VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1134: : Kill one person first

Yes, holding the raised lava with one hand, Ye Luo can only attack with one hand, and simply cast [Reincarnation Clone], although the clone cannot inherit the attack power increased by the [Reincarnation* Soul Eater] killing, but the 4 clones can be used together. The group attack skill also has a very good damage output, and the two puppets can cause exaggerated damage to the Emperor Phantom and others.

In addition, the 4 avatars also have some control skills, or control the lava elves, or control the emperor's phantom, so the pressure on Ye Luo will be much less.

If you think about it, Ye Luo's indifferent normal attacks can make the Emperor's Phantom lose blood, not to mention that there are 4 clones to perform group attack skills on them, and the four clones of [Reincarnation * Six Shields] also It can offset the damage of [Lava Vortex], and the duration of the shield is 10 seconds.

In addition to causing Shanghai to the Emperor's Phantom, the clone's group attack skills also enveloped the Emperor's Hymn and the Emperor's Mad Knife. Their vitality is also rapidly decreasing, and the Golden Dragon's toughness is also rapidly decreasing. After the dragon, there is no big move, the emperor's hymn is abolished, not to be afraid.

Focusing on attacking the Phantom of the Emperor is Ye Luo's cleverness. Not to mention that she is the biggest threat. It is only said that the Emperor's Anthem 2 is a melee professional. If you want to help the Phantom of the Emperor, you need to be close. Population attack skills are affected, so they are also uncomfortable.

The fact is also true. At this time, the Emperor Crazy Sword and the Emperor's Hymn are really uncomfortable. Ye Luo hangs on the lava giant and keeps shaking. Using the lava giant's body to block it, it is relatively difficult for them to use their control skills.

The duration of [Reincarnation Guardian] is 6 seconds. Although the time of [Lava Vortex] is still there, Ye Luo will not be sucked into it after avoiding it. After all, he is hanging on a lava giant, although he is wearing the Phantom of the Emperor. The various group attack skills of the others damage, but with the powerful blood-sucking ability and the supplement of the elixir, it can be supported. If it is not, he can also use the [Essence of Eight Diagrams] and take [Orange Ling Pill] or [Blood Lotus Pill] , It's not a big problem.

At this time, the various group attack skills and control skills displayed by the clone can also relieve a lot of pressure for him.

The reason why Ye Luo dared to withstand the attacks of the Emperor’s Phantom and others was that his attack power increased a lot after killing, and the crit damage of [Blade of Reincarnation] and [Pupil of Reincarnation] was quite abnormal, triggering the key. A crit can cause more than 100,000 blood to the Phantom of the Emperor, and 25% of the blood sucking can instantly restore him to 40,000 or 50,000 blood, and he has a good chance of triggering a crit.

In addition to these, Ye Luo also triggers the passive skills attached to the [Sky Dragon Buddha Orb] from time to time-[Eight Sky Dragons]. The Sky Dragon phantom can attack enemy targets within a radius of 15 meters, and can bind the target for 1 second, which can also greatly Weakening the attacks of the Emperor Phantom and others, so that his pressure is even smaller.

Of course, the two Emperor Crazy Blades were also looking for opportunities to use their control skills, but they were evaded or blocked. For example, the Emperor Crazy Blades finally found the opportunity to perform [Charge] on Ye Luo, but they were used by the clones of the human world. [Charge] It was blocked.

Seeing the imperial phantom's vitality and blood continued to decrease, and seeing the golden sacred dragon's tenacity continue to decrease, the two emperor hymns were helpless, and their moods were more depressed.

After 1 minute, the blood of the Emperor Phantom was less than 30%, and Ye Luo’s new round of skills has been completed, including puppet dolls, 4 clones, and the previous coverage of various group attack skills Next, one of the two lava elves has been killed, and the other is also in danger, with less than 10% vitality and blood, and any one or two group attack skills can cover him in seconds.

Of course, the situation of Ye Luo’s clones and puppets is not very optimistic, and a lot of blood is lost. Among them, the blood of the puppets turned into by the beast dao clones and black chess pieces is less than 20%. Skills can be killed in seconds.

Seeing that the only remaining lava wizard wanted to cast [Meteor Fall] again, the clone of Hungry Ghost Road cast [Raid] and then [Backstab], successfully interrupted it, and then a series of skills, success Emptying her qi serum, Ye Luo lost another threat.

Previously, the puppets of the Assassin and Swordsman systems were dealing with these 2 lava elves, or controlling skills, or close block magic wands so that they could not perform skills, but they have been preventing them from using powerful skills.

Think about it, too, lava elves belong to magician monsters, it is naturally difficult for swordsmen and assassins to get close to their own strength.

Without the interference of the lava elves, the clones and puppets can concentrate on attacking the emperor's phantom, and of course they can also block the emperor's crazy sword and the emperor's hymn, and the situation of the imperial family is even more severe.

The emperor's hymn naturally also knows the importance of the emperor's phantom. If she is killed, then their two melee classes can't help Ye Luo at all, and their battle will be in danger.

