Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 387 The difference between cloud and mud

Ever since, this happy two-way journey began.

The second battlefield planned by the Allied Forces Command is actually quite far away from the Red Dwarf. With the current increasing speed of the fleet, it will take at least seven or eight hours.

So the two sides just turned on the microphone and started to line up from time to time during the voyage. The artificial intelligence consciousness seems to enjoy this process. Whenever the coalition command sends a message begging for mercy, its reply becomes very fast, and judging from the translated wording, it seems to be very excited.

The Allied Forces Command does not know why the artificial intelligence consciousness behaves like this, but it is happy to see the results.

I was originally thinking about how to lure the artificial intelligence consciousness to the second battlefield, but I didn't expect it to be so cooperative. It's really not that satisfying.

Soon, 6 hours had passed. At this time, the speed of the three coalition fleets was about to be accelerated to about 11% of the speed of light. They were still far away from the preset second battlefield area. However, by this time, the coalition fleets could no longer Continue to accelerate.

If you continue to accelerate, there will really be no turning back.

After all, the fleet is heading towards the neutron star. If it continues to accelerate, it will really be impossible to brake before entering the ultimate endurance range of the battleship.

So it’s time to slow down.

In fact, the computer calculation results show that this position is now considered the edge of the second battlefield. During the process of deceleration, the three coalition fleets have "slid" into the preset battlefield area.

It's an area, not a coordinate point.

If you think about it, you will know that the starry sky battlefield cannot be a point, so the preset battlefield is also a very broad area. In fact, there is no standard answer for this range. As long as the environment is so bad that the warship is almost unbearable, it meets the standard.

The artificial intelligence consciousness chasing behind saw the coalition fleet beginning to adjust its posture, and it became even more excited. At this moment, it even sent an anti-taunting message to the coalition headquarters.

It is said that if you adjust your attitude and slow down, you will die, but you have the guts to continue accelerating towards the neutron star and so on.

However, as soon as the message was sent, it felt something was wrong. Oh, the word "feeling" is not appropriate. It should be that it suddenly discovered that the parameters of its fleet's instruments were abnormal.

Especially the energy supply system that supports the magnetic field shield. At this time, the value of this system soars very high, and sometimes it fluctuates like a roller coaster.

This situation not only occurs on other battleships it controls, but also on the battleship where its main computer is located.

It quickly aroused its consciousness and made a quick calculation and analysis of the abnormal data collected by each detector. The conclusion it reached made its CUP soar a lot, and its self-awareness in its consciousness also became clearer.

It turned out that because they were getting closer to the neutron star, the magnetic shields of each battleship were affected by the strong magnetic field of the neutron star, resulting in phenomena such as magnetic field interweaving and erratic movement directions.

However, at this time, it still did not think that the coalition forces came here on purpose. On the contrary, it just thought that it had found the reason why the three coalition fleets adjusted their posture and slowed down at this time.

Presumably, the three fleets also noticed the unusually strong magnetic field here, so they had to slow down.

In order to prevent his entire fleet from being destroyed by the strong magnetic field of the neutron star, the artificial intelligence consciousness had better make the same action as the coalition fleet, adjusting its attitude and slowing down.

Ever since, in the following time, because the fleets of both sides turned the tail flames of the fleets in the direction of the neutron star in a tacit understanding, a rather interesting scene appeared.

It was as if the roles of the pursuer and the pursued were reversed.

This is indeed the case, but the artificial intelligence consciousness has not yet realized it, so it did not choose to slow down to zero and then accelerate to escape from this star field. Instead, after the speed dropped to a certain level, it chose to let its fleet return again Adjust your attitude and strike head-on with the coalition fleet that is still approaching as it is still slowing down.

In its consciousness, the coalition fleet, like its own, must have had to slow down due to environmental factors. Since they are the same, it still has a numerical advantage.

Even in today's star field, it is very difficult for warships to move with magnetic field shields on, but it is difficult for their own fleet to move, and the same is true for the coalition fleet.

But what the artificial intelligence consciousness never expected was that there was only the third fleet in the coalition fleet that was almost the same as it. Well, it’s not exactly the same. At least the Third Fleet has much richer information about this star field than it does. This means that even if the Third Fleet has difficulty in moving, when it performs actions such as evasion and firing, , much more accurate than that.

Not to mention the other two human fleets, the performance advantages of the battleships were fully reflected at this time. The difference between cloud and mud can be used to describe this situation.

