Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 395 There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever

This part of the Nair people believe that the Nair civilization can no longer return to its previous model, and they also proposed in front of the great governor that given the current situation of the Nair civilization, the only way to achieve this is to transform into a wandering civilization like humans. The most suitable for Nel civilization.

Obviously, these Nel people are the same Nel people who boasted about and admired human civilization back then. The purpose of making such noises was to let the main body of the Nel civilization follow humans in the universe.

However, the power of these people did not reach the point where they could shake their Grand Governor, so in the end they were vetoed by the Grand Governor.

However, the Nair Grand Governor still agrees with most of their views, such as the matter of transforming into a wandering civilization. He also feels that becoming a wandering civilization like human civilization is the way forward for the Nair civilization.

The main reason is that the emergence of human beings has really shocked Nair civilization a lot, whether it is the fake news of "basic common sense information about the galaxy" or the powerful combat effectiveness of human civilization.

The great governor of the Nair people was deeply impressed by the various things that human civilization had manifested.

Of course, the premise is to bring all the Nair people who are still in dire straits on their home planet, so the Nair people's Grand Governor insisted that everyone go back together and clarify the situation on the home star first.

In fact, what those "elite human" Nair people don't know is that there is another reason why the Nair people's great governor is so insistent, that is, their great governor really doesn't want to see the Nair civilization split again.

The Governor of the Nile People's Congress does not want to see that era when it is divided into three and cannot be unified for a long time, resulting in the dispersion of scientific research forces and the slow progress in the development of civilization and science and technology.

The best way to avoid the division of Nel civilization is to bring them all together.

This is one of the reasons why the great governor believes that the Nair people should learn from humans in the future and truly transform into a wandering civilization.

Because only in that way will the Nair people not be scattered on various planets as before, and then there will be difficulties in information exchange due to communication delays, which will eventually lead to the split of the entire civilization.

When the entire fleet was about to set off, the Nair Governor sent a communication request to humans.

As soon as the video communication was connected, the Governor of Nair took the lead and said: "Leader of human civilization, we are about to set off. Before we leave, I want to thank you again for your generous help. Without your help, perhaps we would no longer exist. We Nair are civilized.

Our Neer civilization is not a civilization that forgets the benefits others have done to us and instead does things that are sorry for others. We will always remember this kindness. "

"Yes, at the beginning, we did have the intention of dragging your human civilization into the water, but we appreciate your help. Human civilization is a great civilization, and on behalf of the Nair civilization, I would like to express my gratitude to our previous We sincerely apologize for those inappropriate thoughts. If there is an opportunity in the future, we are still willing to fight side by side with the great human civilization."

Seeing this familiar figure wearing a dark carapace, but actually colorful black, Yue Yuan smiled and said: "Haha, you don't have to be like this, Your Excellency the Grand Governor. We are both carbon-based creatures, and we should deal with the artificial intelligence crisis together. Besides, we We got what we wanted, didn't we? There's no need to say more. The road is high and the road is high, so please take care of it, Your Majesty the Governor."

Seeing that Yue Yuan was speaking very relaxedly, the Great Governor of the Neer people couldn't help but said: "Then we'll say goodbye to you, the leader of human civilization. Hey, we'll just say goodbye. I don't know when we can see each other again."

"Although the universe is huge, if we are destined, we will still meet. But don't you really consider staying longer to replace all the battleships damaged in the previous battle before leaving?" Yue Yuan said.

"No, our compatriots are still suffering on the home planet. We must go back as soon as possible and bring them the news that artificial intelligence has been eliminated."

The two exchanged a final greeting before closing the communication.

After that, Yue Yuan saw from the picture transmitted back by the detector that there was a bright light in the starry sky where the Nair civilization's large fleet was located, and they had begun to accelerate and leave the star system.

Seeing the fleet of Nair civilization drifting away, Yue Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

From the time when humans first received the warning message from the second star domain of the Nair civilization, counting the time, it has been more than five hundred years since the two civilizations were in contact.

For more than five hundred years, Monkey King has jumped out from under Wuzhi Mountain. If it were the human world, I don’t know how many generations of emperors and dynasties have passed.

In the interstellar age, it was just a war.

After so many years of getting along, and now parting ways, there are really some inexplicable emotions.

Although Yue Yuan said so, if there were no accidents, human civilization and Nair civilization would not have met. After all, the vast sea of ​​​​stars and the vast Milky Way are too big and broad for the second-level civilization. When another civilization disappears in the galaxy Among them, it means that the two parties have completely lost contact.

Yes, a total loss of contact.

