Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 394 The trend of technological supremacy

More than ten years after the two main bodies of civilization arrived in this star system, they waited for the arrival of their own civilization's fleet, and at the same time received news of victory.

He finally solved the artificial intelligence consciousness that had been chasing him for hundreds of years and captured it.

As soon as this news came out, people in both civilizations were excited. Under the operation of the Propaganda Department, various residential spaceships were instantly flooded with news. Whether it is the large projection screen in public places or the network system within the civilization, they are all reporting the news that the coalition fleet defeated the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness with less.

News of victory is undoubtedly a direct way to enhance cohesion.

After the news spread, the entire civilization was excited. They were proud of their army and their technological strength.

It seems that at this moment, there is a wave of enthusiasm and positivity in civilization.

When the news of victory swept across the entire civilization, Yue Yuan's prestige was further enhanced, especially after the hundreds of years of layout and various terrain and tactical options for this battle were released.

Of course, some of them still insist on believing that the greatest contribution is to the scientists working silently behind the scenes. It is because of them that the human fleet has not been damaged.

After this statement appeared, it was widely recognized on the Internet. Those who agree believe that if there is no solid scientific foundation and armor technology that is so powerful that the opponent cannot break through the defense, no matter how good the strategy is and the tactics are awesome, there will be casualties in the end.

Yue Yuan agrees with this view, because as a direct participant and supreme commander, no one feels it more than he does. If it weren't for the No. 2 alloy material, the Tianqin would have had a lot of holes in it during this war.

But the fact is that the Lyra and even other human battleships have not even used the previous nano-repair robots.

After this battle, mankind has become more obsessed with technological development, and even on the private Internet, there are more advocates of technological supremacy.

In this regard, Yue Yuan is happy to see the success.

The new government has long understood that the only thing that can protect mankind in space is science and technology.

Many religious thoughts about gods and ghosts disappeared long ago with that peerless explosion when the sun was destroyed. The remaining human beings, even if they still have religious concepts, only regard it as a topic of bragging after dinner.

The idea of ​​scientific supremacy has overshadowed all religious ideas in this wandering civilization of human civilization.

Almost everyone scorns the idea that the end point of science is theology. Nowadays, most human beings believe that science is endless and exploration has no end. Even if myths do appear, they are myths created by science, or science realizes myths.

From Tiangong to Guanghan Palace to Yinghuo Base, from Chang'e to Jade Rabbit to Wukong, which one is not a myth recreated by science and technology.

Regarding the same news of victory, compared to the resurgence of the technological supremacy trend in human society, there was a different response in the Nel civilized society.

The Nair society was happy at first, and then became a little numb after learning the details of the war. Especially after knowing the casualties of the human fleet, some of them were afraid and some were grateful. There seemed to be a complex emotion in the entire civilized society.

There are even some statements advocating that human civilization is powerful and invincible.

Such remarks are similar to those of the refined elements and the Japanese elements in the Earth Age, or those of the domestic press and foreign media.

The whole theme is that human civilization is my spiritual sustenance, and they are our fathers.

The emergence of this kind of thought is detrimental to the Nair civilization. It stands to reason that the Nair People's Governor should take measures as soon as possible to control the spread of this idea. However, the main bodies of human civilization and Nel civilization are now in the same star system, and the fleets of the two civilizations are still together. The most terrible thing is that the human fleet still has an absolute superiority in force.

Under various circumstances, the Great Governor of the Nair people did not dare to suppress them directly because he was afraid of making humans unhappy.

After this war, human civilization was invisibly superior to Nel civilization.

As a result, decades later, a large number of Nair people who yearned for human civilization appeared in the Nair civilization. They yearned for everything in human civilization, and even extremist ideas that advocated that the human shape is the perfect shape appeared. . Obviously, they are not realists, but idealists.

The races of the two civilizations are different. This is completely mindless propaganda.

Of course, since humans generally don’t care much about the internal affairs of the Nel civilization, even if these news reached the ears of the new human government through some channels, not many people would care. After all, humans really don’t want to plot the Nel civilization. .

On the contrary, high-level human beings all know that the Nair civilization will return to their home planet soon to save their compatriots who may still be alive.

