Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 371 Holding back a breath of centuries-old anger

(PS: Please collect it, please vote for the genuine version, this result is almost entering the stage of generating electricity with love!)

But the good news is that the Nair people did not tell the artificial intelligence consciousness about the existence of humans. The Allied Forces Command can make a fuss about this and lure the artificial intelligence fleet to the second battlefield.

In the days that followed, the Allied Forces Command asked scientists from two civilizations to conduct experiments in space to collect various environmental data. On the other hand, it also began to build various bunkers and forts on the three rocky planets.

Although building a turret on a planet may seem like a living target, well, it is actually a living target, but it is not easy to hit a turret on the surface of a planet from space.

Since each planet has different parameters such as mass, gravity, rotation, etc., hitting targets on the planet from space is equivalent to orbital bombing, and humans have done experiments on orbital bombing.

Without a certain amount of experience, you really can't get into the soul with one shot.

And because of the rotation of the planet, orbital bombing does not mean just aiming the battleship's gun at the target. Instead, it requires adjusting the orientation, initial velocity and other parameters of the gun according to the actual situation and actual parameters.

Even energy-based weapons will be distorted by the gravity of the planet. As the saying goes, a miss can be measured by a thousand miles. As long as there is a slight deviation in the initial shot, the difference in hitting the planet is likely to be measured in kilometers.

Therefore, it is still very necessary to build defensive forts on the planet, and we are not worried that the artificial intelligence consciousness will not come to fight, because as long as it wants to obtain supplies, it must fight.

For this reason, great investment must be made in the construction of the planet's defenses.

Ultra-large land-based electromagnetic rail guns, ultra-large land-based positron cannons, and ultra-large laser energy weapons are all arranged. Not only that, these turrets must also be equipped with missile interception systems to catch the electromagnetic railgun shells bombarded by enemy warships. It is also necessary to build a matching magnetic shield for the turret to protect it from the positron cannon.

At the same time, in order to make the turret more sturdy and durable, its bases adopt a semi-underground design.

Judging from the completed 3D images, these turrets are like fortresses, leaving only a rotating barrel and half a base on the ground.

It's a pity that none of these three rocky planets have atmospheres, which is a fly in the ointment, otherwise the encounter would be more effective. Because once the planet has a thick atmosphere, the attacker has to consider the density of the atmosphere and the loss of various weapons when they pass through the atmosphere.

For example, will electromagnetic railgun shells pass through the atmosphere and be burned before they hit land?

Also, since it is known that the artificial intelligence fleet will inevitably attack the planet in order to achieve the purpose of supplying their fleet, it is obviously not enough to build planetary defense turrets.

Therefore, human military experts also proposed to drill holes in the planet's land and continental shelves, and then bury landmines, not landmines, but hydrogen bombs.

Of course, the larger the equivalent, the better.

Human military requirements should ideally reach the equivalent of 300 million tons of TNT, no matter how small it is, it should be greater than the equivalent of 100 million tons of TNT.

Making a large-yield hydrogen bomb is not difficult for the two second-level civilizations, and the technical content is not high, so the coalition command assigned this task to the Nair civilization.

They were required to manufacture three million 300-million-ton TNT-equivalent hydrogen bombs within the specified time, and then bury these hydrogen bombs on the planet that would bear the brunt before the war started.

When the planet's defense fails and the artificial intelligence fleet lands to mine resources, give it a big earthquake attack, which is guaranteed to slow down the progress of its resource mining, and maybe even kill a lot of spaceships.

In the plan, the coalition forces designated the planet in the second orbit as the key fortified planet. One of the reasons is that in more than twenty years, this planet will reach the direction of the artificial intelligence fleet. The second reason is that the coalition forces do not have that much time to arm the three planets equally.

And war is not fought that way. As the saying goes, setting up defenses everywhere means not putting up defenses at all.

That's why the Allied Forces Command concentrated all its defense forces on one planet. Of course, the other two planets were not just left alone. Instead, turrets were built on them, but the quantity and quality were not as high. .

And since the defense plan is divided into key defense and secondary defense, of course, specific tactics must also coordinate with this arrangement.

Such as fleet formation, starry sky blocking position, etc.

In this way, under human arrangements, both civilizations became completely busy.

And this kind of busyness and arrangements, as well as various arrangements, are always seen by the Nair civilization. Looking at all the arrangements of mankind, the top leaders of Nair civilization did not know how many times they held discussion meetings one after another within this civilization.

While they marveled at human industrial capabilities, they also marveled at human art of war.

During this period of time, the military experts and warship commanders of the Nair people admitted in front of their great governor more than once that if the Nair civilization was allowed to come, they would definitely not have thought of such a method and would not be able to achieve such a strict arrangement. .

Especially the hundreds of years of escape plan.

Thinking about it now, they all find it incredible. They even think that humans may have seen this step hundreds of years ago, but they just didn't tell themselves.

At the same time, they also feel that they are very lucky, and fortunately they have not conflicted with human civilization. Otherwise, the grass on the grave of Nair civilization might be three feet high by now.

Of course, it is precisely because of such awareness and amazement that today's Nel people's senior leaders have increased their confidence in the victory of the war. They always feel that if they follow humans and listen to their arrangements, they will definitely win this war. A war in which there is a huge disparity between the numbers of the enemy and ourselves.

If this kind of thought had been considered crazy when he first set foot in the starry sky, it would not be considered crazy now.

Because most of the current Nair senior leaders believe that perhaps when the artificial intelligence consciousness foolishly decides to catch up with their two civilizations and destroy them, its fate is already doomed.

This is a very interesting change. This is the emotion shown by the Nair people now. Instead of being afraid of the artificial intelligence fleet as before, they have an additional desire to really fight and destroy it as soon as possible.

The emotions of the Nel people were also known to humans through the coalition headquarters.

Human military experts believe that this may be a kind of suppression that has been pursued by the artificial intelligence fleet for hundreds of years, and going to war is a way to release the pressure.

In fact, not only the Nair people, but also the human fleet also had this sentiment. Everyone was aggrieved by being chased for hundreds of years. It was as if they had a resentment in their chests, and they all wanted to wait for the artificial intelligence fleet to come and vent it out.

Perhaps, this is the so-called military morale available!

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