Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 397 Low Temperature Plasma Shield

Of course, humans at this stage can define super artificial intelligence from their own perspective, and there is no need to think about manufacturing.

That is digital life.

Today's human civilization is still exploring how to create strong artificial intelligence!

In addition to the rapid progress in the field of strong artificial intelligence, mankind has also made great progress in the field of true nanotechnology.

First of all, it is reflected in the accuracy of various instruments and equipment and various technological creations.

In just a dozen years, humans have been able to build building blocks step by step from the nanoscale, create various nanomaterials, and create countless processing equipment with precision at the micro-nano level.

These advances are enough to allow humans to create smaller nano-repair robots, which have suddenly shrunk from the size of table tennis balls to the size of soybeans, but they are still single-function nano-robots.

It is still not possible to turn these nanorobots into "insect swarms" that are truly used in war, and "grey goo storms" like "Silver Mist Consciousness Body" have to continue to deepen and reduce the error to femtometer level error. The means of creation must reach picometer level.

Oh, one more thing must be added: strong artificial intelligence technology.

After the nanorobot cluster was further optimized, humans found that their computers were no longer enough to control all nanorobot clusters. Single-function nanorepair robot clusters were fine. If they had more functions, computers often made mistakes due to various judgment problems.

At this moment, humans understand that they must be controlled by strong artificial intelligence.

Ever since, human scientific research has once again focused on strong artificial intelligence technology.

Of course, research in the nanometer field will not stop because of this. On the contrary, inspired by the technology tree of Nair civilization, the history of technological development, and different scientific ideas, scientists have endless ideas.

Human society is also experiencing a technological explosion in such an environment.

Such a technological explosion occurred after the war, but it was not directly related to the war with artificial intelligence. Instead, it was brought about by the technological system of the Nair civilization and the capture of an artificial intelligence consciousness sample.

In the next dozen years, humans continued to make breakthroughs in various technologies.

Continuous research on true nanotechnology has given mankind many sturdy, durable, and extremely precise devices that were previously unimaginable. With the support of these devices, an experiment that had been successful but was unable to achieve large-scale and high-power Equipment manufacturing technology finally has the possibility to be equipped on battleships.

Yue Yuan knew what it was, so when he heard the notice from the Institute of Physics, he immediately came to the scene to understand the situation.

"Successful?" When he arrived at the scene, Yue Yuan asked directly to the point, Liu Miyan, the physicist in charge of this work.

"The experiment was successful in the Earth Era. We have only succeeded in making it more powerful and large-scale." Liu Miyan answered rigorously with a loud voice.

This technology was not developed by his team, but was first developed by scientists from the National University of Defense Technology in the Earth Age. The successful experiment was published in 2023.

In the database, there is also the name of the original research project and the name of the researcher. The full name of the project is low-temperature plasma for high-power microwave protection research.

As early as that era, humans knew through experiments that plasma has a protective effect against high-power microwave attacks.

The original research used the plasma fluid approximation method and used COMSOL software to study the evolution of the incident electric field over time during the interaction between high-power microwaves and columnar plasma arrays, and analyzed the physical processes and effects of plasma protection against high-power microwaves. mechanism.

Well, COMSOL software with such a name may be unfamiliar to you, and you don’t know what it is, but give it a Chinese name: multi-physics simulation software. In this way, even people who don't know physics can probably guess what this software does. Although the details are still unclear, for laymen, it is better than looking at the name COMSOL.

At least the Chinese name will let laymen know that this software is for physics research, not a food ordering software.

Let’s talk about the use of low-temperature plasma for high-power microwave defense research.

Chinese scientists obtained research results at the time, which showed that the injected high-power microwaves will cause drastic changes in the plasma parameters, especially the electron density will increase sharply, causing the plasma to behave like a metal to the injected high-power microwaves. The electromagnetic characteristics ultimately achieve effective protection against incident high-power microwaves.

In addition, scientists at the National University of Defense Technology also used high-frequency optical discharge to generate columnar plasma arrays, and experimentally verified the protective effect of plasma on high-power microwaves. Finally, they also summarized the main issues that urgently need to be solved in plasma-based high-power microwave protection technology. question.

What's this?

In layman's terms, this is the research on the principle and mechanism of defensive EMP, that is, electromagnetic pulse weapons, and it is the basic technology of energy shield!

It can be said that the basic technology of defensive energy shields in science fiction movies was the first to be realized by the Chinese.

