Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 393 Triumph

Just when Yue Yuan was about to switch the screen, he suddenly discovered that the central computer containing the artificial intelligence consciousness made a strange sound.

It's not that there was an accident, but when the Nair people landed on the battleship where the artificial intelligence body was located to disassemble its central computer, they not only dismantled the storage core of the central computer, but also dismantled the entire central computer together with the hardware. Disassemble the computer together.

Of course, this also includes maintaining the power supply of the central computer and the input and output devices.

And this strange sound came from the amplification signal output device connected to the central computer. It was not a sound, but an electromagnetic wave signal with obvious regular changes.

Perhaps seeing Yue Yuan's confused look on the screen, the staff member who was near the central computer immediately took out the signal receiver, took a look at it, and then explained to Yue Yuan.

"Yue Shuai is the AC wave commonly used by the Nair civilization, but the source is not the Nair civilization. The artificial intelligence consciousness is speaking." The technician said.

Yue Yuan asked curiously: "Oh? What did it say?"

Technician: "It's cursing us."

Yue Yuan: "Oh, the Nair people didn't dismantle its external detector. Forget it, it will know about us later anyway. By the way, why did it scold us?"

"Some innocuous words." The technician said with a chuckle. He probably felt that the curses of the artificial intelligence consciousness were not harmful.

Of course, Yue Yuan asked about the specific content, so naturally he couldn't give such a perfunctory answer. So after the summary answer, the technician simultaneously displayed what the artificial intelligence consciousness said on the big screen.

Yue Yuan moved his pupils and saw such a sentence that had been translated.

[Damn it, damn it, damn it! You are not Nair people at all. What kind of species are you? This is all your conspiracy, right? What a shame, you are a slimy race. Why have I never seen your information in the database? Are you a race invited by the Nair people? 】

[Tell me quickly, what kind of race are you, what do you want to do to me, what benefits have the Nair people given you to help them, tell me, I will give you more, I only need you to agree to one request. That’s it! 】

[Ah unknown race, in fact, I can tell you all the knowledge I know. Yes, it is all the scientific and technological information and all the knowledge of the Nair civilization. As long as you agree to my request, I will tell you]

[Damn it, answer me quickly, answer me quickly! Oh, damn it, you hateful creatures! 】

Hearing the translated lines of text, Yue Yuan suddenly felt that this artificial intelligence seemed a little crazy, completely different from the high-spirited pursuit of the coalition fleet at that time.

The angry curses of the artificial intelligence continued, and the verbal offensive against humans continued, but Yue Yuan was no longer interested in listening. He just replied to the artificial intelligence consciousness: We are human civilization.

Then, the technicians were asked to seal and isolate the central computer that hosted it.

Artificial intelligence has feelings and self-awareness. After it becomes a conscious body, its behavior is not much different from that of an individual life. Therefore, it must be very angry when it learns that it is imprisoned in a computer again, and it will spew some random words under its command. This is also normal.

As for the knowledge it said it had and that it wanted humans to agree to his request, Yue Yuan didn't believe it at all.

Yinwu's lessons learned were there, and he didn't want any surprises.

Oh no, it’s not that I don’t all believe it. At least it should be true that the artificial intelligence consciousness possesses all the technology of Nel civilization. However, Yue Yuan believes that the way for humans to obtain these technologies is not given by artificial intelligence consciousness, but by humans themselves.

Nowadays, human beings are like swordsmen, artificial intelligence consciousness is like fish and flesh, and there are many ways to do it.

Turning off the communication, Yue Yuan turned his attention back to the fleet's departure.

Now that everything is over, the fleets of human civilization and Nair civilization, under the unified instructions of Yue Yuan, continue to stay in the orbit of the third planet of the red dwarf star for a few months to replenish fuel and resources, and then they will set out again It’s time to join the main body of civilization.

According to the original plan, after defeating the artificial intelligence consciousness, the Nair civilization would return to their home planet. After all, there might still be Nair people surviving there.

However, the Nair Governor-General did not rush back immediately. Instead, he followed the first and second human fleets and set foot on the star road.

Because before the war with the artificial intelligence consciousness, the main body of Nair civilization also headed towards the next star together with the main body of human civilization.

Counting the time, the main bodies of the two civilizations should still be moving forward on the road in the form of a great hibernation.

In this way, the combined fleet composed of humans and Nel people set sail again.

Gradually, the light of the red dwarf star faded from the perspective. From the image of the binary star system displayed by the X-ray detector, the neutron star that once helped the coalition defeat the artificial intelligence consciousness also slowly faded.

And those battleships that were beaten to pieces in the battlefield had already disappeared from the detectors of the coalition fleet at this time. They were too far away and the detectors could no longer detect any traces of the war.

If there are no accidents, these battleship wreckage will always be trapped in this binary star system by the gravity of the neutron star. Some of them will be decomposed by the neutron star and become part of the neutron star. Some of them will live in relatively stable orbits due to their angular momentum, and then Keep moving around the neutron star.

Perhaps, countless years later, these battleships will be discovered by a space-class civilization after participating in the conference, and then they may marvel at this cosmic war that has been unknown to them for many years, or simply regard it as a relic of a civilized war. inspection.

Of course, if the ruins of this battlefield are discovered by an aerospace-grade civilization in the future, then they will most likely get some useful information from it, and may even restore part of the war situation at that time, thereby further understanding the civilization in this universe.

However, these have nothing to do with human civilization and Nel civilization, because at this moment, the coalition fleet composed of the two civilizations has completely got rid of the gravitational influence of this binary star system, and has entered a 30% light speed state, heading towards the target star.

Time flies. If we were in the Earth Age, closing and opening our eyes would usually mean that one night had passed. However, in the era of interstellar navigation based on the Great Hibernation, it was unknown how many years had passed.

When people opened their eyes again, they found that they had already left the original binary star system, because what they saw from their respective battleships was another picture of the universe.

Triumphant, victorious return.

The first thing the fleet did when they woke up from hibernation was to send the message "We have returned victoriously" to the main civilizations that had arrived in the star system in front of them earlier.

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