Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 373 The war begins

This kind of behavior is simply arrogant, but for the coalition command, the more arrogant the artificial intelligence consciousness is, the better, because the more so, the greater the possibility of successful implementation of the plan.

The distance got closer and closer, and before long, the distance between the front fleets of both sides was as close as one astronomical unit.

By this time, the artificial intelligence fleet that had previously decelerated had already completed its deceleration and refocused the front end of the battleship forward. The fleet of 50,000 warships formed a three-dimensional square array, advancing rapidly like thousands of horses galloping.

The three fleets at the forefront also increased their speed by one section at this time, and began to charge towards the artificial intelligence fleet according to the formulated tactics.

In terms of quantity, this contact is destined to be extremely unequal. One side has 50,000 warships, while the other side has only 3,750 warships.

What's even more troublesome is that due to the need to maintain control of the entire fleet, the artificial intelligence fleet is very compact, and the distance between two warships in its fleet is no more than 10 light seconds.

This means that as long as the coalition's Fourth Fleet, Fifth Fleet, and Sixth Fleet engage in firefights with warships in any direction, they will be included in the range of the entire artificial intelligence fleet.

The good news is that there are only two types of naval guns that can reach such a range: positron cannons and laser energy weapons. The former is difficult to pose a threat to warships because of its magnetic shield, while the latter requires continuous burning.

Even if these three fleets did not use No. 1 alloy materials as armor, they would not be destroyed at once, because the main guns of the artificial intelligence fleet still used the Nel civilization triple-mounted style.

The rate of fire is fast enough, but the caliber is too small and the lethality is insufficient.

These are the advantages of the coalition. It can be said that if the coalition had half the number of artificial intelligence fleets, then there would be no need for so many conspiracies in this war and they could just be crushed.

Of course, in fact, from a human perspective, the two human fleets may be able to win this war, but that will definitely cause a large number of casualties. This is what Yue Yuan and all human leaders do not want to see, so Enter Denair.

The distance of one astronomical unit is not far away for both sides that are accelerating towards each other.

When the first battleship fired its first shot at its opponent, it marked the official start of a war that had been planned for hundreds of years.

The Fourth Fleet, the Fifth Fleet, and the Sixth Fleet were fighting towards the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet in a wedge-shaped formation. This formation was just like the formation of the ancient surprise troops, except here, it was three-dimensional, so maybe It is more appropriate to call it a cone array.

This artificial intelligence is different from the Silver Mist Consciousness that humans have encountered before. It does not talk nonsense at all, nor does it send any message like the coalition forces. It just kills them all without hesitation when it encounters them, and then collects and seizes the computer storage system of the losing party. Scientific information and scientific knowledge, it’s that simple.

It did this to the Nel civilization before, and this behavior is in line with mankind's inherent image of the artificial intelligence fleet.

In 15 light seconds, a Nair warship located at the front of the fleet array opened fire on the enemy. The main gun of this warship was a laser energy cannon. Almost at the same time, there were more than a dozen ships next to it equipped with positron cannons. battleship.

Twenty invisible rays of light crossed a distance of 15 light seconds and passed very accurately through the analysis of the "dense" artificial intelligence fleet.

Although scientists had collected massive amounts of data before the war, when it came to actual combat, the first shot of the Nell people was still in vain.

The distance was one factor, the first shot was another.

"Idiot, you can't even hit this!"

An angry curse sounded from a Nair Lake-class battleship, and then the voice did not stop, and continued to shout: "The first echelon will follow this ship to the left, and the firepower of that damn artificial intelligence fleet will strike soon." arrive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before his command could be converted into specific parameters by technicians and sent to other battleships in the first echelon, the battleship's detection system discovered hundreds of faint rays of light whizzing through the gaps in the own battleship formation.

At the same time, there were many traces of light, and a big corner suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Positron cannon! Magnetic field shield!

Seeing such a scene, the Nair captain in the battleship understood what was going on.

It was the covering type counterattack of the artificial intelligence fleet that hit one of their battleships, but the force exerted by the battleship's magnetic shield changed the direction of the positron beam.

Without the magnetic field shield, their battleship would have been destroyed by now.

What I want to say here is that the magnetic field shield is not a shield that is visible to the naked eye like in science fiction movies, and the process of taking effect is not to light up a bright light curtain like a honeycomb, but to see nothing. What can be seen is that the opponent's positron cannon beam missed the direction when it struck.

Also, the magnetic field shield is not a shield attached to the armor surface of the battleship, but a magnetic field located in the space outside the battleship. Its magnetic field range is very wide, which is also the guarantee that it can distort the charged particle beam.

In part, think of it like strapping a bunch of powerful magnets to the front, back, and rear of a battleship.

"Change speed! Change speed! Advance, advance! Shoot me hard! Kill them!" The commander on the Nair warship vibrated his abdominal vocal organ with all his strength.

His shouts made the fire controller excited, and then he missed another volley. As a result, several more angry curses rang out from several battleships.

But before he finished cursing, he heard the damage control team anxiously shouting: "Captain, our ship's right chord was hit hard. It was a laser energy weapon. The burning duration was 4 seconds. The outer armor of our ship's right chord was hit hard." It has been burned through, the 6657th and 6695th electrical pipelines have failed, the fourth magnetic field generator coil has failed, and the strength of the magnetic field shield has dropped by 8%!"

"Full right rudder! Full right rudder! Let the battleship float! If you don't want to be destroyed, move it and fight back. Fight back!" The captain was also shocked and could not continue to scold.

Humans once helped the Nel civilization warships to carry out technological upgrades, but speaking of it, they only upgraded the main guns, and their armor was still the original armor.

The Nair civilization fleet equipped with No. 1 alloy material armor is the third fleet of the Nair people's great governor. The other fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets still use the original Nair civilization's own armor materials. , so even if the artificial intelligence fleet still has a triple main gun, it can still easily penetrate its armor if the burning time is enough.

However, the Lake-class battleship is huge enough that it cannot be destroyed with one shot.

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