Now, on the basis of nanotechnology, human beings have made it large-scale and high-power, which is just one step closer to standing on the shoulders of their predecessors.

Because of this, Liu Miyan did not take credit.

"Well, with our equipment, how much power can it achieve now? Can it cover the entire Lake-class battleship? Has the durability problem been solved?" Yue Yuan naturally understands that period of history, after all, it is written in the database.

"Solved. With the accuracy and strength of our current equipment, we are still a little short of being able to completely wrap the entire Lake-class battleship with a low-temperature plasma shield. However, we can still cover half of the Lake-class battleship by holding up an oval shield. In the battleship area.”

Liu Miyan said again, while opening his personal terminal, transmitting the data to the screen in his office, and demonstrating the current results to Yu Yueyuan.

"But I don't think the problem is big. After all, our warships will not be attacked from both sides under normal circumstances. It is enough to support one side of the shield. And this problem will be solved with the advancement of our material technology. According to reports According to the data provided by Academician Xu Zhenyi, as long as we make further progress in nanotechnology, we can prop up a spherical shield and wrap the entire Lake-class battleship. This is still a conservative estimate. According to me, no matter how big the battleship is, it will be no problem."

Yue Yuan glanced at the shield and battleship displayed on the screen and said, "Does the shield's protection mechanism need to know the frequency of the incoming laser energy?"

"Yes." Liu Miyan nodded: "However, the frequency of high-energy lasers has a range, especially for high-energy lasers that can be used as weapons, so the frequency is not a big problem. Our shield also has a certain range for incoming high-energy lasers. Reaction range. As for laser beams that are lower than weapons level, we don’t need to pay attention at all.”

Well, that's indeed the truth.

After all, with the armor strength of human warships, they can withstand most laser weapons.

Now achieving high power on a large scale is the icing on the cake, allowing human warships to have higher and stronger defense capabilities.

It is conceivable that the implementation and assembly of laser energy defense shields will change the war mode of civilized warships again.

The original ultra-long-distance shooting scene may disappear, and laser energy weapons will also fade out of the war stage like positron cannons.

"By the way, in the physics world, what is this form of shield called?" Yue Yuan looked away from the demonstration model on the screen and looked at Liu Miyan next to him.

"Cryogenic plasma shield has always been the name." Liu Miyan said matter-of-factly. After saying this, he paused and then said: "Oh, actually it can be called a polarization shield as the military calls it. After all, its essence is an invisible shield formed by electromagnetic fields and plasma through a series of actions. shield, and it can only protect against high-energy lasers in a specific frequency range.”

Yue Yuan nodded, indeed, both names are fine.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a question, so he asked again: "Can it be used with a magnetic field shield?"

"Theoretically, it's possible, but how to arrange the creation and how the two shield fields depend on each other depends on the level of the engineering team." Since the two were very close, Liu Miyan deliberately He lowered his voice a bit, but the words he spoke with his loud voice were still loud.

If the soundproofing of the office wasn't very good, his words could probably be heard in other offices nearby.

"Ah That's good!"

Hearing such an answer, Yue Yuan was relieved, because he knew the strength of the engineers and experts in the Human Engineering Department.

The existence of low-temperature plasma shields and magnetic field shields will inevitably change the way of fighting. It is conceivable that when they appear on a battleship, the only weapons that can directly hit the battleship are electromagnetic railguns. A purely kinetic weapon.

Of course, this does not mean that laser energy weapons will plummet to a low level like positron cannons. It still has great existence value.

The reason is that the defense mechanism of the low-temperature plasma shield is different from the defense mechanism of the magnetic field shield against positron beams. In essence, it is an energy shield, and it has a tolerance range, which is the power of the shield generator.

The power of the magnetic field shield determines the deflection trajectory of the positron beam, while the low-temperature plasma shield requires the battleship itself to provide energy, the power of the shield generator itself, and hard steel to input the laser beam.

Therefore, as long as the laser energy cannons are dense enough and the attack force is strong enough, the shield can still be destroyed, that is, the shield generator is overloaded.

But this requires a long attack.

It is conceivable that if both warships are equipped only with energy laser weapons and low-temperature plasma shields, then the factors that determine their victory or defeat will depend on whose shipbuilding technology is better, whose instruments and equipment are more durable, and whose fuel lasts longer. .

After seeing the various parameters of the polarization shield, Yue Yuan's thoughts about various battleship battles in the future emerged in his mind. At the same time, he also began to think about the offensive and defensive war situation of the third-level civilization.

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