In this regard, the overall attitude of the top human beings is supportive. After all, the original purpose of using the Nair civilization fleet has been achieved, the artificial intelligence consciousness has been obtained, and some Nair people have been sold to humans. Human beings want to understand the Nair people. The racial genes and the like can be completely carried out through them. There is really no need to get entangled with the Nel civilization.

But having said that, from the time they met the Nel civilization until now, the new human government has a good impression of it. The two civilizations get along very happily, especially after this war.

In fact, not only humans, but the Nair civilization also thinks so. Although they are a little afraid of human civilization now, they still include human civilization in the list of friendly people.

After all, as human civilization said back then, human civilization has absolutely no responsibility for the matter of artificial intelligence consciousness. It was the Nair civilization itself that caused it from beginning to end.

Naturally, the Nair civilization also knows about it, especially their great governor. He deeply understood what he and the Nel civilization he led had done.

They want to divert the trouble to the east and transfer the troubles of artificial intelligence consciousness to human civilization. Under such circumstances, human civilization turns around and helps them destroy the artificial intelligence fleet.

Even during the war, human civilization was suspected of using the Nair civilization's fleet, but most of the Nair people's top leaders took it for granted and felt that the sacrifice was worth it. After all, humans still took action in the end, and they really used artificial intelligence. The intelligent consciousness is solved.

In the process, it also helped the Nair civilization upgrade its fleet.

Various behaviors can indeed be classified as the most friendly civilization for Nair civilization.

I just don’t know whether the Nel civilization will still think so in the future when it knows that the ‘basic common sense information about the galaxy’ that human civilization sold to itself was a fabrication.

But that’s a story for another day.

Today's two civilizations are still in this star system, waiting for their respective fleets to arrive, and then providing various supplies to them.

The main bodies of human civilization and Nel civilization are in the same star system, but they are not developing resources on the same planet. Therefore, after the two victorious fleets arrived at the edge of the star system, they each adjusted their postures and headed towards the main body of their own civilization. The planet traveled.

Accelerating, decelerating, turning, parking, and entering and exiting star systems are already familiar to both civilizations. It didn't take long for the fleets of the two civilizations to return to the main body of their own civilization.

This is a red dwarf, yes, a red dwarf again.

These guys are very common among the stars in the universe, and their life span is very long. If you pick one out at random, it will have a life span of trillions of years.

For example, the red dwarf star in front of us is estimated to be only 7 to 7.5 billion years old. If there are no accidents, it can continue to burn itself and heat the universe for another 8 trillion years.

In fact, when it comes to secondary civilizations, especially wandering civilizations like human civilizations that live on spaceships, whether a main sequence star is a red dwarf, a yellow dwarf, or another white or blue giant star has little impact, as long as there are That's it for rocky planets.

There are not many other things in this red dwarf galaxy, but there are many rocky planets, reaching an astonishing sixteen. If the satellites of these planets are added, then the number of rocky planets in this red dwarf galaxy will reach an astonishing five. Sixteen.

To be honest, if you count all the satellites, this red dwarf star does not have as many planets as the solar system, but it has one thing that is special, that is, it does not have a single gas planet.

Such a star system is an inexhaustible treasure trove of resources for the second-generation civilization. In this red dwarf star system, which also belongs to the third-generation star, there are all kinds of resources. For a long time, any human civilization and Nair civilization squanders.

It can also be seen from this point that in fact, in the stage of aerospace-level civilization, there is no risk of energy and resource shortages among cosmic civilizations, and there will be no conflicts caused by the issue of the constant mass of the universe. In order to snatch a star system, the two sides Resources are even rarer for war to break out.

Because the universe is so big, and the basic composition of the planets is similar, a civilization with aerospace-level civilization technology can’t hold on to a single star system.

Unless there is some secret hidden in that star system, or there will be a conflict like the situation between the Kuntai people and humans back then.

Ten years later, when the Nell civilization fleet completed its supplies here, they returned to their home system according to their original plan.

However, when the Great Governor of the Nair people was about to announce his farewell to mankind and set off, another voice appeared in the Nair civilization.

Some Nair people feel that it is right to return to the home planet to save those compatriots who may not have been slaughtered, but there is no need for the entire Nair civilization to rush back all the way. All that is needed is a fleet carrying a supply spaceship.

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