Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 388 Take a breath of cold air

At the same time, the strategic focus was placed on the electromagnetic railgun, which was not favored in the first-level civilization stage. Therefore, when the two fleets first came into contact, the combat effectiveness of the first fleet was not reflected.

The Tianqin didn't even fire a single shot, it just kept slowing down in reverse to bring itself closer to the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness.

The starry sky is very vast. Thirty-six thousand Lake-class battleships of artificial intelligence consciousness may seem like a lot, but they still occupy a very small space in the vast starry sky.

However, compared to the three fleets of the coalition, the scene was still much more shocking, especially when they simultaneously turned their tail main thrusters to slow down in the direction of the coalition fleet, hundreds of thousands to long tongues of fire, it was like countless The sun's rays suddenly lit up in the starry sky.

It can be said that in the eyes of the visible light detectors of the coalition fleet at this moment, they are the only light sources in the starry sky.

As the distance between the two sides continued to close, the artificial intelligence fleet no longer continued to slow down with its tail facing the coalition fleet. Instead, when it was about to enter the effective range of the electromagnetic railgun, it turned around and started a fierce battle with the coalition fleet.

Because of the existence of the main consciousness of artificial intelligence, the formation of the artificial intelligence fleet has always been spherical, and its body is at the center of the sphere. This ensures that other warships it controls have similar delay times.

Because of this, if the coalition forces want to capture it, they must destroy the fleet it controls.

This was a war of 3,750 warships versus 36,000 warships. The disparity in numbers made the scene look very tragic to the coalition forces at the beginning of the war.

When the fleets of both sides entered the electromagnetic railgun's home field, the ten-fold gap made the scene seem as if the three coalition fleets were suddenly swallowed up by the artificial intelligence fleet.

However, if the camera is zoomed to any battleship on the battlefield, this is not the case.

At this moment, the Tianqin has plunged into the spherical formation of the artificial intelligence fleet like other battleships. From the optical image, it can be seen that the Tianqin's starboard is at three o'clock, the port side is at ten o'clock, and the front is at twelve o'clock. The direction is 60 degrees above and 90 degrees below. Four enemy ships have entered the range.

And judging from the changing postures of these four warships, there may be four laser energy cannons shooting at them in the next moment. Of course, it may also be the electromagnetic railgun that has just been discharged.

"Ignore the enemy ships in other directions. Our ship will not make attitude adjustments. We will continue to slow down in reverse and approach the warship directly ahead. Prepare the electromagnetic railgun and kill that ship first!"

Yue Yuan, who was firmly fixed on the captain's chair and was undergoing 160 G acceleration, opened his mouth and gave tactical instructions.

The Tianqin did not add acceleration buffer, because humans have now mastered the human body overclocking mode. After entering the human body overclocking mode, normal human body strength can withstand 200G acceleration. If you often do acceleration training, such as on a battleship The crew can fully withstand the acceleration of 300G.

Now the acceleration caused by Tianqin's deceleration is only 160 G, and it is enough to just turn on the body overclocking mode.

The existence of overclocking mode ensures that humans can maintain sufficient combat effectiveness in such high-intensity acceleration and deceleration battles, and the previous practice of sending scientific teams to collect scientific data in this star field ensures the action posture of each warship It is easier to adjust and the shells fired are more accurate.

So the Tianqin's main gun fired the first armor-piercing electromagnetic railgun with a hydrogen bomb warhead like a ghost, and just as the calculation results showed, it hit the target!

It's just that although the electromagnetic railgun can ignore magnetic field shields, its speed is still not fast enough. Therefore, this shell was burned out by the laser close-in defense cannon on the enemy ship more than 70 kilometers away from the enemy ship. .

However, when the Lyra's electromagnetic railgun was intercepted, a bright spot lit up on the belly of the enemy ship. Three seconds later, the armor at the spot changed from red to white, and finally turned into a large hole filled with red steel lava.

This was the masterpiece of a battleship located below the Tianqin. The main gun of the laser energy cannon it was equipped with was able to punch a big hole in the enemy ship with just one shot. Unfortunately, it did not hit the core and did not trigger a secondary explosion.

However, this penetrating blow also caused many equipment failures on the enemy ship. A series of electronic equipment failures caused circuit burns and fires after the armor was penetrated.

The next moment, the enemy ship's power supply to its own magnetic shielding layer was unstable due to these failures. If in other places, the instability of this magnetic shielding layer would not cause any serious consequences, but here, it would kill the battleship.

The instability of the power supply system led to the instability of the function of the magnetic shielding layer, so at the next moment, the magnetic shielding layer briefly collapsed.

Afterwards, before the maintenance robots on the battleship were in place, a series of sparks appeared in the battleship's internal circuits, and various burnt smoke emerged from various pipelines and locations.

Then in a series of sparks, the battleship seemed to be electrocuted by itself, and the tail thruster also turned off. Then, the close-in defense gun that was originally spinning around on its surface was also stopped, and various kinds of weapons inside it were seen. The equipment and indicator lights also fell silent at this moment.

