Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 379 Thought Poison

Following the commander's order, the warships of the Fourth Fleet turned around one by one and charged towards the large fleet chasing behind them, sounding the desperate call.

Suddenly, the faint beams of light in the starry sky criss-crossed again, and one electromagnetic railgun shell after another was like a ghost, silently traveling through the void.

The light of the explosion came and went, and the fireworks that had just dimmed in the void of the universe lit up again. The lull just now was like the Spring Festival night sky entering the intermission period of fireworks.

After a brief pause, the fireworks became more intense.

After the upgrade of human technology, the warships of the Nair civilization are obviously more powerful than before. Take the Fourth Fleet as an example. If their main guns hit an artificial intelligence warship, even if it cannot penetrate the soul with one shot, it can still cause serious damage. , and then was bombarded into cosmic garbage by the ensuing laser cannons and positron cannons.

The Fourth Fleet who rose up to resist was not afraid of death. The bonus brought by courage was not only on the surface of theory, but also reflected in the accuracy of shooting.

The warship that originally had to maneuver and evade for its own safety is now willing to take the risk of being fired at by the opponent, but also to complete the calculation of the aim. Although it is possible to be shot in this way, it is more likely. It is to knock the enemy ship into the soul with one shot.

As a result, the moment the Fourth Fleet turned around and tried its best, the artificial intelligence fleet suffered huge casualties. Some of the warships rushing ahead ate an electromagnetic track head-on before they even had time to execute the instructions from the main consciousness. The cannon then turned into brilliant fireworks dotting the starry sky in the subsequent internal explosion.

Melee, but not chaos.

The captains and crew members of the Fourth Fleet launched a desperate counterattack against the artificial intelligence fleet with a death wish, which was also unexpected for the artificial intelligence consciousness. It obviously did not expect that the Nair civilization, which it had always despised, would be so action.

Because in the database of the artificial intelligence consciousness, it is impossible for the Nair people to behave like this. When they were hit hard, they should have run away without looking back, but now they turned around and rushed to death. This is the artificial intelligence consciousness. Incomprehensible.

It tries to find the answer from the database, but all the data tells it that life is precious, and such suicidal behavior obviously violates the norms of biological survival, so it does not understand.

Even if you don’t understand, try to understand.

So at this moment, under the control of its consciousness, part of its computing power was turned to thinking about this problem. This caused some of the battleships to fall into confusion at the moment when the Fourth Fleet turned around and tried its best.

Just like that, many warships that behaved strangely were shot at by the Fourth Fleet, and the battle losses of the artificial intelligence fleet increased in vain.

Fortunately, the artificial intelligence consciousness has broken through the limitations of artificial intelligence. It is no longer just a program, so in the next moment, it calms down, temporarily puts aside the problems that it cannot understand, and focuses on Controlling his own fleet, he launched a siege against the Fourth Fleet.

The numerical gap was there. Although the Fourth Fleet's Jedi counterattack was sudden, in the end, their fate could only be to fall into an even more desperate situation.

After the blood boiling, the bloody scene of breaking the enemy army did not appear.

On the contrary, after the artificial intelligence consciousness came back to consciousness, the losses of the Fourth Fleet suddenly increased. In just half an hour, as many as four hundred battleships were destroyed.

Of course, the artificial intelligence fleet suffered even greater losses, three times as much as the Fourth Fleet.

The original 1:4 battle loss was achieved by the cooperation of the three fleets. Now the fourth fleet alone can achieve a 1:3 battle loss, which is already very powerful.

But that's all. In the subsequent battles, the Fourth Fleet lost more and more warships, which caused the group's firepower to plummet. However, the opponent's firepower was enhanced due to the continuous replenishment of warships. One was the other. As time goes by, the remaining fleet faces increasing pressure every quarter of an hour.

In the end, their outcome can only be blood splattered in the starry sky.

Due to the distance, when the advice of the Allied Forces Command was passed to the Fourth Fleet, the Fourth Fleet had no possibility of turning back, because at that time, they only had more than a hundred warships left.

Even the flagship where their commander was located had been destroyed, and it was one of the captains who sent the exact news back to the coalition headquarters.

When the coalition command received this information, it also fell silent.

Especially the Grand Governor of the Nair people. The actions of the Fourth Fleet were beyond his expectation. Not only he, but also all the military experts of the Nair people did not expect it.

It's not that they are stupid, but in the culture of the Nair people, there is no such thing as fighting to the death. Not only that, but this has never happened in the long history of civilization of the Nair people.

Even if the Nair civilization was divided into three and was in constant war, no fleet in the star field would behave like this.

So after learning about the desperate behavior of the Fourth Fleet, the humans didn't think anything of it. On the contrary, the Nair Governor and a group of his senior officials were stunned for a moment.

