Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 399 Third Level Civilization

Not to mention the lessons learned from Mokxing civilization, the recent artificial intelligence disaster of Nair civilization still happened yesterday, and the new government cannot be reassured.

So now there is only one way, and that is to bite the bullet and build another supercomputer.

Unlike scientists in other fields, scientists in the computer field all agree with this choice because they firmly believe that technical prevention methods are not imaginary. As long as there are control group experimental subjects, they can definitely find them.

In order to get the new government to agree and invest more in new supercomputers, they even came up with an airtight reason.

Roughly speaking, we are on the verge of success now, and we must continue to move forward, otherwise the early investment in scientific research will be in vain. If we don’t continue to invest, then humans may only be able to use an unstable strong artificial intelligence in the future.

And there is another very important point. Since everyone thinks that 'thought imprinting' can be realized, why can't the technical methods to prevent strong artificial intelligence be realized? The former is even more outrageous than the latter. After all, the role of the former is The object is real life!

Yue Yuan remembered that at the seminar, as soon as this reason came out, all those who opposed it shut up.

Yes, this is indeed the case. ‘Ideological imprinting’ can be realized. There is no reason why technical methods to limit the rebellion of strong artificial intelligence cannot be realized!

As a result, in the following time, human civilization began another round of major project construction, and scientific research power and resources were also tilted towards this research field.

In the process of vigorous development, nanotechnology has made new breakthroughs.

This time, humans have brought technology to the femtometer level, which is one millionth of a nanometer.

With the support of precision process technology, humans have successfully manufactured smaller control modules, thereby realizing the manufacturing of true nanorobots.

Of course, it is still a little short of creating tiny individual robots that look like fog. The technical level has been reached, but the process has not yet been reached. However, nanorobots like ants are fully produced with the technology.

The internal structure of a robot the size of an ant is thousands of times smaller than the size of an ant, because nanorobots are not only made to be small, they must also have all the internal organs, such as energy systems, functional systems, and operating modes. Wait, so that this kind of nanorobot can be given various functions.

The most critical technological breakthrough is the technology to cut off chemical covalent bonds and metallic bonds.

In fact, chemical bond breaking technology has existed in the earth's era, but it is not as science fiction, nor is it as easy to implement as today's technology.

At that time, there were several ways to break chemical bonds.

One is the radiation method, which uses energy such as ultraviolet light, X-rays, and neutron beams to destroy chemical bonds in molecules. This method can destroy chemical bonds in different materials such as organic, inorganic, metals, and ligands.

The second is the photoelectrochemical method. This method uses special photoelectrochemical reactions to destroy specific chemical bonds. Its advantage is that it is highly flexible and can be used to destroy or modify specific molecules.

This method is still used in the human chemical synthesis industry.

There is also photolysis, which is a typical method that uses energy release to destroy chemical bonds in molecules. In layman's terms, it is a chemical reaction.

There are also methods of using ultrasonic waves and beams to destroy biological macromolecules.

Having said that, the distance unit of a metal bond is angstrom, and one angstrom is equal to one-tenth of a nanometer. After mankind made another breakthrough in microscopic technology, it was discovered in an accidental experiment that radiation of certain frequencies can destroy metal bonds.

It is worth mentioning that this type of radiation has a very short generation time and a very short range. If you want to use its principles to create science fiction weapons such as ‘disintegration cannons’ and ‘phase cannons’, you will probably have to change the physical laws of the universe.

However, scientists have discovered that if it is used on nanorobots, it will be a swarm of nanoworms and a gray goo storm.

After the emergence of these technologies, scientists can be sure that this is the technology that the Silver Mist Consciousness possessed as a mining robot back then.

However, since humans have just stepped into this field, they cannot create technology that can cut metal bonds and compound covalent bonds and transport metal elements like silver mist. So far, all human scientists can do is decompose it.

In other words, nanorobots created by humans will only destroy. If you want to use it for mining, you have to add more functions and smarter controls to it.

As for being used as a weapon, humans still find this thing a bit troubling. It's just a little bit different from the imagined gray goo storm. The reason is that the mobility of these nano-bug swarms is so poor.

If a swarm of nano bugs were thrown directly at an enemy ship, it would not be able to catch up with the speed of the warship, let alone eat the warship.

So if you really want to use the 'Nano Swarm' as a weapon, the best way is to put them in the shells of the electromagnetic railgun and then spray them out after getting close to the enemy ship.

