VRMMO: Alter Online

Chapter 31 - 31- Ridicules

Stepping out of the spaceship, Mark felt a strong wind blew towards his face and it was also very cold, Mark curiously looked around and found himself standing on a Helipad at the roof of a tall building.

If Mark estimated, this one is even higher than mount Eversnow the tallest mountain in the blue planet and what was more shocking is that it was not the highest building around but there are other buildings that extended up higher than the clouds.

It was already night time when they arrived so Mark could see colorful lights everywhere, "As expected of the green planet, one of the most richest planets in the universe, a place where only rich goddamn nobles and royal family could only live in, to think they call it green planet when it was full of buildings" Mark commented.

"Hoho, Young Mark you just cant see it right now since its night time, when its morning you will see why its called the green planet" Butler Tommas said.

"Hmm, then I'm very interested how it will look like in the morning" Mark nodded, he was a man who loved beautiful sceneries, he also loved adventures, his masters didn't bring him to one since they always stayed at a mysterious mountain in the blue planet.

"Well, you will surely see them later, how about we proceed inside?" Butler Tommas said.

"Ah yes, sorry for taking your time" Mark said politely then walked beside Chris who was looking at his phone.

"Hey whats up?" Mark asked as he creeped behind Chris and took a look at what he was looking at, Mark was able to vaguely see a picture of a girl on the picture, but it disappeared with a swoosh!


Chris seemed to be spooked and the phone at his hand immediately disappeared and in the next moment, it was sent flying off the building.

"Ah..." both of them exclaimed in a low voice.


Mark immediately dashed forward to grab back the phone, Chris also reacted very fast and grabbed Mark's clothes to stop him from jumping off the roof, take note that the building was 8,849 meters tall and one falling from this height will be squashed to death when they fell from the ground.

"Stop! Stop!" Chris yelled and tried his best to stop Mark from jumping off the roof.

"Hey let go! I can't pay for the phone!" Mark said as he nervously looked at the phone that was falling off, it was a very expensive phone that was priced into 80 billion, it was the latest one at that, Mark's broken phone that he painstakingly saved for costs about 80 million, it was a phone that dated back 20 years ago.

"Phones are too damn expensive!" Mark roared.

"Its just a phone! let it go! I can just buy another one later!" Chris pulled him back.

"No! money is precious! I don't want my savings to be touched!" Mark still struggled.

A tick fore mark appeared on Chris forehead, "Then go die for all I care! if you dont die I will kill you myself!" Chris let go of him and yelled angrily.

"I- i was just joking, you really cant take a joke" Mark immediately stopped messing with Chris and rubbed the back of his head and said apologetically.

"Hmph!" Chris snorted and walked away.

"Wah, he is really pissed off, hmmm" Mark pondered for a moment before he got an idea, he ran beside Chris who was ignoring him by looking away, Mark then smirked, "Sorry for messing with you, I just thought that the girl in the picture was very important to you, Nyuhuhu, My Boy Chris is finally growing up, oh how great would he become.. blah blah blah" Mark kept blabbing out things that made Chris embarrassed, his face was already red as a tomato.

"S-shut up enough already, its not what you think!" Chris covered Mark's mouth with his hand.

"Pwah! then tell me who is that girl?" Mark asked with a big smirk.

"J-just someone I know" Chris turned his head away and said.

"Oho, look at this little man, getting embarrassed over a girl? pathetic" Mark said with disgusted face,.

"Shut up already! we are already near" Chris said as he pointed at the huge luxurious door in front of them, Mark also noticed now that there were many powerful people lined up on the hall, they were the guards.

'Magister Rank Mages, and Nascent Soul Rank Cultivators' Mark immediately recognized their power levels, if these people were placed in the blue planet then they would be overlord of a country, these are powerful figures.

But they were just guards in this place, Mark didn't think about anything anymore as they stopped in front of the huge door, Butler Tommas stepped aside and cleared his voice.

"Young Master Chris and his bestfriend has arrived!" Butler Tommas said in a very clear loud voice.


The two huge doors opened slowly at the same time, bright light came from the other side of the door and when it fully opened, Mark saw many young people the same age as him wearing beautiful dresses and were staring at them.

Chris was the first one to step in front and Mark followed after him.

"That is young master Chris!"

"Its really him!"

"Ah, such a beautiful being, as expected of Young Master Chris" the young people praised Chris.

But Mark ignored them and curiously looked around until his eyes landed on the old man standing not too far away from him with a big smile on his face, it was a eat shitting smile and his eyes didn't even land on Chris his eyes were fixated on Mark.

Mark glared at that old man.

Chris who was standing in front of Mark of course didn't notice it, he was busy interacting with other young people who came to greet him, but his hearing was also good so he heard some people whispering at each other

"Who is that young man beside Young Master Chris?"

"I just sent my servant to investigate and he was just a commoner!"

"Disgusting! to think such lowly life dares to associate himself with Young Master Chris! he even called himself the bestfriend of young master Chris!"

"That is true, stay away from him, he is a commoner!"

Such ridicules was heard by Chris, of course, he was angry, Mark was his true best friend and it was Chris who made the first move to befriend Mark, he maybe greedy for money but he had principles.

Chris couldn't do anything since these people were guests of the Sullivan Family, Chris turned his head towards Mark and surely he saw Mark had his head hung low, "Mark" Chris wanted to tell Mark not to mind them but before he could say anything he heard Mark speak.


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