VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1133: : The battle of the aggrieved

Ye Luo's physical defense is very high, and his magic defense is relatively low, so he is not too worried about melee occupations attacking him, and slightly afraid of magician occupations, such as lava magician, but at this time the Emperor Phantom was grabbed by an arm by her. The magic wand with one arm could be interrupted by him at any time, so her threat was reduced a lot.

In addition, the three of God Yingge and others were led away by the waves and the wind. The remaining emperor's hymn and emperor's wild song are heavy armor melee occupations, so he is not too worried about his situation, even if the emperor hymn rides together The golden dragon comes.

Rao is the emperor's hymn. The damage caused by the dragon bonus is not too threatening to Ye Luo, not to mention that the emperor's crazy sword has no flying mount, so Ye Luo didn't worry about facing the two.

The long sword was raised, and Ye Luo used his strength to display [Human Dao * Sword God's Wrath]. For a time, the energy gathered crazily every day, and a huge energy sword condensed out, covering a distance of 20 meters.

I have seen the ability of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to use this skill before, and the terrifying damage numbers are still fresh in my memory. Seeing that Ye Luo also used this skill, the emperor's hymn was a little flustered, maybe the emperor's hymn has the added attributes of the dragon. Not afraid, but the Emperor Crazy Sword is in danger of being killed by a spike.

That's right, if Ye Luo's attack power triggers the 3 times the crit effect of this skill, the Emperor Crazy Sword may be killed in seconds.

Knowing this, the emperor's madness was stunned, he took an [Invincible Pill], and then used the displacement skill, and the distance from Ye Luo was less than 10 meters, and then he was ready to use [Charge].

Seeing that the Emperor Crazy Sword used its invincible means as he expected, a smile appeared at the corner of Ye Luo's mouth. At this time, he had completed the skill accumulation, and an energy sword whizzed down, the emperor hymn and the emperor. A damage figure of more than 100,000 floated above the Phantom's head, but it did not trigger the effect of 3 times the critical strike.

It was too late to be disappointed, because the Emperor Crazy Sabre was ready to charge, Ye Luo's figure flashed, he walked around to the other side of the Emperor Phantom, using her as a shield, so the Emperor Crazy Sabre lost its target, [ Charge】Naturally, it is invalid.

Seeing that the Emperor Crazy Sword is still 8 or 9 meters away from him, this distance takes 2 to 3 seconds to get there, Ye Luo began to attack the Emperor Phantom with confidence, [Sword Qi aspect], [Sweeping Reincarnation] plus Combining skills, high damage figures floated from her head.

Although the emperor’s hymn came by riding the golden sacred dragon, he was 18 or 9 meters away from Ye Luo, and the dragon could not teleport, so although his flight speed is faster, it takes longer than The Emperor Crazy Sword is longer, so Ye Luo didn't worry about him.

Ye Luo's luck was good. The normal attack triggered the critical strike. As a result, the imperial Phantom's blood was emptied, and her first life was gone.

The Emperor's Phantom was killed, so Ye Luo's figure was exposed, and the Emperor Crazy Song was about to use [Charge] on it, but at this time the distance between the two was less than 3 meters, and the distance was already very close.

Rapping forward, Ye Luo came to the Emperor Crazy Sword in an instant, jammed his figure, and the long sword also resisted his long sword, so that he could not perform [Charge] at all.

The stuck body makes the target unable to move. This requires a very precise judgment, but Ye Luo can do this just right, which shows that his understanding of the game has reached a very deep level.

Seeing that he could not launch the [Charge], the Emperor Crazy Sword frowned, and he had to step back, because only in this way could he swing a long sword to attack, but he found that Ye Luo was like a tarsus maggot, sticking to him. , He has no chance to make a knife at all.

If it was only one or two times, the Emperor Crazy Sword thought it was a coincidence, but it was still the same after 4 or 5 seconds. He realized that he had encountered a super master whose operation level was above himself. This result made him His face became solemn, and he could only hope for the Emperor's Phantom and the Emperor's hymn.

When Ye Luo and the Emperor Crazy Sword walked close to each other, the emperor's hymn also arrived. He was also welcome. Although the single skill cannot lock the target, he can use the group attack skill. For a time [Sword Qi], [Heaven Splitting] When the exclusive skills of the Sword Master were displayed, Ye Luo had nowhere to hide.

Ye Luo didn’t hide, and stood up to his attack. With his current defensive power and high qi and blood, he could fully support it. At least one or two minutes would be fine. It’s not even considered that he can take pills. Medicine, use skills to increase blood.

Five seconds passed quickly, and the Phantom of the Emperor was resurrected. I thought that Ye Luo was entangled by the Emperor's Crazy Blade and the Anthem of Rehmannia, and she could withdraw and summon the Fire Phoenix again, but she didn't want Ye Luo at the moment of her resurrection. He played [Flashing] and came to her, and his back figure swayed behind her.

Needless to say the next thing, Ye Luo is going to cast [Scary Slash] on her, and then even if she resists the attack of the Emperor Crazy Swords, she will kill her, so the biggest threat to him will no longer exist. Up.