"Well done, the artificial intelligence fleet will be eliminated today." Eyes are about to engage in real battle. Yue Yuan is also making final communications with the commanders of the second and third fleets before stationing, "Man Yuemei, your fleet is in the neutron star zodiac. Rush under the plane and try to block its escape direction before the artificial intelligence's consciousness reacts."

"We need information about the battleship where the artificial intelligence body is located!" Man Yuemei replied.

"Well, no problem." Yue Yuan nodded, looked at the Nair Governor-General on the screen, and then said: "Your Majesty the Great Governor, success or failure depends on this. You must fight hard. The hydrogen bombs planted before are only After blowing up the landing ship of the artificial intelligence consciousness, its main lake-class battleship was not lost, so there is still a nearly ten-fold numerical gap between the enemy and us.

At this time, the right time and place are all in our hands, and there can be no problems with the final human being. If this failure to try our best results in the artificial intelligence consciousness finally running away, there will be endless troubles. "

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, the hands of this artificial intelligence consciousness are filled with the blood of our Nair people. We will definitely not let go at such a critical moment." said the Nair People's Grand Governor.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan opened the fleet channel and finally said: "Okay, that's it. I hope you all will fight bravely to kill the enemy!"

With that said, he sent the information about the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness body was to the Second Fleet of Manyuemei, and then pressed the button on his seat, firmly fixing himself in his seat, and prepared to start the battle.

Which battleship the artificial intelligence consciousness body is located on was already observed based on the delayed reaction actions of the peripheral battleships in the artificial intelligence fleet when the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets went to raid. Now it is on a ship located in On the battleship in the middle of the fleet.

According to the information obtained from the Nair people, the existence form of this artificial intelligence consciousness cannot be transferred through the wireless network. This was discovered when the war between the Ner people in the third star field and the artificial intelligence consciousness started.

If the artificial intelligence conscious body wants to transfer its own body, it can only control the robot to move the new equipment, and then physically connect the old and new equipment before the body transfer can be carried out.

Therefore, as long as the battleship where its body is located is captured, it is equivalent to capturing it.

But this is not easy. It is on a battleship now. If something goes wrong, it will probably get a combat AI to control the fleet battle again, and then escape on its own.

After all, as long as the main battleship escapes, with the technology of the Nair civilization, a second-level civilization, it can definitely find a desolate planet to make a comeback.

Therefore, Yue Yuan asked the second fleet to pass through and keep an eye on the battleship where it was located.

The battle is about to break out.

The first fleet to engage the enemy was the leading First Fleet. When the distance between the two sides narrowed to 10 light seconds, a Lake-class warship at the front of the Tianqin opened fire first. Its main gun was a super-large laser energy cannon.

A high-energy laser beam that can only be seen through partial scattering of light roared out from its muzzle. Ten seconds later, this straight high-energy laser successfully ignored the magnetic field shield of an artificial intelligence warship. Unfortunately, it finally fell. The point deviated from the target warship by several hundred meters, and finally disappeared into the deep starry sky.

Another Lake-class battleship named the West Lake Ship also opened fire at the next moment, but its main gun was a positron cannon. Since the West Lake ship is equipped with a positron cannon, before it fires, it must change its own magnetic field shield parameters at the same time so that the direction of the magnetic field lines of the magnetic field shield changes. The purpose is to allow the positron beam it emits. It can be shot out in the direction of the magnetic field lines of its own magnetic field shield, straight away from the range of its own magnetic field shield.

Of course, such parameter changes have been integrated into the fire control system, so there is no need to perform fancy operations before firing each shot.

However, this positron beam began to deflect after it left the magnetic field shield range of the West Lake ship itself. The positron beam did not shoot straight towards the target, but made a big turn in the strong magnetic field of the neutron star, drawing an arc in the starry sky and hitting the enemy warship on the other side.

The so-called bullet can turn, and you can see it here.

Perhaps because they had information about the magnetic field direction, magnetic field strength, etc. of the neutron star in this star field in advance, the West Lake ship's positron cannon fired quite accurately. After the positron beam drew an arc in the starry sky, it hit the target very accurately.

It's a pity that the target warship still has its magnetic field shield on at this moment, and at a distance of 10 light seconds, a positron cannon hits the target exactly in the direction of the magnetic induction line of the magnetic field shield. The probability is much higher than that of a meteorite. It is even more difficult to fall from the sky and just fall into the hole of the stone mill.

Therefore, this positron cannon was no accident and was deflected by the enemy ship's magnetic shield.

Speaking of which, at the second-level civilization level, the role of positron cannons has changed from a core combat force to an auxiliary one. Therefore, the human fleet also reduced the number of positron cannons installed after the original strategic adjustment.

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