Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 390 The overall situation has been decided

Human civilization and artificial intelligence consciousness both belong to the second-level civilization technology, but they are also second-level civilizations, and there is also a generation gap.

In other words, it would be more accurate to say that this generation difference is caused by Alloy No. 2, an alloy material that should not appear at the second level of civilization.

The defensive capabilities of the powerful armor, coupled with advance layout, massive battlefield environment data, and some early consumption tactics, all combined to create the current crushing situation.

Countless artificial intelligence battleships were destroyed one by one in a short period of time.

At this moment, the entire silent battlefield seemed to be filled with the non-existent wails of battleships. At this moment, they all turned into scrap metal.

In the near future, the remains of these warships that have become scrap metal but are still moving towards the neutron star will, under the action of the law of conservation of angular momentum, change from heading straight towards the neutron star to rotating around the neutron star. After countless years, they will It will get closer and closer to the neutron star, then be disintegrated by the strong gravity of the neutron star, and finally fall into the surface of the neutron star.

When they actually fall toward a neutron star, whatever they were made of before will eventually become part of the neutron star's material.

This was the ultimate fate of these destroyed battleships.

At this time, the signal receiving system of the coalition fleet received an unwilling signal.

That was sent by the artificial intelligence consciousness through electromagnetic broadcasting. Obviously, it was uneasy and afraid of its own future outcome.

But uneasiness and fear are not enough to make it want to surrender, because at this moment it still has the possibility of escaping because its fleet has completed deceleration.

In the general speed direction, its fleet is no longer moving in the direction of the neutron star, but is resisting the attack of the coalition fleet while looking for a possible breakout direction.

Yes, breakout.

It was originally a term used when a small number of troops were surrounded by a large number of troops, but now the artificial intelligence fleet still has a total of 18,000 warships, but facing more than 3,000 warships on the opposite side, the artificial intelligence consciousness feels that it is indeed in Look for opportunities to break out.

"Damnable Neer civilization, you actually hid your strength. You guys are telling me, did you plan to come to this star field a long time ago! Damn it, damn it, damn carbon-based worms, you actually spent hundreds of years Come lie to me, just wait for me, when I leave here, it will be your end."

Faced with the futile cry of the artificial intelligence consciousness, the coalition headquarters ignored it at all, and did not clarify to it that the coalition fleet was not just a force of Nel civilization, but concentrated on tracking the movements of its main battleships.

Nearly half of the artificial intelligence fleet was slaughtered. Although the operational coordination between the warships is still very good at this moment, there have been some different actions.

They no longer fought towards the densely populated area of ​​​​allied warships as they had done at the beginning. Instead, they shrank further toward the center, protecting their bodies within a defensive circle.

Perhaps the artificial intelligence consciousness has discovered that it cannot kill the fleet on the opposite side at all. Oh, not to be precise, it is the two fleets whose appearance is somewhat different from the previous fleet. The other fleet can occasionally destroy a few ships, but those two fleets The fleet is simply invulnerable.

After the positron cannon was completely defended by the magnetic field shield, its fleet had no weapons that could cause damage to the two fleets.

Seeing that his main cannon only caused a slight change in the opponent's speed, the artificial intelligence consciousness was desperate.

So after being unwilling to get a response when roaring, it rarely used the thoughts deep in its consciousness to make various plans for escape routes.

It only took six hours from being full of confidence to being beaten to the point where I just wanted to run away.

It was also in this short period of time that the artificial intelligence fleet lost nearly half of its warships, which shows how fierce the fighting was and how efficient the killing was.

"Commander Yue, the artificial intelligence fleet was divided into two. One part rushed towards the area where the third fleet was located, and the other part opened the gap between each other's warships and surged desperately towards the area between us and the second fleet. come over."

A report sounded in the Lyra command center.

Hearing these words, Yue Yuan turned to look at the battlefield star map, which displayed a real-time dynamic map of the battlefield. From it, he could see that the highlights representing the artificial intelligence fleet were indeed divided into two groups.

"I want to run away now, it's too late"

Yue Yuanxin said this, and then sent the Second Fleet to bite the group of warships heading towards the Third Fleet from behind. At the same time, he also sent an order to the Third Fleet, asking them to determine the artificial intelligence at all costs. The main body battleship stopped it.

The artificial intelligence consciousness is not very stupid. It knows that the Third Fleet is the fleet with the weakest combat effectiveness, so it runs towards the area where the Third Fleet warships are distributed. However, it may not know that its body has already been in the fourth, fifth, and fourth fleets. When the Sixth Fleet made its initial raid, it was flagged by the Allied Forces Command.

Therefore, no matter how it separates from the fleet or how it runs, the coalition fleet will keep an eye on its body, and all warship maneuvers will be blocked based on the movement direction of its body.

If the combat effectiveness of both sides is about the same, such unscrupulous positional blockade will definitely cause huge losses to itself, but now humans are not worried at all.

Because such an order will at most cause some losses to the Third Fleet. If one of the two human fleets is destroyed, it is most likely that it will be destroyed by the harsh environment due to problems with its own internal system, rather than being destroyed by an artificial intelligence warship.

The second fleet reacted immediately after receiving the order, and unscrupulously set up a skirmishing formation. The 1,250 warships spread out, then sailed from top to bottom, left and right, and rushed towards the warship where the artificial intelligence body was located.

For the Third Fleet, this order was difficult to accept. After all, it might cause them heavy casualties, but in this case, they could only accept it.

Because the Nair Governor-General has deeply realized the strength of human military strength, being weak now means disobeying orders, and it will be the Nair civilization that will suffer.

As a result, the Third Fleet also immediately set up the same formation as the Second Fleet to block routes in all directions of the starry sky.

The first fleet led by the Lyra continued to roll into the squadron, which was much larger than its own, and once again launched the second stage of massacre.

At this moment, the fighting battlefield completely turned into a performance stage for laser energy cannons and electromagnetic rail guns, and one artificial intelligence warship after another was buried under these two main guns.

It is worth mentioning that in this harsh environment, the laser energy cannon that originally needed to hit two or even three or four rounds can take down a warship with just one shot at this moment.

Not to mention the electromagnetic railgun. As long as it hits, it will penetrate the armor and then trigger a big internal explosion, taking away a ship with one shot.

Under such circumstances, the efficiency of the massacre was very rapid. In just three hours after the artificial intelligence consciousness began to escape, its 18,000 warships were killed and another 12,000 were killed.

There is a little bit less today, because I have been too busy these past few days, and I have finished all the manuscripts. I have to work all night long tomorrow, so I will have nothing tomorrow and resume the day after tomorrow.

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