Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 389 Devastated

Since one main consciousness is required to control multiple lines of control, the artificial intelligence fleet is relatively concentrated. Therefore, as long as the detectors on the battleships pay a little attention to the battlefield situation, it is easy to see the fighting situation of the two human fleets.

The Nair Governor was really shocked when he saw the fighting situation of the human fleet. He had known for a long time that the human fleet was very powerful, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

It turns out that the No. 1 alloy material originally sold to him was not the best material technology product of mankind, but the armor that appeared on human battleships.

When he saw the human fleet killing all the enemies, but not one of his ships was damaged, the Nair Governor once again felt lucky that he did not have a conflict with the humans back then.

At the same time, he also knew that this war was stable.

It's just that he can't understand why the human fleet obviously has such a powerful combat capability, why it still wastes hundreds of years chasing artificial intelligence consciousness for hundreds of years, and also spends hundreds of years doing various things in this binary system. layout.

What is the first battlefield, the second battlefield, and various attrition tactics?

He feels that with the strength of the human fleet, even if it is an artificial intelligence fleet that has not been consumed, even if there is no first battlefield or second battlefield arranged, even if it fights in the normal starry sky, even if it is frontal hard steel, the human fleet can still Win.

But humans just do it.

The Great Governor of the Nair people had some difficulty understanding this approach, but he felt that this should be the art of human warfare.

“I really don’t know what kind of development history a civilization has and what kind of living environment it is that can give birth to such a culture.”

The Nair Governor sighed in his heart, and then returned his attention to the battlefield.

The Allied Third Fleet was originally a fleet belonging to the first star domain of the Nair civilization, and was also a direct force of the Nair people's Grand Governor. After obtaining humanity's No. 1 alloy material technology, the Grand Governor updated it.

Therefore, this fleet can be said to be the elite fleet of the Nair civilization. It is not comparable to the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets. At least it has only lost thirteen warships in the battle with the artificial intelligence fleet so far. Most of them are still suffering. After its creation, it was destroyed by the super strong magnetism of this star field.

As for why the Third Fleet, which has No. 1 alloy as armor, can still be damaged, it must be the electromagnetic railgun of the hydrogen bomb warhead of the artificial intelligence fleet. The hydrogen bomb that was exploded close to the face can withstand the explosion temperature of the center of the hydrogen bomb, although it is instantaneous. The temperature only lasts for a second or two, but if it is hit too many times, the heat dissipation system cannot keep up, which will also cause problems with the internal equipment of the battleship.

Many Third Fleet battleships were destroyed in this way.

Of course, the losses to the artificial intelligence fleet will be even greater. After the three fleets entered into a close-range fight with the electromagnetic railgun, its losses skyrocketed.

Facing the battleship cluster of the First Fleet, there was a scene of one-sided massacre.

In this unfamiliar environment, the artificial intelligence fleet's positron cannon cannot pass through the magnetic field shield, and even has difficulty shooting at the target warship. Often, the positron beam is deflected by the magnetic field of the neutron star as soon as it is ejected from the gun barrel. Gone somewhere.

Seeing such a situation, the artificial intelligence consciousness simply does not need the positron cannon, but the laser energy cannon of the triple main gun cannot burn through the armor of the First Fleet warship. The electromagnetic rail gun is somewhat threatening, but some electromagnetic Orbital artillery shells will be intercepted by the battleship's laser close-in defense cannon before they are concentrated on the target, but even if the shells break through and intercept the concentrated target, they will at most cause a small deformation in the armor of the battleships of the First Fleet.

That scene, just like smoke without injury, makes people despair when they see it.

So after the two sides fought for a while, and after seeing their warships being slaughtered one-sidedly, the artificial intelligence consciousness finally realized that something was wrong.

Based on the current battle loss ratio, its terminal calculated the victory or defeat rate of this war. Its success rate dropped from 100% at the beginning to 0.01%. This result made it a little panicked.

It has never been so panicked since the birth of consciousness.

Soon, the artificial intelligence consciousness calculated the probability that it could escape based on the current battle data between the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield. The result showed that it was only 5%.

This time, a feeling of fear was born deep in its main consciousness.

how so?

At this moment, the artificial intelligence consciousness also realized that the Nair civilization came here to fight intentionally, but its database did not support such a conclusion, because with the current combat effectiveness displayed by the "Nair civilization", it is not possible at all. It took so many steps to fight him head-on hundreds of years ago.

All its knowledge and all data iterations come from the Nair civilization, so the artificial intelligence consciousness cannot understand it.

Time does not allow it to think too much at this time, because it feels that its highest priority now is to find a way to escape.

The artificial intelligence consciousness really doesn’t want to be locked up anymore and then studied by the Nel civilization.

However, when the artificial intelligence consciousness observed the battlefield and tried to find a way to escape, it sadly discovered that if it wanted to escape, it had to decelerate and then accelerate again, because due to the previous accelerated pursuit, its own fleet and the fleet of "Nair Civilization" were now is still approaching the neutron star.

The speed in this direction must be completely reduced before escape is possible, and it will take about three hours to complete the deceleration.

For an artificial intelligence that does not have to worry about its lifespan, it has never cared about time before. Whether it is three hours or three hundred or three thousand years, it feels the same.

But now, it suddenly felt that three hours was such a long time.

Especially when it found that the number of its warships was decreasing every moment, it even felt that its entire fleet might not be able to hold on for less than three hours.

The fear of failure, the fear of being locked in a small box, and the humiliation of not being willing to be studied by the Nair people suddenly emerged from the depths of the consciousness of the artificial intelligence body.

Somehow, it felt like it had become smarter and more complete, but at this time, it would rather not have these inexplicable emotions.

In the starry sky, the flames of war are still raging, and the light of explosions is still like the fireworks of the Spring Festival. The number of destroyed ships on the battlefield has increased from ten to hundreds, from hundreds to thousands, and from ten thousand ships.

Environmental factors, coupled with the obvious generation gap in armor technology and main gun design issues, as well as the collection and application of data from this star field in the early stages of human civilization, all combined to make human warships perform poorly in this war. Extremely brave.

Looking at the entire battlefield situation, it completely shows a destructive trend.

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