In the eyes of many military experts, such a design seems unnecessary. They felt that instead of doing this, it would be better to directly hit the hydrogen bomb warhead with an armor-piercing bomb as they are doing now!

However, some people don't think so. On the contrary, they think that this kind of electromagnetic railgun is useful. For example, when facing armor as powerful as the Tianqin, such armor can completely penetrate the armor-piercing hard steel hydrogen bomb warhead, but it is still classified as alloy category.

As long as the material is still connected by chemical bonds, it can be disintegrated by the 'nanometer swarm' unless the physical laws of the universe change.

Therefore, these people feel that the 'Nano Swarm' can be used as a weapon and is very necessary.

Yue Yuan, who had great enthusiasm for weapons, also agreed with this point of view, so he approved the proposal after the nanorobots were actually realized.

The military industry department also simply started manufacturing after the plan was approved. After the first batch of 'Nano Swarms' were created, these guys directly named them Gray Gu Storm.

For this name, the biologist Yi Kai, who was born after 2000 and is still alive, is indispensable.

The emergence of the gray goo storm marks a key step for mankind in true nanotechnology. Coupled with the success of strong artificial intelligence, mankind has also entered the gate of third-level civilization.

As long as the rebellion defense method of strong artificial intelligence is mastered, mankind will inevitably directly and completely liberate productivity, and then completely realize the unmanned operation of various manufacturing industries, and the entire society will also enter the stage of fully automated production.

From then on, resource extraction, engineering construction, equipment production and even warship manufacturing do not require human participation. Humans only need to provide design drawings, creative methods and the like for strong artificial intelligence.

Of course, the creation of all new things still requires human participation once. Later, leaving the foundation for strong artificial intelligence, humans will not need to do it themselves.

It can be said that the emergence of strong artificial intelligence is one of the signs of mastering true nanotechnology, and its emergence will in turn promote the development of true nanotechnology and complement each other.

It is foreseeable that when strong artificial intelligence is truly applied, the remote operating robots and remote operating equipment previously used by humans will be eliminated. The most it can do is use it as a manned spaceship, and then go to the planet to see the scenery.

Even if there are no 'Nano Swarms' for mining for the time being, human resource mining can be completely unmanned in the future.

When strong artificial intelligence is used in the society where humans live, the shape and life style of the entire society will also undergo major changes.

The first is that people who used to do manual labor will no longer have to work. Various robot operators will also lose their jobs. Many people in the engineering department will lose their jobs, especially humans engaged in machinery manufacturing.

Humans have even created the 'Nano Swarm', and various complex processes that previously required human hands will also be replaced by some specialized robots.

As long as the new government completely liberalizes strong artificial intelligence and various corresponding technologies, human society will face a major change, but it will also be a productivity revolution.

It is true that in such changes, many human beings will be idle at home, but if they want to develop, they must face the impact of new technologies. History tells humans that standing still will inevitably lead to self-destruction.

Time passes year by year.

Since the creation of 'Silver Mist' has never been possible, humans call the current state of human civilization the primary stage of third-level civilization.

The reason for this understanding is that in addition to being unable to create ‘Silver Mist’, human scientists have also seen many derivative technologies that humans have not been able to master.

Beyond that, there’s the sailing ability.

Human scientists have discovered that human civilization has not achieved a speed breakthrough from 30% to 50% of the speed of light because of true nanotechnology.

Scientists believe that it is because humans have just entered the third level of civilization, and many related technologies have not yet been fully understood, so that they have not yet found a way to increase the speed.

According to past experience, the improvement of civilization level will inevitably lead to qualitative changes in all areas of the entire civilization.

But now, except for the 'Grey Goo Storm' created by strong artificial intelligence and true nanotechnology, other creations are still at the previous stage. If nothing else, just take the weapon system of the battleship, which has an additional 'Grey Goo Storm' Electromagnetic railgun projectile with warhead.

The defense system is not bad. After all, with the support of true nanotechnology, the iconic energy shield has fully realized the mode of wrapping the entire battleship, and it is already a real energy shield.

However, the detection methods are still at the level of secondary civilization. They are still laser interference space antennas for neutrino detection and gravitational wave detection.

There is also the important aspect of sailing speed. Whether it is entering the first-level civilization from the home star era, or moving from the first-level civilization to the second-level civilization, the energy utilization is a process of increasing.

The speed of interstellar navigation is also increasing step by step, but now humans have not.

Because of this, many people even say that mankind has not truly entered the third level civilization.

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