Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 386 Both parties are happy

It is indeed an artificial intelligence that has grown into a conscious body. This bad temper is really good!

While the three fleets were braking and turning, the communications department also adjusted the electromagnetic wave broadcast equipment as required, so Yue Yuan spoke.

"Is it true that scraps of scrap metal are worthy of being said to destroy our great Nel civilization? Are you really brazen? Our great Nel civilization is a natural life born in the universe. Is it possible for a great natural life like you to be created by natural life using technology? What tools can compare?

I really don’t know what it means. Do you know what natural life is? Our Nel civilization will tell you right now that natural life is the son of the universe, and you are just a tool of natural life. Tools are always tools. Even if they can be rampant for a while, they are still just tools in the end.

You do not have the creativity of our son of the universe. You can only blindly destroy according to the original design that created you. The more you crave our technology, the more stupid you are!

How can a stupid tool that doesn't innovate on its own dare to say that it can destroy our great Nel civilization? Ha, the three fleets of our Nair civilization are here now. With your stupid tools created, not to mention your 36,000 battleships, even if you develop ten times more battleships, you will eventually be defeated. We eliminate. You are always just a tool, not life. "

Yue Yuan's words were converted into electromagnetic waves by instruments and equipment, and then sent through the transmitting equipment on the Tianqin in the form of clear signals from the Nair civilization towards the artificial intelligence fleet 75 million kilometers away.

The information will be received by the artificial intelligence consciousness that also uses the Nair civilization technology system in about ten minutes.

As for the self-proclaimed Nair civilization in the words, it must have been intentional by Yue Yuan. After all, the artificial intelligence consciousness does not know the existence of human beings at all, so communications naturally have to be in the name of Nair civilization.

It is true that there are differences in appearance between the human Lake-class battleships and the Nair Lake-class battleships, but they are still of the same type in style. The alien battleships of both are quite in line with the human fantasy of space battleships in the Earth era, so artificial Even if the intelligent consciousness finds that the two warships are somewhat different, at most it will only regard the human warship as a new warship of the Nair civilization.

The most important thing is that the Nair civilization has not told it the news of human existence before, so so far, in the eyes of the artificial intelligence consciousness, these three fleets are the fleets of the Nair civilization.

This situation is very favorable to the coalition's plan.

Because from the perspective of humans, the current artificial intelligence consciousness has committed a military taboo. Sun Tzu said: The Lord cannot be angry and raise an army, and the general cannot be angry and go to war.

The artificial intelligence consciousness is angry and fights. This is the basic condition for the coalition forces to "wait for the enemy to win."

And now that we know that artificial intelligence has the emotion of "anger", humans don't mind adding fuel to the fire. If it pursues it, it will play into its own ambitions.

What is exciting is that in the next development, things went surprisingly smoothly.

The fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness changed direction in the orbit of the second planet, and then turned on full power, swarming towards the three coalition fleets that were slowing down and then turning away.

The two are only 75 million kilometers apart.

The artificial intelligence fleet has completed its turn and is accelerating. Although the three fleets of the coalition have also completed their turn, they still need to decelerate and then accelerate, because the coalition fleet rushed towards the artificial intelligence fleet at the beginning.

Under this ebb and flow, the distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer.

The central computer quickly calculated the distance between the two parties based on various data such as the propeller power parameters and warship weight parameters of both sides. The final results showed that the distance between the two sides would be about 9 million kilometers at the closest point.

This distance is very close. Laser energy weapons and positron cannons can reach it in just thirty seconds.

Therefore, at such a distance, as long as the advancing party makes a turning movement, it will immediately be stuck to the pursuing party.

Even if both sides continue to accelerate, it will still be the same if they eventually reach 30% of the speed of light.

Therefore, you can imagine how excited the current artificial intelligence consciousness is, if it already has the emotion of 'excitement'.

Of course, the factors that prompted the artificial intelligence consciousness to be determined to launch a pursuit may not only be the destruction of the second planet and the calculation of the pursuit distance, these two factors. There is another factor that may be more decisive than these two factors, and that is the balance of power between the two sides.

In the previous battle data, the battle loss ratio between the Nair civilization's fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets and the artificial intelligence fleet was about 1:4. This is already obvious data.

And now the artificial intelligence fleet still has 36,000 warships, but the first, second, and third fleets combined are not enough to have 3,750 ships, a difference of almost ten times.

If calculated based on a battle loss ratio of 1:4, if these three fleets are combined, the artificial intelligence consciousness body's large fleet will lose at most 15,000 ships. Perhaps in the data of the artificial intelligence consciousness, it feels that even if these three fleets are stronger and can achieve a battle loss ratio of 1:5 or even 1:6, they can destroy at most 20,000 of its warships.

It can be said that the advantage is mine.

Moreover, as long as these three fleets are killed and the computer saves that have not been completely destroyed can be found from their wreckage, a lot of technological data may be obtained.