The Phantom of the Emperor has been killed once, without the state of [Resurrection Prophecy], if she is killed again, she will really die. In desperation, she has to use the invincible skill, and then under the cover of the Emperor Crazy Sword, she can do it. [ Lava Giant], so she breathed a long sigh of relief, because the vitality has become 5 times the original and it has exceeded 1.5 million, and the defense power has been greatly increased, and it will not be a big problem to resist Ye Luo's attack.

But at this time, a scene that surprised her happened again. Ye Luo came to her back in a flash, caught a raised lava behind her, and hung it behind her.

That’s right, after becoming a lava giant, the Phantom of the Emperor is more than ten meters tall, and there are lava bulges everywhere on his body. Yeluo can still do it by grabbing a piece of lava and flying. Can maintain the figure.

Because she was behind the Phantom of the Emperor, she couldn't attack the target at all, and even if she moved much faster after performing her ultimate move, she couldn't get rid of Ye Luo, which made her feel uncomfortable for a while.

Although the Emperor Crazy Sword also launched an attack at this time, Ye Luo added a magic shield to himself before retracting the magic wand, so it didn't hurt to attack.

In desperation, the Emperor's Phantom cast [Summon Lava Wizard]. After all, the damage output of Lava Wizard is very high, and it also has control skills, such as [Meteor Fall].

I thought that summoning lava elves and letting them cast [Meteor Fall] could dizzy Ye Luo and get rid of him, but I didn't want Ye Luo but summoned two [puppets], and they met the two lava elves.

One of the puppets casts "Scary Slash" on the lava elves and stuns them, while the other puppet casts the "Beast Dao* Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium", and then the other will cast [Meteor Skyfall] The lava elf repelled 5 meters, and luckily it triggered a stun effect for 2 seconds.

Seeing this scene, the three emperor hymns were stunned. They didn't expect that the puppet would actually be able to master the skills of Ye Luo.

The puppet is the equipment skill [Black and White] displayed by Ye Luo. The two puppets are proficient in his sword and magician skills respectively, [Beast Dao * Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium], [Human Dao * Sword God Fury] Natural It also belongs to the skills of the sword and magician departments.

Not only that, except for the [Ten Thousand Swords Return], other sword and magician skills can be used, such as [Energy Sword Rain] and [Shocking Slash].

"The puppet's attack power has not increased. It's just 80% of my original attack power. If I can inherit the attack power, it would be great. These skills can be used to kill the Emperor Crazy Sword in seconds." Ye Luo sighed One channel.

Soon Ye Luo recovered. If the secret path is really that way, it would be too bad. The [Black and White] skills are probably much stronger than [Cooling Reset] and [Reincarnation Domain].

Next, Ye Luo controls the puppets to deal with the two lava elves. The puppets have many skills, and it is not very difficult to resist the lava elves, and even organize them to use [Meteorite Fall].

As for the Emperor Crazy Sword, Ye Luo deliberately adjusted the position to avoid him, and would not be charged by him for a while.

After 5 or 6 seconds, the invincibility effect of the Emperor's Phantom disappeared, and Ye Luo was not welcome. The long sword attacked again and again, and the damage numbers of 1 to 20 thousand floated up. If the critical strike is triggered, the damage number exceeds 100,000. , Ye Luo's blood has always maintained its peak state under the powerful blood-sucking ability.

That's right, Ye Luo's attack power is very high, and the attack speed is fast. In this case, only relying on blood sucking can withstand the attack of the Emperor Crazy Swords.

The Phantom of the Emperor had never thought that she would be so aggrieved. After she used her big move in her heart, it would be the moment to kill the Quartet, but she didn't want to help Ye Luo now.

She also knows that if this continues, she will be killed soon. In desperation, she can only use [Lava Vortex], so Ye Luo will be trapped by the Vortex for 10 seconds. This time in her heart is enough for her to do a lot. Something up.

But he didn’t want Ye Luo to cast [Reincarnation Guardian] at this time, so he was not affected at all, and then he cast [Reincarnation Clone], the 4 clones were transferred to their own attribute points under his control, and [Reincarnation * Six Shields] , And then used various group attack skills to cover the Emperor Phantom, Emperor Crazy Sword and others.

At this time, Ye Luo’s arm is holding the Phantom of the Emperor and cannot dual wield weapons. It is undoubtedly the best to use [Reincarnation Clone]. Various group attack skills and control skills can also cause great damage to the enemy. .

Although it is a bit difficult to kill the Phantom of the Emperor with its ultimate move, it is still possible to kill the Emperor's Crazy Sword or force a big move.

Of course, the least help can also greatly reduce the tenacity of the golden holy dragon, or even make it empty. After all, the tenacity of the dragon under the previous [Human Dao * Wrath of the Sword God] attack has been greatly reduced.

Without the bonus of the Golden Sacred Dragon, the strength of the emperor's hymn will be greatly reduced. After all, he has no big moves and is not afraid.

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