VRMMO: Alter Online

Chapter 32 - 32- Merlin Sullivan



A powerful force spread out from Mark's body that it blew everything away from his surroundings, even Chris was not spared and was thrown away for a few meters but he was caught by Butler Tommas who was fast to move.

"Mark!" Chris yelled he was very anxious, this was the skill abandonment that he had seen Mark use in the Alter Online before and it was very powerful but now that it was used in real life where Mark was more powerful than he was on the game.

The effects could be said overwhelming, a strong aura and pressure that wanted to crush everything, absolute dominance that Chris had never felt before, but he was also very confused, Mark never got angry before even in the Academy where he was insulted by nobles everyday.

He would not get angry about these kind of insults, 'so what is the reason?' Chris asked himself., but it didn't take long for Chris to get the answer.


Another powerful aura exploded from the other side of the hall and unlike power that Mark's aura showed off, the other aura was pure pressure of mana, 'Mana?' Chris looked toward where the pressure came from and saw an old man standing upright, he had short white hair, a well trimmed white beard and he was wearing a cloak.

"Grandfather!" Chris exclaimed from shock. as he saw who it was.

"W-what is happening? my body feels heavy!"

"Ugh! mommy it hurts!"

"My body is so heavy!"

"T-that kid is releasing this pressure!"

"What!? isn't he only a commoner? ugh!"

"Head Sullivan is also pressuring with his mana! just what is happening!"

The young people grunted from pain as they laid on the ground on fours, the pressure was too heavy for them, it was not just them, but even the servants were kneeling on the ground.


Another explosion happened and Mark charged forward like a rocket ignoring those who was beneath him, his body moved very fast that it broke the sound barrier.



"Go back now!"

Two figures flashed by in front of him, one was wielding a staff and the other was a sword, one was a mage and the other was a cultivator, both of them had higher rank than the guards outside.

"Fuck off!" Mark roared and sent a kick towards them.

"Wind Barrier!" the mage casted.

"Iron Wall!" The cultivator used a mystique technique.


Mark's kick collided with their defenses but the moment it touched each others, these defense that they were proud of broke like a fragile glass, and it was not done yet as the kick was still continuing to move towards them, they have never felt this kind of scary pure strength before.


A strong shockwave came from the kick that it blew the wall of the building to smithereens, the two people who wanted to stop Mark felt their doom was at that moment but when they opened their eyes, they saw many magic circles protecting them.

"S-sage Sullivan!" they both thanked him immediately.

But Sullivan ignored the both of them and his attention was still on Mark with a big grin on his face, "Little monster, I know you are happy about our meeting but refrain from killing others" he said.

"Yeah! I f*cking missed you old turtle!!" Mark said as he launched an attack towards the old Sullivan that could not be seen by naked eye, Sullivan waved his hand and a invisible dome appeared in front of him.

*Boom! *Bang!

Merlin Sullivan or also known as Sage Sullivan, he was named after the greatest mage known in fairy tales, and he did became one, a sage, only a few steps away to the mage god, his caliber was extremely feared in universe as they have the power to destroy a planet with a single magic.

But even with his caliber, Merlin looked at the barrier he made being broke with a single kick, he sighed, 'This little monster have gotten stronger once again' he thought, he then waved his hand to clear the people near them to avoid for other people to get hurt.

Merlin then turned his head towards Mark and pointed his finger, but before he could even cast a spell, Mark had already moved away and reappeared behind him.


Merlin immediately erected another barrier for it to get destroyed once again, "Magic really doesn't work against him, then" Merlin said then his body immediately started glowing.

"Physical Boost!" Merlin casted a spell, he then punched towards Mark and Mark also sent one of his.


Both of the fists collided and Merlin slid backwards for a few meters and Mark didn't budge at all, Merlin looked at the time, Merlin this time charged once again and sent another punch, they both exchanged punches with each other but Merlin was obviously the one losing.

Mark then grabbed Merlin by the neck and smashed him on the ground.


A huge pit was created, Merlin and Mark was on the middle and Mark's fist was only a few inches away from hitting him.

"Now, that is enough little monster, 1 minute has passed, you have gotten stronger once again." Merlin said as he stood up from the ground

Mark stood up and stretched his stiff body, "Its normal, I'm still young" Mark replied.

"That's what makes you scarier" Merlin sighed, he then turned his attention towards the young ones who had been watching with fear.

"Well, I hope they enjoyed the movie" Mark shrugged.

"Mark! are you fine? are you hurt?" Chris yelled and ran beside him, he worriedly checked up on Mark.

"My Grandda-" Merlin was about to speak when Chris latched out to him and covered his mouth.

Chris whispered something on Merlin's ear before Chris let go, Merlin had his eye brows raised like he was amused by something, he then nodded. "*Ahem! grandson, don't you miss grandfather?" Merlin asked with sad voice.

"Yes, I missed you grandfather" Chris replied.

"Well, its not that convincing when you are taking care of him, I'm the who got hurt you know" Merlin sighed in defeat, Chris was busy checking up on Mark.

"Well, anyway, Tommas, bring the other guests home for today, as for you little monster, Chris bring him to his room first then meet me on my office afterwards, I will go first, I still have something to do" Merlin said.

"As you wish" Butler Tommas bowed and walked towards the guests.

While Chris also nodded and brought Mark carefully like he was a injured patient, "I told you I'm fine" Mark said.

"Shut up!" Chris yelled.

Merlin looked at the two with amused face, after they left, he waved his hand and disappeared from the room.

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