Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 378 Determined to Die

However, even if they are one step ahead, they are still in a passive situation of being beaten.

Yue Yuan estimated that if this continues, it would be good if only one-tenth of the Fourth Fleet could escape in the end.

But he doesn't feel bad. Anyway, the 4th, 5th, and 6th fleets are all fleets of Nair civilization. Even if they are all destroyed, he doesn't feel bad, as long as they can weaken the artificial intelligence fleet.

Yue Yuan didn't feel distressed, but someone else felt distressed.

With this appearance, Yue Yuan, the governor-general of the Neer people, immediately said impatiently: "But Commander-in-Chief, we can't wait like this. If this continues, the Fourth Fleet will be finished! I request my Third Fleet to attack immediately , go to support the Fourth Fleet!"

Support the Fourth Fleet? What a joke!

Yue Yuan frowned and looked up at the screen, looking at the Nair Governor-General whose body was covered in thick black armor and whose male and female could not be distinguished.

Well, to be honest, although they are aliens, their shapes are completely different from humans. When they first met, Yue Yuan always felt like he was looking at a crustacean creature, but after looking at it for a long time, he was able to distinguish some features.

For example, the great governor of the Nair people, his carapace seems to be rougher than other Nair people, and there is a thick line of hair at the base of his claws, which looks a bit like the hair on the claws of a hairy crab.

Not only that, regarding the appearance of the Nair people, Yue Yuan also learned that in fact, the dark-looking carapace appearance of the Nair people was not really black.

Black is only black when viewed from a human perspective and with the human ability to distinguish colors.

In fact, the Nair's carapace is just like a crow's, colorful black. In the eyes of the Nair people, the color stripes on each other's carapace are all different.

It can be said that in terms of the ability to identify colors, the eyes of the Nair people surpass humans by countless streets.

"Your Majesty the Great Governor, are you kidding me!" Yue Yuan said unhurriedly: "The distant water cannot save the near fire. Even if the third fleet kills them now, the battle there will be over when they arrive. At that time, what the Third Fleet faces is not the question of whether it can save the Fourth Fleet, but the question of whether the entire army will be annihilated."

Having said this, Yue Yuan shook his head. He felt that the military quality of this Nair governor was really not very good.

"Your Majesty the Great Governor, if the Third Fleet heads to the battlefield now, it will not only run the risk of being annihilated, but it will also affect our overall strategy for artificial intelligence consciousness. It is very likely that our hundreds of years of layout will be destroyed. If If you think all this doesn’t matter, then just lead the Third Fleet!”

"Let me tell you a story, Your Majesty the Great Governor. There is such a legend in our civilization. It is said that a long time ago, there was an old grandfather living in the mountains. The grandfather went up the mountains to collect medicine every day. One day, suddenly the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. After my grandfather escaped the falling rocks, he encountered a trapped pangolin."

Yue Yuan briefly told the story of the gourd boy saving his grandfather to the Governor of Nair in one breath. After finishing speaking, he stopped and waited for the latter's reaction.

His meaning was very clear. Now that the Third Fleet was going to kill him by himself, it was no different from Calabash Baby saving grandpa. It was just sending him away.

Hearing what Yue Yuan said, the great governor of the Neer people hesitated. He turned around and discussed with the military expert next to him for a few words, and then said: "According to the commander-in-chief's wishes, we are just going to wait like this?"

Judging from the tone spoken through the translator, the tone of the Nair Governor's voice was very anxious.

So Yue Yuan thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this. In the name of the Allied Forces Command, send a suggestion to the Fourth Fleet so that they can find a way to withdraw to the second planet."

Although the fourth fleet's withdrawal to the second planet will cause the war to enter the second stage in advance, it will not have a big impact on the overall situation. At most, the strategy of consuming the fuel of the artificial intelligence fleet will be aborted.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets have tested the artificial intelligence fleet's command capabilities, combat effectiveness and other important information. The first phase of the combat mission is not considered a failure.

"That's all. Without further ado, Commander-in-Chief, please hurry up!"


Having said that, Yue Yuan no longer hesitated and immediately asked the correspondent to send a suggestion to the Fourth Fleet in the name of the Allied Forces Command.

However, what Yue Yuan and even the Nair Governor-General could not imagine was that when the message had just been sent out and it was still speeding towards its destination at the speed of light.

The commander of the Fourth Fleet, who was being chased by more than 30,000 warships, was making a fleet-wide announcement.

"Captains of the battleships of the Fourth Fleet, warriors of the Nair people! How many years have passed, we have escaped from the Maya star system to the Kutu star system, and then from the Kutu star system to the Pot Lid Vast Star, and then from The Pot Lid Vast Star set off on the road to escape, and as you saw in the days that followed, we were always on the run!

We have been running away for hundreds of years, and have traveled to more than a few star systems. As long as the artificial intelligence fleet comes, we will run away, and now we are still running! I just want to ask you, how long will we run? "

On the screen of the flagship of the Fourth Fleet, a group of battleship captains' heads appeared on it. They listened to the fleet commander's words, and they all raised their claws and clicked there. They seemed to be in great mood swings.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this artificial intelligence fleet is an emergency on the battlefield. It is impossible for the coalition command to give us specific instructions. You are the fleet commander. You can do whatever you say. We all listen to you."

"Yes, we all listen to you!"

"Give me the order, Your Majesty Commander, it's really frustrating to be chased and spanked!"

"The only option is death. I have long been unhappy with this artificial intelligence consciousness!"

The captains of the battleships of the Fourth Fleet seemed to realize what their commander wanted to say. They only heard the commander say the beginning, and they expressed their stance one by one.

"Okay, in that case, let's turn around and go back to do it!" The commander looked at the captains on the big screen, and excitedly raised his claws and clicked them in the air: "God damn the artificial insects. Intelligent consciousness, it slaughters our fellow Nair people and destroys our home planet of Nair civilization. Today we are going to let it know that we Nair people are bloody!"

"All battleships are here. Listen to my order. All battleships throw all excess living materials into space. Just leave half of the heavy nuclear fuel in the tank. Thirty minutes later, the entire fleet began to turn 180 degrees and follow my commander. Still using human tactics, every three warships form a small formation, and nine ships form a large formation. If it is not enough, this time we have to get closer and fight, stick up and fight!

Especially for warships equipped with electromagnetic railguns, let me be more accurate. Once the armor-piercing projectile that humans equip us hits, it will kill an enemy ship with one shot! It’s up to you whether you can kill enough! "

It’s true, the rubbish grades are not a problem of few sci-fi readers, but the author’s rubbish writing, ε=(ο`*))) Alas

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