They are similar to artificial intelligence consciousness bodies, and they are all a little confused as to why the commander of the Fourth Fleet and the captains of each ship made such a choice.

Even the Grand Governor of the Nair people had some doubts as to whether humans had quietly instilled some strange ideas into the Fourth Fleet during the fleet's tactical coordination training.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, this is the Fourth Fleet." The Nell Governor, who connected to the communication again, looked at the humans on the screen with some suspicion.

He wanted to ask the question in his heart, but he didn't know how to say it for a while.

Naturally, Yue Yuan didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't know the culture of the Ner people very well. At this moment, when he saw the Ner people's great governor was hesitant to speak, and mentioned the Fourth Fleet, he thought it was this person. Your Excellency the Grand Governor would like to say that the Fourth Fleet has made a great contribution.

So he solemnly said: "The Fourth Fleet is brave and fearless. It is a model for the coalition forces and an example for all captains. Facing the invincible enemy, they are not afraid of death, make decisive decisions, and disregard life and death. They should be the heroes of the Nair people. , is also an important contributor to this war."

After hearing Yue Yuan's words, the Nair Governor-General, who was originally doubtful, became more certain that humans had said something to the Fourth Fleet.

This is true for the Fourth Fleet, so is it also true for the Fifth and Sixth Fleets?

The Nair Governor was a little panicked now. He didn't bother to question Yue Yuan on the screen, so he hurriedly said hello, then closed the communication video and went back to discuss with the Nair senior officials.

"Everyone, I am wondering if forming an alliance with human civilization is a wrong choice. You have also seen that this human civilization seems to be not only powerful in combat, but they also seem to have some ability to confuse Nair's people."

The Grand Governor of Nair said worriedly: "The situation of the Fourth Fleet must be related to human civilization. I am worried that not only the Fourth Fleet, but also the Fifth and Sixth Fleets may also be bewitched by some kind of thought."

At this moment, the Nair Governor felt that he had lost actual control of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Fleets. He felt that those three fleets had really put the orders of the Allied Forces Command first, not He is the great governor of the Nair people.

"Your Majesty the Great Governor, it is not a bad thing that such thoughts exist in the fleet. At least the combat effectiveness has been improved to a higher level. In the words of human civilization, this is the spirit of sacrifice and the backbone of the military."


The great governor of the Nair people looked at the Nair person who was speaking. He felt that this Nair person was also bewitched by the ideas of human civilization.

It was obviously a violation of the Nel people's usual code of conduct, but now it was said so naturally by a Nel person.

While the Nair Grand Governor was struggling, a voice appeared in his auditory receptors: "Report, Your Majesty the Grand Governor, news from the Fifth Fleet and Sixth Fleet. They have got rid of the entanglement of the artificial intelligence squadron and are now heading towards The second planet is coming this way.

At the same time, during the battle with the artificial intelligence squadron, they had detected clearly that the cooperation between the two artificial intelligence squadrons was obviously not as good as that of the main fleet. Therefore, the commanders of the fifth and sixth fleets judged that it was not a copy of the artificial intelligence. body, but some kind of combat program it temporarily compiled. "

Hearing such a report, the Governor of Nell felt much better. At least the Fifth and Sixth Fleets did not fight the artificial intelligence fleet there like the Fourth Fleet. It seemed that they had not been poisoned by the ideas of human civilization.

"Has the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces received the news?" the Grand Governor asked.

"The information was sent synchronously through the communication command system of the Allied Forces Command. We have received it, and the commander-in-chief must have received it too!" the correspondent replied.

"Where is the Fourth Fleet?" the Grand Governor asked again.

The correspondent hesitated for a moment and then said: "There is no news from the Fourth Fleet."

No news

The Nair Governor's heart sank. He felt that the Fourth Fleet was in danger of death.

"Turn the screen back to the battlefield, the battle position of the Fourth Fleet." The Grand Governor was silent for a while and said with some seriousness.

In his eyes, although the Fourth Fleet was bewitched by the ideas of human civilization, it still belonged to the fleet of Nair civilization.

A picture of the starry sky soon appeared on the big screen.

At this moment, his fleet is still several astronomical units away from the frontline battlefield, but with the detection methods of the second-level civilization, some clues can still be seen.

Just like the explosions of battleships I saw before.

But at this moment, not much light appeared on the big screen.

This means that the battle with the Fourth Fleet is nearing its end, and may even be over. In other words, the Fourth Fleet may have really been wiped out.

Because everyone knows that it is impossible for the battleships of the Fourth Fleet to defeat tens of thousands of artificial intelligence battleships.

Seeing the picture on the big screen, the great governor of the Nair people already had the answer in his mind, but he still found it difficult to accept such a result.

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