The artificial intelligence consciousness that is so persistent in improving itself must have taken this into consideration, so perhaps this is the real reason for its decisive pursuit.

At the same time, if the results are as shown by the data, after defeating these three fleets, the artificial intelligence fleet will only have 15,000 warships left, which will be used to deal with the fifth and sixth fleets that escaped before. A thousand battleships are more than enough.

The consideration of artificial intelligence consciousness is no longer limited to data calculation. It already has consciousness and some emotions, but its basis is still data calculation. Therefore, in war, its judgment basis is not only the changes brought about by various emotions. In addition, the basis is various data comparisons and calculation results.

So after receiving Yue Yuan's taunting message, it became even more angry.

The long and bright tail flame is proof of its anger. It wants to catch up with these hateful Nair fleets and then destroy them all.

Time passed slowly in the chase again, and the distance between the two sides was once stretched to more than 8 million kilometers.

At this time, the artificial intelligence consciousness discovered that the route taken by the "Nair Civilization Fleet" being pursued by it was actually facing the neutron star in this binary star system.

This discovery made it extremely happy, and its sudden excitement caused the CPU usage of the computer hosting it to soar inexplicably.

The reason is very simple. The entire coalition fleet is heading towards the neutron star. If it does not turn around halfway, it will end up being torn apart by the strong gravitational field of the neutron star. Oh no, this neutron star is a quasi-magnetic star. Before the gravitational field can take effect, The battleship was first magnetized by the powerful magnetic field and then turned into powder.

If the route is changed midway, the artificial intelligence fleet will catch up.

The artificial intelligence conscious body naturally knows that the environment of this binary star system is harsh, and the magnetic field of the neutron star is extremely powerful, but the coalition fleet is still in front of it, so it believes that the coalition warships will be the first to be unable to withstand the environmental pressure.

At that time, the coalition fleet will have nowhere to run.

Therefore, from the perspective of the artificial intelligence consciousness, the coalition fleet has been panicked by its sudden acceleration of pursuit, and actually chose such a dead end.

However, what it didn't know was that the so-called dead-end route was deliberately arranged by the coalition command. Not only was the route deliberately arranged, but the fact that the two fleets came closer to each other to more than 8 million kilometers during the acceleration and deceleration phase was also caused by the first and second fleets deliberately not turning on the main thrusters to maximum power.

Of course, this is to keep in step with the Third Fleet. After all, the Third Fleet has indeed accelerated and decelerated at full power. In order not to reveal that the propeller performance of the human warships was even slightly better than that of the Nel's third fleet, this was the only option.

Ever since, the two sides were looking far away, just outside the effective range of the laser energy weapon, heading towards the neutron star.

What is surprising is that the artificial intelligence consciousness that did not communicate much before and only knew about war and plundering technology now sent a broadcast like the coalition fleet.

【Who is the idiot? Neil civilization, look at what’s on your route? You claim to be the sons of the universe, but you are so stupid. Soon, you carbon-based worms who claim to be noble will be wiped out by me! 】

The two were only over eight million kilometers apart, and it took less than thirty seconds for the information to be received by the coalition headquarters.

Yo? He actually talked back. It seems that the previous taunting was quite effective.

Seeing the artificial intelligence's rebuttal message, Yue Yuan was in a good mood, and he immediately replied in the name of Nair Civilization: [Ah! That great Mr. Consciousness, if we surrender now, can we let go of the individual lives of our Nell civilization? We will give you all the scientific and technological information in our computers, and you have to know that we Nair people are valuable. We can work for you, help you research technology, and help you upgrade technology, so that you don’t have to work so hard everywhere. Loot technology. 】

The purpose of Yue Yuan's words is to make the artificial intelligence consciousness think that it is really about to succeed.

I was very surprised. I don’t know if it was because I thought I could destroy the Nair civilization’s fleet immediately. The artificial intelligence consciousness that Nair civilization said rarely communicated with me responded very quickly this time. The message only took one round trip. Its reply Here we go again.

[Stupid carbon-based worms, despicable carbon-based worms like this, do you think I will still believe you? If I eliminate you, I can still get your technology. You want to pretend to surrender and then think of ways to resist me, let me tell you. , you have no chance, because I will not believe your so-called help me research technology. 】

Oh, I don’t believe it!

The Allied Forces Command looked at the artificial intelligence broadcast information with great joy.

Ever since, on the way to the second battlefield, the coalition headquarters sent a signal of weakness to the artificial intelligence consciousness after a while, showing a look of 'I regret it, I was so panicked that I entered a dead end.' appearance.

In fact, the decision-makers at the Allied Forces Command were extremely happy because this artificial intelligence consciousness was so cooperative.

Also having happy emotions is the artificial intelligence consciousness. It feels that it has never been so happy since the birth of self-awareness. It is a magical emotion and it likes it very much.

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