Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 375 Penetration

Bright spots appeared one after another in the dark starry sky. From a distance, they looked like the faint glow of fireflies in the night sky.

However, different from the sparkling light of fireflies, the light in the distant starry sky is brighter and more lasting. However, after the light shines for an hour, it never lights up again like fireflies.

So speaking of it, those bright lights are actually more like fireworks set off in the night sky, but there is no sound.

The light is like a firefly, but it is the bloom of Nair people’s life.

Because those were the results of the raids by the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets. Some were the bursts of light when they destroyed the artificial intelligence consciousness battleships, and some were the fireworks they set off with their lives after they were destroyed.

If you look at it from a few astronomical units away, it is indeed a beautiful scenery, but neither Yue Yuan nor the Nair Governor are in the mood to appreciate such a beautiful scenery.

Because there is a battle taking place there that affects both of their lives.

The fourth fleet achieved the most brilliant results in its advance. It was precisely because they were the first to break through the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet that they received the greatest pressure in the following period.

The warships in the artificial intelligence fleet that were originally going to deal with the fifth and sixth fleets also adjusted their posture at this moment and turned their warships' main guns in the direction of the fourth fleet.

As a result, in the following time, the Fourth Fleet was under pressure not only from the nearby electromagnetic railguns, but also from more laser energy weapons and positron cannons, which were fired from a few light seconds away. Come.

Even though some have been destroyed, the number of warships owned by the artificial intelligence fleet is still more than 47,000, and at this moment, nearly half of the firepower is aimed at the fourth fleet.

For a time, hundreds of thousands of lights flashed across the starry sky, as if countless bright flashlights were sweeping across the sky in the night sky. If it were not for the environment in space, this scene might be described as a discotheque.

The current Fourth Fleet battleship cluster is like a group of dancers in a ballroom, twisting their waists and assuming various postures with all their strength, struggling to avoid the ubiquitous spotlight.

What's interesting is that because of the existence of magnetic shields and the Fourth Fleet's battleships forming a relatively tight formation, you can occasionally see faint electron beams representing positron cannons, which are blocked by the magnetic field of the outermost battleships of the fleet. The shield twisted its direction, then turned a corner in the starry sky, and broke into the magnetic shield range of another battleship not far away.

As a result, there was a scene like a laser flurry. Some positron beams were likely to throw out a semi-arc in the fourth fleet and then disappear into the universe, while some ran out of an S-shape in the gap between the fleets. There are many routes, including parabolic routes, and there are even irregular routes.

In short, during this period, the Fourth Fleet suffered the most intense concentration of firepower. In less than half an hour, the Fourth Fleet lost more than 300 warships.

The artificial intelligence consciousness uses its numerical advantage to make up for the problem of the small caliber of the main gun.

One after another, the Nair warships were hit by laser energy cannons. Some unlucky warships were directly hit in weak parts such as fuel tanks and engine nozzles. The resulting secondary explosions paralyzed the warships, and then in After the magnetic field shield failed, it was submerged in the light of dozens of positron beams.

Some were lucky. After the laser energy cannon passed through the magnetic field shield, it hit its side string or the upper and lower parts of the armor that were relatively good. These warships dragged red-hot armor or partially burned-through hulls, like Like a diving fish, it turns over and continues to fight.

They heroically aimed their main guns at the artificial intelligence consciousness battleship and launched a desperate counterattack.

After human training, the tactic of small echelons of mutual cooperation has clearly appeared in the Nair fleet. Three warships with different main guns form a small team, and every three teams form a small formation, forming a small three-three system of planar cooperation. , the three-dimensional space coordination of the big three system.

Each large formation of nine warships is communicating with data all the time during the battle. The three main guns complement each other. Whenever an enemy warship is hit by a laser energy weapon, another one is equipped with a positron cannon. The warship immediately concentrated its firepower on it.

Kill it while it's sick.

The Nair people still know the artificial intelligence fleet very well. They know that if they do not hit the target, these warships that have lost part of their power or have some functions damaged will turn their guns and fire at themselves in the next moment.

This kind of thing happens often, because the opponent is artificial intelligence. As long as the battleship system is not completely paralyzed and the weapon system is still intact, it will continue to fight tenaciously and not be afraid of death.

On the other hand, the fleet of the Nair civilization did not perform like this. It is not that they are greedy for life and afraid of death and do not move forward, but that once the warships of the Nair civilization are affected by the explosion, factors such as casualties will cause the warships to fail even if they are not able to advance. There will also be disharmony in combat effectiveness for a period of time.

This will give the enemy ship an opportunity to take advantage of it, and then destroy it in subsequent attacks.

This is after humans upgraded it and cooperated with the ship-based combat AI. If it were the previous Nair civilization, such a warship could almost withdraw from the battlefield directly.

However, even if there are positions where AI accepts the loss of personnel, it is not as flexible as an AI battleship.

The advantages of the artificial intelligence fleet are not only reflected in this aspect. In terms of long-range strikes and multi-formation cooperative operations, the cooperation between You and the Nell civilization fleet is also demonstrated.

Yes, even after receiving training from the Allied Forces Command, the Nel people's tactical literacy is still not as good as artificial intelligence.

This situation is mostly reflected in multi-formation coordinated attacks. Artificial intelligence warship formations often move in some inexplicable ways, and sometimes their shooting directions are also confusing, because it is just like firing at the stars at will. .

But what Nair Civilization didn't expect was that often this seemingly random movement would become the reason for blocking their progress or movement in a few minutes.

The artificial intelligence consciousness has integrated all the battleships into a network and controlled them in a multi-threaded manner. Therefore, these battleships are like its hands and feet, cooperating very closely.

It was during such a few attacks by the Neer civilization fleet that the losses of battleships increased rapidly, especially the fourth fleet. There were 1,250 warships. The team had just passed halfway through the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet, and almost 400 of them were destroyed.

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