Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 366 Escape Method

After the negotiation between the two sides was completed, each of them divided a hundred warships from the accompanying warships to form a civilized mission to the other side, and each followed the other side's flagship back to the main body of civilization.

The leaders of both sides returned to their civilization with the flagship and began to implement the plan step by step.

From the current appearance, the establishment of this coalition command does not show any changes, but what neither side expected was that it would become the basis of a military alliance with human beings at its core.

Of course not now. Obviously human beings are not very confident in their military strength, and they have not yet reached the point of crushing civilizations at the same level. Therefore, such a military alliance will not be launched until humans obtain certain unique technologies. Ideas are formed in the higher echelons of humanity.

The reason why humans now form the Allied Forces Command is, to put it bluntly, to use the power of Nel civilization to capture the growing artificial intelligence consciousness.

Now, after returning to the Civilization Headquarters, Yue Yuan invited experts, scholars from all walks of life, and leaders of various departments to discuss the detailed implementation process of the implementation plan.

Various issues such as how to upgrade the Nair warships, how to connect the combat system with the Nair civilization, how to establish the command system of the coalition headquarters, how to supply fleet materials, how to supply armor-piercing ammunition, and how to operate technical support will be discussed in detail and plans will be formulated. .

Through rounds of discussions and negotiations, things gradually began to show results.

The first is that humanity's fifty space docks have once again entered working order and are once again building some lake-class warships for the two human fleets, to reach a total of 1,250 lake-class warships for each fleet.

Then there is the exchange with the Nair civilization. While humans are building new battleships, they also send some experts to provide technical guidance on the modification of the main guns of the battleships to the Nair civilization on another gaseous planet.

Both sides are second-level civilizations, and both sides are in the same star system. With the navigation capabilities of the second-level civilization, it is not a problem to travel to and from different planets in the same star system. It is equivalent to the human beings from one country to another in the earth era. Another country is so simple.

Therefore, after both parties enter the plan implementation stage, batch after batch of small battleship formations can always be seen within the orbit of this yellow dwarf star traveling back and forth between the orbits of the two gaseous planets. As time goes by, this situation will It's also getting more intense.

By the end of the first step of the plan, there were even regular transport ship flights. In the promotional videos within the civilizations of both sides, images of the individual lives of the other side were often seen, and there were also hosts who introduced them to the public.

Of course, that's all.

After all, the two sides belong to different races. This is just to let their own civilization understand the other's racial form, living habits, etc.

According to the overall timetable of the plan formulated by mankind, after the yellow dwarf star takes the first step of the wrong plan, both parties will leave and go to the next star system.

The first step will take about fifteen years. The first to fourth steps are all preparation stages for annihilating the artificial intelligence fleet. It will take about three hundred years to complete.

This stage aims to improve the combat effectiveness of the original Nair civilization fleet and complete the overall integration of the coalition commander.

Then the real war phase will begin.

Of course, humans know that the artificial intelligence fleet that is chasing behind them will not give them that much time. In fact, according to the news from the Nel civilization, after the first step of the plan is completed, the fleet will only be twelve years away from the yellow dwarf star. distance.

So how can we get another two hundred and eighty-five years?

As early as when the plan was proposed, mankind had already considered countermeasures. To sum up, it was to use the lives of Nel people to fill the gap.

Of course, it does not mean that the Nair civilization is allowed to stay and break up the rear, and then rush forward to die. Instead, each time it evacuates, a Nair fleet of about a hundred warships is left behind to harass and block the artificial intelligence fleet.

Well. Most of them are empty battleships.

In the tactics drawn up by humans, this fleet will be divided into two after a slight contact with the artificial intelligence fleet. The real empty shell fleet will flee towards a certain voyage in the starry sky, while the other part will be filled with Nair people. The fleet embarked on a voyage to evacuate human civilization and Nair civilization, returning to the embrace of the main civilization.

From this point of view, it is not a 100% death mission. As long as it is done properly, complete survival is still possible.

This is mainly done to create confusing information for the artificial intelligence consciousness, so that it cannot determine which star is the next target star for the main body of human civilization and Nel civilization.

This method undoubtedly takes advantage of the characteristic that the artificial intelligence consciousness is a main consciousness that controls all its battleships through multiple threads. Because of this characteristic, it cannot split its fleet into two, otherwise it will be delayed due to communication delays. Losing another part of its fleet.

In this way, as long as the artificial intelligence consciousness makes a wrong judgment once, human civilization and Nel civilization can gain decades of development time.

So why can't the artificial intelligence consciousness detect the whereabouts of the main body of human civilization and Nair civilization?

Humanity's solution is to move the main fleets of the two civilizations to the back of the star, so that the star is placed between the large fleets of the two civilizations and the artificial intelligence fleet.

After this, relying on the light of the star to cover up the tail flames of the fleet's acceleration, there is a high probability that the traces of the acceleration of the two civilized fleets can be concealed.

If it is successfully concealed, then the artificial intelligence consciousness can only rely on guessing to determine the whereabouts of the two civilizations.

However, because this star field belongs to the edge of the cantilever, the stars are really sparse. Therefore, even if the blocking is successful, within the scope of the navigation technology of the second-level civilization, there will not be too many stars that the two civilizations can go to.

Therefore, the artificial intelligence consciousness only needs to determine which stars the blocked voyage leads to, and find one of them as the destination. In the case of blind guessing, there is still a 1/2 chance or a 1/3 chance You guessed it.

In fact, this method alone can also be used, but it is best to give the artificial intelligence consciousness an extra layer of confusion to block the fleet's escape the first time.

In short, it is a bet. Once the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness makes a guess, then based on the distance between most stars in this star field, humans and Nel will have about fifty years.

If you come here a few more times, you won't have enough time in these three hundred years.

So, according to the human plan, after the first step was completed, human civilization and Nel civilization ran to the other side of the yellow dwarf star in batches according to the direction of the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness bodies, and began to use the light of the star to Cover the tail flame and run away.

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