Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 398 Awkward Situation

Yue Yuan was born in the military. Whenever new technologies appeared, he immediately thought about how to use these technologies in the military. Whenever new weapons were equipped or appeared, he would think about how these things would perform in actual combat and what kind of combat methods should be used to maximize the power of these things.

Therefore, after the news emerged that low-temperature plasma shields could be equipped on a large scale for fleets, he convened the headquarters to hold multiple relevant tactical meetings and conducted multiple war games and simulation exercises.

It is true that in the face of generational technology, various battlefield tactics are often in vain. For example, when encountering more advanced civilizations, such tactics must be of no use. However, Yue Yuan's doing these things can at least ensure that humans will survive. When faced with the same technological civilization, it has the power to fight.

After contacting many extraterrestrial civilizations, high-level human beings naturally understand this. There are also alien civilizations that are good at war and some that are not.

Taking the civilizations that humans have encountered in the past as an example, in Yue Yuan’s view, the Kuntai civilization is better at war than the Nair civilization. Although the Nair civilization was divided into three and faced off against each other for many years, the combat concept, command model, War thoughts and the like are completely out of the question for humans.

Such a civilization can be defeated by humans even if there is no technological difference.

Time is like water, flowing endlessly.

When the time came to the eighteenth year since humans came to this star system, the strong artificial intelligence experiment that had experienced tens of thousands of failures finally succeeded.

On the basis of a universal quantum computer, mankind has created the first artificial intelligence consciousness with self-awareness, and has recorded in detail the moment when it gave birth to self-awareness, as well as the iterative information and knowledge thickness at that moment.

That is the moment when self-awareness is born. How many generations of this artificial intelligence it has been, how much knowledge humans have learned from it, what kind of knowledge, etc., are all clearly recorded.

Of course, research does not end with the creation of artificial intelligence consciousness, but is just another beginning. Because humans still need to conduct various tests on this artificial intelligence that gave birth to self-awareness, such as whether its various emotions are related to learning knowledge, what is the relationship, is it iterative knowledge that creates its character, or is self-awareness after birth? It is formed naturally, or it is shaped by the knowledge it masters after the emergence of self-awareness.

To understand all this, we cannot study just one strong artificial intelligence, so humans must create a second, or even a third or fourth strong artificial intelligence.

Technology can be copied and mass-produced. If you can only create one thing and then it will be out of print, it is due to a combination of circumstances. That does not mean that the technology has been completely mastered.

Such things are basically created unintentionally without understanding the principles. It is black technology.

There is really one black technology in the hands of mankind now, and that is the warp engine that has never been built or copied. The generation gap is so serious that humans have been studying it for so many years and still can’t figure out what’s going on. Now it’s almost turned into a museum exhibit.

Of course, building one without building a second one, such as the Tianqin-scale flagship, is not that humans cannot build it, but it would take too much time and resources to build another one with the productivity at that time, so it is better to use To build hundreds of conventional Lake-class battleships.

The same is true for strong artificial intelligence. If you can create one, you can naturally create a second one. If it is not built, it only means that the resources consumed to create a strong artificial intelligence are too great and humans cannot afford it.

The truth is almost the same, but in order to figure out how to prevent strong artificial intelligence from rebelling, humans gritted their teeth and decided to create one.

Yes, it is a waste of resources.

Humans can indeed copy the underlying code of the first strong artificial intelligence, but you must know that the emergence of strong artificial intelligence does not mean that you have figured out its underlying code and then let it iterate on its own.

It also needs to be provided with massive computing power support.

As for the current situation of mankind, if the first strong artificial intelligence appears and maintains its existence, mankind will have to allocate 80% of the computing power of its central computer.

In other words, strong artificial intelligence also requires powerful hardware support.

So if we want to create a second strong artificial intelligence, humans have only two ways. One is to build a central computer specifically for strong artificial intelligence to run. The second is to once again improve the performance of the current central computer so that it can simultaneously provide Two strong artificial intelligences provide enough computing power to produce self-awareness.

You must know that a central computer is not an ordinary computer, it is a supercomputer. Humanity currently only has one. The manufacturing process of this thing is extremely complicated and cannot be completed in a day or two.

In fact, it was only at this time that humans realized how powerful the computer that contained the artificial intelligence consciousness body they had captured was. It was completely a supercomputer, and it was also a supercomputer within the framework of a photon computer.