The communication technology of the second-level civilization cannot communicate across hundreds of light years. Even if the strongest electromagnetic technology is used to create a high-power broadcast system, there is no way to transmit electromagnetic waves that far without distortion.

Even if it is possible, humans will not do it because it is too risky to broadcast casually in the universe. Although they get along well with the Nel civilization, and humans also know that there are still some civilizations in the universe that are well-intentioned towards other civilizations, but Humanity will never forget the fact that the solar system was bombed.

There are still many vicious civilizations in the universe.

Nor does neutrino communication. The long space will make communication as slow as a snail, and the long time will also make communication unable to find its target.

Yue Yuan took a look at the star map before. This red dwarf star is about 136 light-years away from the Nail civilization's vast star. According to the description of the position of its home star by the Naer civilization, the distance between their home stars is The Pot Lid star is still 33 light-years away.

Both are also straight-line distances.

If we follow the navigation method of a second-level civilization and need to stop in many star systems along the way, the journey will be even further.

Therefore, the Neer civilization cannot escape within six to seven hundred years. And six to seven hundred years from now, humans won’t even know if they are still here.

It is true that this red dwarf is a resource-rich galaxy, but humans do not intend to stay here forever, at least for a thousand years.

According to the new government's plan, humans may stay here for about two hundred years.

The reason why such a time point was set was because the Academy of Human Sciences held a science and technology seminar not long ago, and Yue Yuan also participated.

At the meeting, scientists made some prospects for the future development of science and technology of mankind.

Most scientists believe that as long as humans are given a hundred years, they should be able to break through the technological barriers of level three civilizations and master true nanotechnology. If all goes well, then humans will spend another hundred years to comprehensively upgrade warships, residential spaceships, industrial factory spacecrafts, resource spacecrafts, engineering spacecrafts, etc., or build a new one. Collect warships and spaceships based on the third-level civilization technology, and then leave here.

Yes, human beings' own technological accumulation, coupled with some of the technologies obtained from the Nel civilization over the years, have kept human technological development in a state of steady progress. In recent years, mankind has made great progress in application technology in the microscopic field, especially in the field of nanoprobes. Now many civilian items have appeared in many genuine nanomaterial creations.

Human gene tailoring technology is also due to the advancement of nanotechnology, which has enabled new transformation technologies that are more precise, more accurate and more effective quickly.

Take the same intensity of body transformation as an example. In the past, it required eating and drinking for a month and then supplementing with various drugs. Now, it only takes one or two weeks and then supplementing with drugs. The shortened time means that the target orientation is more accurate.

If in the coming time, humans can obtain a complete set of Nel civilization technology from artificial intelligence consciousness, and then use it as a reference for human scientists, I believe it will not take more than a hundred years to successfully break through the barrier.

In view of the recent reactions of artificial intelligence consciousness, this hope is very high.

Of course, these are just the prospects of the science and technology seminar, and the actual situation will only be known based on the specific situation.

Well, regarding the research on artificial intelligence consciousness, as soon as the human fleet arrived, the group of crazy scientists came to ask for it.

After the central computer where the artificial intelligence consciousness is located was transferred to the scientific research ship, scientists began to conduct all-round research on it. Not only computer scientists participated, but also scientists from other fields such as physics, biology, psychology, mathematics, etc. Experts are involved.

Even scientists in cell dynamics came.

Under the research of countless scientists day and night, even though the artificial intelligence consciousness has been subjectively resistant to human research in recent years and has been very uncooperative, human computer scientists have still found some ways to obtain information from it.

It is also these methods that allow humans to read a lot of Nel civilization technology from the artificial intelligence consciousness.

In fact, the Nair civilization was able to leave so smoothly thanks to these computer scientists. Without their success, humans would not have been able to obtain the Nair civilization technology from the artificial intelligence consciousness. Without the Nair civilization technology, according to Yue Yuan's Style, I will definitely still find a way to obtain a full set of technology trees from the Nel civilization.

Fortunately, with the help of scientists, Yue Yuan no longer has to play the villain who demands technology.

Therefore, as more and more information is obtained by humans, the usually tough-talking artificial intelligence consciousness also shows a hint of weakness.

Perhaps it has realized that even if it says nothing, humans will eventually be able to get all the information they want from it.

And its softness gave those psychologists an opportunity to express themselves. These guys used to come to the artificial intelligence consciousness to chat when they had nothing to do. Now they finally got a chance, so they had to show off.

Ever since, under their words, the artificial intelligence consciousness finally agreed to cooperate with human research, and this allowed mankind to truly enter the field of research on artificial intelligence consciousness.

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