Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 374 The War of Secondary Civilization

Ten minutes passed, and as the three fleets continued to pass by, the warships in the rear echelon of the fleet also entered the effective range of the laser energy cannon and positron cannon.

For a while, there were sounds inside the battleship, including the captain's instructions, the scientific officer's data report, and the fire controller's and communications officer's voices.

Amidst these sounds, the three fleets also fired wave after wave of salvos at their opponents in their own way.

For a moment, space beams crisscrossed the space, one after another either bombarding the opponent's ship or leaving faint traces in the void.

At a distance of 3 to 15 light seconds, there are only two weapons that dominate the battlefield, one is the conventional laser energy cannon, and the other is the positron cannon.

The reason is that the speed of these two weapons is the speed of light. At such a long distance, only such weapons can have a higher hit rate.

As for the electromagnetic railgun, it needs to get closer, to a range of 1 light second, which is within 300,000 kilometers, before it can really be useful.

In other words, the current contact between the two parties has only just begun.

Therefore, even though dozens of minutes have passed since the two sides started fighting, not a single battleship has been destroyed. The reason is that the positron cannon, a powerful weapon, lost its original power after the magnetic field shield appeared. It is still very powerful, but it cannot be hit.

It's not a power issue, it's a physics issue.

After all, no matter how high the power of your positron cannon is, the positron beam it shoots out is still the positron beam, and the fastest speed is still the speed of electrons in the vacuum. However, no matter how many electron beams you send to the magnetic field, all charged particles are still in the universe. According to the laws of physics, the battleship's magnetic field can cause it to deviate, without exception.

Therefore, the positron cannon seemed to have lost its effect at this moment.

This is true whether it is the Nair civilization battleship that has been replaced by a large-caliber positron cannon by humans, or the artificial intelligence battleship that still uses the triple-mounted style.

Therefore, what we see most on the battlefield at this stage is beams of light that turn in space and then shoot into nothingness.

"Captain, we hit! Our laser energy main gun hit the enemy ship's triple gun barrel. The burning lasted for 3 seconds. We made a big hole in the enemy ship's turret and it was scrapped."

"Well done!"

The battle continued, with both sides going back and forth during the long-distance shooting stage. When the three fleets started cutting the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet as planned, due to the increase in the number of warships entering the range, the density of artillery on the battlefield also began to increase.

Suddenly, the voices of the staff on each battleship became denser.

"Haha, our ship's super large laser main gun penetrated the side string of the enemy ship, causing a big explosion! Captain, based on our understanding of the structure of the artificial intelligence warship, the location where the explosion occurred is definitely the place where the magnetic shield generator is located !”

"Very good, mark that warship, and along with this message, send me the warships in the formation equipped with super large positron main guns, and ask them to focus on taking care of that enemy ship and try to kill it with one shot for me. it!"

"Got the order!"

After exchange of information, exchange of information.

The battleship whose magnetic field shield system was destroyed by the skill energy cannon was quickly concentrated by two positron cannons, and then in a series of explosions, it turned into a pile of scrap metal moving at a constant speed in space.

The laser energy cannon first damages the enemy ship, and then the positron cannon takes over the damage. This is a common way to destroy warships at this stage.

With the destruction of the first artificial intelligence battleship, the war seems to have entered another stage.

With the first ship, there will be a second ship, a third ship, and a fourth ship.

As the distance increased, the accuracy of shooting also increased, so the number of destroyed warships also increased rapidly.

One ship, two ships, three ships, thirteen ships, thirty ships, one hundred ships

In a short time, more than 300 fragile artificial intelligence battleships were sunk. This was a brilliant result of the Fourth Fleet.

The reason why it is said to be brilliant is that the Fourth Fleet has achieved such results before entering the electromagnetic rail gun range, and they are also the first fleet among the three fleets to tear apart the artificial intelligence fleet.

Of course, in this process, the Fourth Fleet also paid the price of thirty battleships.

The artificial intelligence fleet has a huge advantage in numbers, so in fact, during the charge, the Fourth Fleet received a far greater blow than its opponents. The reason why we only paid the price of thirty battleships is entirely because the main guns of the artificial intelligence fleet are triple-mounted.

The rate of fire is fast, but the caliber is too small. The laser energy main gun of an artificial intelligence warship often needs to hit the Nair civilization warship dozens of times before it can be seriously injured or its magnetic field shield can be disabled, and then it can be repaired with a positron cannon. knife.

The exciting thing is that this doesn't only happen in long-distance battles.

When the leading warship of the Fourth Fleet passed through the corner of the artificial intelligence fleet, the other warships in the cone formation came closer to the enemy warship at this moment.

The distance between many warships located on the periphery of the cone formation and the enemy ships is within 300,000 kilometers, and some are even as far as 50,000 to 60,000 kilometers.

At this distance, the warships that were originally on the outer edge of the conical formation and whose main guns were laser energy cannons or positron cannons immediately moved closer to the inner circle, and then the warships equipped with electromagnetic railguns immediately pushed up.

Ever since, the first round of confrontation also entered another second stage at this moment.

Driven by strong electromagnetic force, electromagnetic railguns carrying hydrogen bomb armor-piercing warheads flew out of the muzzle at extremely fast initial speeds and fired towards enemy warships tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

One after another, the super-large electromagnetic rail guns began to roar towards the enemy ships.

This is a silent roar. The moment all the electromagnetic rail gun muzzles are ejected from the chamber, there is no picture of lightning like in the movie, but they just shoot out silently.

There is no light or shadow, and the electromagnetic railgun shell travels through the dark void like a ghost. Only when it plunges into the armor of an enemy warship, a beautiful explosion like fireworks will appear.

Once the electromagnetic railgun shells that have been upgraded by humans hit, it will be like sending a hydrogen bomb into the interior of the battleship to detonate.

The hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature at the center of the hydrogen bomb explosion directly melted a large hole in the battleship. The remaining high-energy and high-heat explosion will follow this hole and wreak havoc inside the battleship, triggering a secondary explosion and eventually one blast into the soul.

The hydrogen bomb is a weapon that humans can make in the earth era. In the second stage of civilization, it is still not obsolete. As long as you can send it to the position where it explodes close to the enemy's face, its lethality is still powerful.

At the moment when the electromagnetic railgun roared, the war truly entered the stage of brutal close combat, and the short-distance change of direction maneuvers of each warship became more frequent.

Battleships exploded under this kinetic energy weapon, turning into piles of cosmic scrap metal.

One moment the left rudder is full, and the next the warship is likely to do a 360-degree turn, and then turn on the main thruster to the maximum, allowing the warship to adopt different sailing postures in the shortest possible time. , to avoid various naval guns fired by the opponent.

Of course, the close range of close combat is relative, and it is not a face-to-face fight in the traditional sense. At this time, the distance between the warships of both sides is still more than tens of thousands of kilometers.

But compared to distances such as 20 light seconds and 15 light seconds, it can be considered a close combat.

This change in the way of warfare will undoubtedly test the maneuverability of the battleship. Whoever has better thrusters and greater acceleration will have a more agile battleship and can better avoid the opponent's attacks.

In the second-level civilized war, due to the emergence of magnetic field shields, kinetic energy weapons such as electromagnetic railguns have finally become the protagonist. The main battlefield of the war has also moved from a distance of tens of light seconds to a closer distance, so the rhythm of the war has become faster and more dangerous.

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