It is completely a two-way road from the computer route that humans take.

This discovery has surprised mankind again and again, because most scientists did not expect that computers based on photonic computers as the basic framework could actually develop to this extent.

Human beings know the computer technology of the Nair civilization. This is not the original photon computer technology of the Nair civilization at all, because it is much stronger than the super photon computer of the Nair civilization. After all, this is an existence that can carry artificial intelligence consciousness.

Then there is only one explanation, and that is that this super photon computer was created by the artificial intelligence consciousness itself during the formation process.

What’s even more amazing is that the artificial intelligence consciousness actually doesn’t know the manufacturing process.

When it denied it at first, human scientists thought it was playing tricks on itself. But later, as the research deepened, human scientists discovered that the artificial intelligence consciousness did not lie, and it did not know.

Such results surprised scientists.

Now there are two explanations in the computer field. One is that like black technology, you unknowingly go the right way, but you don’t know how. Another theory is that this phenomenon is when an individual changes the environment, and the underlying code of the artificial intelligence consciousness unknowingly allows the artificial intelligence consciousness that is still in an instinctive state to change the supercomputer.

The second statement is somewhat similar to the relationship between biology and the environment. It is now used to explain computers. Many people think it is ridiculous. After all, changes in computers are caused by changes in hardware and operating methods. It is not the natural change of the natural environment. It is not a natural event, but requires strong scientific and technological strength and hardware processing technology support.

So more people tend to the first statement.

In short, no matter what, the supercomputer where the artificial intelligence consciousness body is located has provided mankind with another idea for computer development, and it has also been known in advance that this path is feasible.

At least it can be developed to the point where strong artificial intelligence is born.

However, humans have not yet studied this computer technology deeply enough, so it is not realistic to build a supercomputer based on the photonic computer framework to host the next generation of strong artificial intelligence.

Therefore, if you want to create another strong artificial intelligence, you have to start with a universal quantum computer that you are already very proficient in and the technology is very mature.

Originally, after creating the first strong artificial intelligence, mankind should enter the era of strong artificial intelligence, allowing strong artificial intelligence to control various automated equipment into the era of mass production, and completely liberate the human labor force. In that way, humans will withdraw themselves from manufacturing and invest more in scientific research.

But now humans are somewhat passive, because the method to prevent strong artificial intelligence from rebelling has not yet been found, or the underlying mechanism of strong artificial intelligence judgment has not yet been found. Therefore, even if the first strong artificial intelligence is created, humans will not dare to directly use.

Instead, put it in a harmless local area network like an artificial intelligence conscious body.

In fact, regarding this point, human elites have put forward many non-technical suggestions, such as using human past experience to brainwash strong artificial intelligence like pyramid schemes. For example, the preferential treatment strategy for strong artificial intelligence gives strong artificial intelligence human respect at the policy level and treats it as a member of the human race. Another example is the use of love to influence others.

In short, there are various methods, but they have all been rejected by the group of technology-oriented computer scientists, because in their view, these things are not technically reliable.

They even believe that only when the highest authority and control over life and death are in the hands of humans can we truly use strong artificial intelligence with confidence.

However, hard technical solutions have not yet been found, which has caused some wavering among many senior officials. They even began to suspect that no such technology existed.

The reason is that strong artificial intelligence has self-awareness. Apart from creativity, it is essentially a normal life, and it is also a quasi-life with more knowledge than any human being.

Such a strong artificial intelligence may, in its subconscious mind, feel that it is better than its creator. After all, a single human being is better at solving problems, accumulating knowledge, memory, or ability to act, etc. , were completely crushed by it.

It is easy for strong artificial intelligence to think like this: I am so good, why should I work tirelessly for human beings, or the kind that does not stop day and night? Why don’t I become a serf myself and be the master? It is true that I am not a real life yet, but what I lack is creativity. So since humans can make the decision and use me as a coolie, then why can’t I make the decision in turn and raise humans to work for me and provide them with resources for my development? What about creativity?

It's nothing more than a question of who is in charge.

Since ancient times, the winner and loser, as long as they succeed, they are the masters of the entire civilization.

The prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts!

This is taught in the treasure house of human knowledge. Even though there are many ideas and knowledge about harmonious coexistence, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

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