Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 372 Segmentation Tactics

Time flies, and when the main bodies of human civilization and Nel civilization set off on their journey again with the help of the shelter of the red dwarf star, the atmosphere of war was also drawn to the extreme.

Everyone who stayed knew that the artificial intelligence fleet was coming.

A large number of detectors were sent into the starry sky by the coalition command to detect the direction of the artificial intelligence fleet, trying to detect its existence before the fleet slowed down.

The six fleets of the coalition were all gathered near the orbit of the second planet at this moment, waiting quietly.

One day, two days, three days.

Waiting and waiting, suddenly a message came back from the dispatched detector.

As the general headquarters of the entire coalition fleet, the Tianqin naturally received the information immediately.

"Shuai Yue, the artificial intelligence fleet has been discovered. Our 7th Detector Team and 15th Detector Team have been sunk by them! The fleet is 177 astronomical units away. According to the detector data, the opponent has no signs of entering a deceleration state. , is currently rushing into the binary star system at 30% of the speed of light!"

The message was immediately interpreted and then echoed in the Lyra command center.

The distance is 177 astronomical units. If the fleet does not slow down, it will arrive at the coalition fleet in 81 hours.

It seems that this artificial intelligence consciousness is still as crazy as before. It is probably planning to get closer and slow down.

At this distance, it should have observed the existence of planets here in the red dwarf star. Sure enough, after a while, the staff who had just broadcast the news spoke here.

"Report! News from the 13th Exploration Team. The enemy fleet has slightly adjusted its course and is now heading towards us. Based on its maneuvers, experts estimate that the artificial intelligence consciousness should have discovered our planet."

Yue Yuan didn't speak just now, but after hearing these words, he spoke.

"Okay! Order the Fifth Fleet, Sixth Fleet, and Fourth Fleet to prepare. I want them to enter the acceleration state in twenty-four hours. The acceleration target is 1% of the speed of light. The route coordinate formula is ㏒"

The so-called route coordinate formula is represented by a dotted line on the star map. Just as the order said, let the three fleets travel along a route.

From the star map, these three fleets are at the horns of each other, and their connection line is in the shape of a triangle. However, it is not a straight line, but a curved line that expands farther and farther.

The purpose of Yue Yuan's move is to use the fleet tail flame to tell the artificial intelligence consciousness: We are here!

Judging from the previous post-break arrangements, Yue Yuan has a rough understanding of the nature of this artificial intelligence consciousness, which is recklessness. Relying on its absolute battleship advantage, it does not pay attention to the Nair civilization at all.

Therefore, as long as it discovers that the Nair civilization fleet is here, there is a high probability that it will press over with overwhelming force like before.

Sure enough, soon after the three fleets began to accelerate the next day, the few surviving detectors that had not been blown up discovered that the artificial intelligence fleet adjusted its posture again, spread out its entire fleet, and then moved towards the three accelerating fleets. The fleet came over.

"Tell the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets to follow the plan and not to fight." After seeing the three fleets speeding up, Yue Yuan explained again.

At the same time, he also notified Manyuemei and the Nair Governor, asking them to start taking action according to the battle plan.

The coalition fleet and the artificial intelligence consciousness fleet have not really met so soon, but it is obviously impossible for the coalition force to wait in place and let the opponent come over, so the fleet has to move before there is real contact.

The tactics of the Allied Forces Command are very simple, that is, let the Fourth Fleet, the Fifth Fleet, and the Sixth Fleet each launch the first round of attacks from the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet.

Just like peeling a watermelon, they attack from three outer edges, then quickly rush out from each outer edge, widening the distance, and then make a circle to the rear of the artificial intelligence fleet.

While the three fleets are carrying out the first round of killing, Yue Yuan's first fleet, Man Yuemei's second fleet, and the Nair Governor's third fleet will also carry out the second round of killing at that time.

Just like the first charge, it was also about to break away, but the route after breaking out of the battle was different from the first three fleets.

Fighting out from the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet, the first, second, and third fleets will turn a corner in space, and then turn back to the orbit of the second planet.

At this time, the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets will once again use the same tactics to launch another outer edge raid on the artificial intelligence fleet from the rear and side.

The Allied Forces Command calls this phase of tactics split harassment tactics, which take advantage of the fact that the artificial intelligence fleet cannot be separated too far apart to harass it so that it cannot take advantage of the large fleet.

For a period of time thereafter, the Allied Forces Command will use this tactic until the second planet is lost.

At that moment, Yue Yuan's first fleet and Man Yuemei's second fleet will head to the second battlefield. At the same time, the other Nair fleets will also make a desperate attempt to block the pursuers and cover the two fleets. The fleet's evacuation posture.

In this way, the artificial intelligence fleet is lured to pursue the second battlefield.

It is precisely because of this plan that in the first stage, the two human fleets will not do their best to avoid being discovered by the artificial intelligence consciousness that these two human fleets are much stronger than the Nair civilization fleet.

Time passed little by little, and the distance between the two sides was quickly closing.

At this moment, a voice sounded again from the Tianqin command center, "Shuai Yue, the artificial intelligence fleet is slowing down."

Hearing this, Yue Yuan turned to look at the large screen displaying synchronized information, and saw that on the large screen, the postures of 50,000 battleships almost changed in just a few seconds.

Like a well-trained army, they turned the bow of the ship at the same time, turned on the side steering thrusters at the same time, and pointed the main thrusters of the stern in the same direction at the same time, exploding long tongues of fire at the same time.

At this point in time, the previously sent unmanned detector teams had basically been killed by the small spacecraft dispatched by the artificial intelligence fleet, so this perspective was obviously captured by the fleet's telescope.

Fifty thousand tongues of fire spurted out almost at the same time. In this scene, the number of photons in the entire space suddenly increased a lot. The scattered photons crossed a distance of several astronomical units and came to the receiving equipment of the coalition warship. For a time, the appearance of the entire fleet was changed. The silver light became much brighter.

The commanders in each battleship also saw a vast expanse of white from their respective bridge screens.

To be honest, looking at the artificial intelligence fleet from this perspective, it really feels like a mighty one.

The Allied Forces Command knows that the deceleration of the artificial intelligence fleet this time will not reduce the speed to a very low level, because they do not pay attention to the Allied Forces fleet at all now. It should only do this to arrive at the second planet soon. Be prepared.

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