, the super-large electromagnetic rail gun as the main gun must be built in accordance with human technical standards, and the shells used must also be Must be sourced from humans.

This is naturally to allow these warships to use armor-piercing bombs made by humans.

We don't want to transfer technology, and we want to improve the combat effectiveness of the coalition fleet, so we can only sell arms. The same is true for various foldable and unfoldable mining bases and portable space elevators. If humans don't want to directly transfer technology, they can only do this.

In the third step, the coalition fleet will conduct joint tactical exercises after completing the first and second steps. The purpose is to enable the interpenetration and cooperation between the fleets of different civilizations on both sides to achieve the expected results required by the strategy.

The fourth step is to formally launch various combat missions against the artificial intelligence fleet. Specific tactics will be subject to orders from the coalition headquarters.

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