Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 376 Flying a kite from a distance

After learning of the tragic situation of the Fourth Fleet, the Fifth Fleet and the Sixth Fleet immediately accelerated the pace of contact and changed the formation of the attack from a conical array to a square array.

The main purpose of doing this is to increase the contact area, increase the number of warships in close contact with the enemy, and create an atmosphere of increased firepower confrontation, so that the artificial intelligence can focus on its own side to achieve the goal. The purpose of the Fourth Fleet is to share the pressure.

"Ground 35 formation, according to the following navigation parameters, work with this ship to change the arrogant warships at the coordinates of If there is a gap in the corner and we can’t complete the task, we won’t have to go back!”

"The 965th ship received it!"

"Ship 966 received it!"

"Ship 967 understands, let us kill this bastard artificial intelligence!"

Due to different navigation conditions, when the Fourth Fleet was halfway through, the Fifth Fleet also began to exert force and rush towards its target.

At the same time, the Sixth Fleet began to engage in a distance battle with the artificial intelligence consciousness fleet in another location.

Since the artificial intelligence fleet is a form of multi-threaded control of all battleships by one main consciousness, the formation it puts out is not very wide. It only takes about 3 light seconds to go from one corner to another.

From the outside, it looks like a spherical formation.

The distance of 3 light seconds means that if the body of the artificial intelligence consciousness is located on the middle battleship, then the delay in controlling the outermost battleship will only be about 1.5 seconds.

The delay is less than two seconds. When fighting at a distance of more than ten seconds, there will be no obvious control delay performance. But when both sides are close to fight, when the electromagnetic railgun is the protagonist of the battlefield, 1.5 The harm of second delay is shown.

Often at some point, after the battleship belonging to the artificial intelligence fires a salvo, it needs to transfer the battlefield information back to the main body for data processing, and then the command data processed by the main body is sent back to the warships on the edge.

This causes the AI ​​battleship to occasionally experience a three-second sluggish period.

After discovering this phenomenon, the Fifth and Sixth Fleets immediately took action and asked observers to watch the artificial intelligence battleship formations. Once they found that these formations showed signs of completing a set of instructions, they immediately launched an attack on them.

After this phenomenon occurred, the explosions in the starry sky became much brighter. It was obvious that the fifth and sixth fleets had achieved good results.

Coupled with the geographical advantage, the battleships of the Nair civilization have more precise strike capabilities. Therefore, after the two fleets officially started fighting, the losses of the artificial intelligence fleet skyrocketed.

When the three fleets rushed out from their respective positions, the battle loss ratio between the three fleets of the Nair civilization and the artificial intelligence fleet went from 1:2 at the beginning to 1:4.

When the three fleets were completely out of the range of the artificial intelligence fleet's laser cannon energy cannon, the fleet commander made a statistics. In this attack, the three Nair civilization fleets lost a total of 864 warships, and the artificial intelligence fleet also lost 864 warships in the process. Nearly 3,400 warships were acquired.

Such a battle loss ratio gave the commanders of the three fleets hope of victory.

Because they know very well that among the coalition fleets, their three fleets are the weakest in combat effectiveness, and even the weakest ones can achieve such a battle loss ratio. If it is the turn of the third fleet with 1 alloy material as armor to come on stage , the result will definitely be greater.

Moreover, they also heard from the grapevine that the two human fleets were even more incredible. The two human fleets seemed to be equipped with a more powerful alloy material than the No. 1 alloy they originally sold.

It is said that it seems to be called No. 2 alloy. The commander of the Fifth Fleet once heard some news about this alloy when he participated in a coalition commander exercise, saying that it is not even the most powerful electromagnetic rail gun armor-piercing projectile. Break through that armor.

It is so powerful that it is despairing.

The commander of the Fifth Fleet really couldn't understand how humans, who were also second-level civilizations, had such powerful materials and technology.

"Your Majesty Commander, all warships in our fleet have been separated from the battle!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I found that the artificial intelligence fleet is shrinking its formation. It seems to be aware of the problem of signal delay due to excessive distance!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Fourth Fleet and the Sixth Fleet have sent communications. This is their next formation change and tactical deployment!"

Just as the commander of the Fifth Fleet was thinking about the human fleet a few astronomical units away, his thoughts were interrupted by a sound from the battleship bridge.

"The move of the artificial intelligence fleet to shrink its formation was expected by the commander-in-chief. According to the original plan, our fleet formed a large roller formation of skirmishers, and cooperated with the fourth and sixth fleets to distance themselves and began to enter the second phase. Mission, launch cruising strike tactics against the outer warships of the artificial intelligence fleet!" The commander of the Fifth Fleet vibrated his abdominal vocal organs and gave instructions to his fleet.

The three fleets were like three sharp knives, rushing in from the outer edge of the artificial intelligence fleet and then exiting.

Then it made a big turn in space, from the front end of the artificial intelligence fleet to the back end, and then squeezed the distance and bit the butt of the artificial intelligence fleet.

This change makes the artificial intelligence consciousness very uncomfortable.

Because the general direction of the artificial intelligence fleet was towards the second planet, the initial contact was with the bows of the two sides facing each other, but now it has become the rear of the warship on our side facing the other's bow.

You know, because the main gun of the battleship is too large, there is no way to adopt a turret design like a tank in the design of the star battleship. Instead, a large gun barrel protrudes from the hull and the bow. Even if it can move, it is at a small angle. .

Therefore, after the battlefield situation becomes what it is now, if the artificial intelligence fleet wants to avoid being spanked, it must turn its bow back and fire on the Nair civilization fleet.

However, the battle is still ongoing. Although the distance has once again become 12 to 15 light seconds, if the warship rolls and turns without any acceleration or deceleration, it will inevitably become a target for the opponent's laser weapons.

But maneuvering sideways and then turning again will delay the arrival of the second planet.

The most abominable thing is that after the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Fleets made a large circle navigation and turn, they also followed the direction of the warship's turn and performed a space dive strike.

Warships are not fighter planes, so the so-called dive strike is naturally not like a dive from high altitude. Instead, the three fleets formed a formation into a big roller, and then the warships outside the big roller fired in turn at the artificial intelligence fleet.

After each small formation fired one or two rounds of salvos, it would quickly change its posture again and turn away from the artificial intelligence fleet, just like a fighter plane after completing a dive and dropping bombs.

At this moment, the artificial intelligence fleet seemed to have turned into a school of fish, and the three fleets were three carnivorous fish. They rushed over at the outer edge of the fish school and bit the fish for a while, then turned around and ran away, swallowing After the next fish, he went around again to attack the fish school for the next round.

There is a price to pay for arrogance.

The artificial intelligence consciousness thought that it could move forward to kill the target location as before, but it never calculated that this time it became a little different.

It was held back by this series of tactics.

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