At this time, the emperor’s hymn made a move, he used the [Healing Guard], this skill is based on the ratio of blood to blood, 4% of the total blood is restored every second, for 30 seconds, nearly 3 million With this skill, her qi and blood recover more than 100,000 per second. In addition, at this time, her qi and blood recovery speed is doubled, and after taking pills, her qi and blood quickly recovered to 40%, and it continues to increase. .

Naturally, he also knows the power of [Healing Guard]. Ye Luo knows that if this skill is allowed to continue, then his previous efforts will be in vain, so he controls the two clones of Beast Dao and Hell Dao as well as the magician puppet. Attacking the healing guard is the wisest choice.

The emperor's hymn is also a wise man, and he naturally knows the importance of the healing guard, he protects it behind him, so that the healing guard can always exist.

With a sigh, Ye Luo can only control the clone and the puppet to attack the golden sacred dragon. After all the skills are displayed, its toughness drops sharply, and it is quickly emptied. This means that the emperor's hymn has lost the golden sacred dragon. Within 5 minutes Can't be summoned.

Without the dragon bonus, the emperor's hymn's overall attributes are much worse. Facing the attacks of clones and puppets, his vitality and blood quickly decrease, even if there is a healing guard.

A smile came up at the corner of his mouth, and Ye Luo secretly said: "Although the Emperor's Phantom cannot be killed, it is a good result to make the Emperor's Hymn lose the Golden Sacred Dragon. At this time, he is not afraid."

Although thinking about this, Ye Luo's movements did not stop, controlling the clone and the puppet to attack with maximum intensity, and the emperor's hymn without the blessing of the dragon quickly reduced the blood, especially when the archer clone was cast on it. [Hell Dao *After an arrow of Yin and Yang].

[Hell Road*Yin and Yang] is a must-have skill. The 300% damage bonus is very high. The most terrifying thing is that this skill can ignore 50% of the defense power, and it can also make the target into a bleeding state, losing 10,000 per second Point vitality for 10 seconds. Not surprisingly, this skill can knock out more than 200,000 points of vitality for the emperor's hymn.

Previously, under Ye Luo’s attack, the original vitality was only more than 300,000. Although the vitality recovered a lot under the effect of the healing guard, his vitality fell madly under the attack of Ye Luo’s clone and the puppet doll. With this skill, his vitality is less than 50,000.

Seeing this scene, the emperor’s hymn was shocked, he hurriedly swallowed the high-level pill supplements, and escaped as quickly as possible, and while fleeing, let the emperor’s crazy sword perform a big move to attack the clone and the puppet. Kill, this is his only chance.

The Emperor Crazy Knife did not hesitate, and used his ultimate move, and then after the [Crazy Knife Knife Gang] was displayed, a knife gang whistling away, sweeping all hostile targets within a radius of 15 meters, Ye Luo and his clone and puppet Even and so on are within the attack range.

The Emperor Crazy Sword is a dual class, with a high attack power after performing its big moves, and the [Crazy Sword Knife Gang] is a high-damage group attack skill with high damage, Ye Luo’s magician clone and a magician puppet Under this record, the spirit and blood were empty, so the pressure of the emperor's hymn was slightly less.

Even so, the Emperor Crazy Blade continued to attack the other clones and another puppet, trying to completely resolve the crisis for the Emperor's hymn, but he could not stop Ye Luo's attack.

That's right, Ye Luo himself has other tricks that he didn't use, and even he still retained a lot of group attack skills, and he didn't care about the emperor's crazy sword that used the ultimate move, and took the emperor's hymn as a target.

The emperor’s hymn is in a state of residual blood. With Ye Luo’s attack power, he can be killed by any group attack skill. Although the emperor’s hymn has no threat to Ye Luo, it is still quite troublesome to have some of his skills. For example, [Healing Guard], so killing him in advance is also very beneficial.

Ye Luo also knew this, he naturally wouldn’t be polite with him, and used the skill attached to the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] [Flame Flame], coupled with the attack of the archer clone, the emperor’s hymn was quickly emptied. , He also became the first player to be killed among the six emperors.

The person who initiated the challenge was killed first, which is ironic.

In fact, this is not because the emperor's hymn is weak, but he really can't resist the attacks of so many skills.

In the previous heads-up, Ye Luo used the emperor’s hymn's ultimate, invincible means and other life-saving skills. Now he is the weakest among the six. Without the blessing of the golden dragon, his strength is even worse. Ye Luo's body, clones, and puppets' joint attacks naturally couldn't stand it, and it was not surprising that the first one was killed.

"Finally solved one. The remaining two were a little troublesome. They used a big move, but I let the clone block the Emperor Crazy Sword, and then used the Emperor Phantom as a shield. With the powerful blood sucking ability, it should be able to support the pillar. If it doesn't work, you can still take pills and use [Bagua Source]." Ye Luo secretly said in his heart, and when he said this, he didn't forget to control the archer clone to destroy the healing guard.

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