After the battleship was shot through a large hole by an energy laser cannon, less than ten seconds passed before it turned into a dead metal lump floating in space.

The energy laser cannon only wounded it, but what killed it was the environment of this space. To be precise, it is the quasi-magnetar that is invisible in the visible light band.

What just happened was that after the enemy ship was damaged, its internal equipment was magnetized by the quasi-magnetar.

The process was very short, but its internal equipment was all scrapped due to the strong magnetic field in a short period of time, and it "died" peacefully.

This phenomenon does not only appear on this enemy ship. Many enemy ships that were shot with large holes by laser energy cannons and caused turmoil in the internal magnetic shielding layer suffered this fate.

For a time, the laser energy cannon repeatedly performed extraordinary feats.

The two sides had only been fighting for less than an hour, and more than 400 artificial intelligence warships were killed by laser energy cannons.

And warships like the Tianqin equipped with electromagnetic railgun main guns also showed their combat power in the following time.

As the distance continues to shrink, the electromagnetic railgun is no longer as easy to be intercepted by close-range laser energy weapons as it is when it first enters the range. After all, the electromagnetic railgun's shells are actually not too slow. With humanity's current electromagnetic technology, the shell's exit speed can be accelerated to 10% of the speed of light, which is 30,000 kilometers per second.

If it is an electromagnetic railgun shell that has undergone advanced modification, it can also ignite the fusion propulsion engine of the shell itself after the shell is ejected from the chamber to continue to increase the speed.

In close combat, such a speed can barely be described as "fast as lightning". According to the common vocabulary of some movies and TV shows in the Earth Age, this is sub-light speed.

Of course, that's a brainless drama.

In fact, sublight speed refers to the speed of an object reaching 90% but not reaching the speed of light. Obviously, human electromagnetic rail guns cannot yet achieve this.

But for close combat, it's enough.

Just like the current Tianqin, it only took thirty minutes to successfully kill three of the opponent's warships.

"Left rudder one hundred and eighty! Coordinates 22663, destroy that battleship!" Just after observing that an enemy ship was destroyed by the electromagnetic railgun, Yue Yuan spoke again to find the next target for the Tianqin.

At this moment, a wounded announcement sounded in the command center of the Tianqin: "The top side of our ship was irradiated by laser for 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds and 6 seconds. The local armor temperature was 8897°C, which is too low. , the armor is intact. The radiation heat dissipation system of this ship is working normally and is circulating heat dissipation within the armor."

Laser energy cannon, the speed of light, is hit or missed when detected, there is no possibility of interception, only movement and avoidance.

However, in this kind of close combat, it becomes more difficult to predict and dodge. Even if the battleship is fully advanced and changes speed and direction, it cannot go faster than the speed of light.

However, the Lyra's armor is very strong. During this period, it was not the first time that it was hit by the opponent's laser energy cannon, and it was all unscathed.

At the same time, Lyra's radar detected eight rapidly approaching electromagnetic railgun shells. As a result, its close-range laser cannons began to rotate under the control of the combat AI. After completing charging, they radiated towards the incoming shells.

"Our ship's close-in defense gun successfully intercepted 7 electromagnetic rail guns!"

"The side armor of our ship was hit by the electromagnetic railgun, and the hydrogen bomb warhead exploded. The flaw detection system is working normally and is calculating the explosion energy. The external equipment is scanning for damage.

Result: The explosion of the hydrogen bomb in the warhead produced a high temperature of 140 million degrees, and the deformation of the armor on the side chord wings of our ship was less than 3CM, and the armor was undergoing internal circulation heat dissipation."

After being hit by an electromagnetic railgun, everyone in the command center felt that the Lyra shook slightly, and then did not stabilize.

The main gun of the artificial intelligence fleet adopts the triple-mounted model of the original Nair civilization. It has a small caliber, but it also has built-in hydrogen bomb warhead technology, but does not have armor-piercing bomb technology.

So being hit by an electromagnetic railgun is equivalent to being hit in the face by a hydrogen bomb. Alloy No. 2 has extremely strong impact resistance and a melting point as high as 280 million degrees Celsius. Therefore, the Tianqin, which was armored with No. 2 alloy material, withstood the blow. The armor was slightly dented and was not damaged at all.

In the two human fleets, although the performance of the other warships was much worse than that of the Tianqin, the armor was all made of No. 2 alloy. Therefore, as soon as the two sides engaged in close combat, a human warship appeared that could A scene of single-handedly challenging seven or eight artificial intelligence consciousness battleships at the same time.

Moreover, the human warships were able to kill all the opponents in this situation, and their own armor was slightly deformed.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Nair Governor, who had been paying attention to the human warships and wanted to know the true combat effectiveness of the human warships, saw such a scene and couldn't help but use his many dialysis gas organs to suck in countless breaths of cold air.

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