VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1191: : The plan goes well

After discussing the tactics, Ye Luo and the three took high-level stealth pills, and then went to the back of the Indian team. Just as the firework Yi Leng said, the attention of players from more than ten countries is on the team led by Fengxing, and only Be wary of the larger teams around you, and never thought that someone would attack them from behind.

Think about it, India and other countries have also sent out assassins. There is no large team that can approach them without knowing it, and in their hearts there will never be a small team that dares to attack them.

In fact, for the players of the major teams, even if some people are killed in a sneak attack, it’s okay. They have many teams and many priests. The priest can resurrect the killed, but the people who attacked them have no chance to survive. Up.

It is precisely because of this that they did not pay special attention to their backs, or even leave a part of the cavalry behind them, and their air power also chased down the team led by Fengxing, which undoubtedly gave Ye Luo some opportunities.

Although it is relatively easy to tame a mount in the extreme challenge competition venue, not every player has a mount, especially those priests and magicians. After all, the game is only on the third day, and a large team of thousands of players has no mounts. It is also normal, this gives Ye Luo and the others some opportunities, they are getting closer and closer to the large forces of Indian players.

After 4 or 5 minutes, the light of the holy world came, and the three of Ye Luo were only 30 meters away from the Indian team. After summoning the dragon, they could catch up with the target at any time and then kill them.

Ye Luo and the others were lucky. Two or 30 seconds after the light of the world came, a system reminder sounded. It was the system reminder that Dongfang Jitian and other 6 people defeated the top Indian master, because Dongfang Jitian used enough. The [Conquest Order], so India’s top player was eliminated without surprise, and at the same time, India’s fourth-ranked player was also eliminated.

Hearing this system prompt, she got on the piano and cheered up. She said in the team channel: "Tsk tsk, our luck is good. I heard this system prompt 2 or 30 seconds after the light of the Holy Spirit came, and not only will India The first master was eliminated, and the fourth master in India was eliminated, and two masters were lost at once. This has a great impact on the morale of the Indian players participating in the game, and we are also facilitating the sneak attack now."

That's right, I heard this system prompt, especially when I heard that India's top and fourth players were eliminated. The Indian players who were chasing Chinese players were stunned, and their faces showed incredible expressions.

Think about it, India’s top player is invincible in the hearts of Indian players. In their hearts, this person has a great chance of winning the final championship, but he doesn’t want to be eliminated just on the third day of the game. This is something they cannot accept.

Ye Luo and the others would not miss such an opportunity. When the Indian players were sluggish, they summoned the flying mount and then launched an attack.

The flying mount was very fast, and it came to the top of the Indian players in a few seconds, and when they rushed to these people, the fireworks and others had already launched attacks, [Ice Spirit*Thousand Bladed Arrows], [Ice Spirit*Million Arrows Qi Skills such as Fa] and [Sonic Vibration] were displayed one after another, and large damage figures floated.

Although the attack damage caused by sitting on the heart of the piano and fireworks is relatively low, but at this time they have a flying mount bonus, and the damage output is quite high. At least the overall damage number caused by the group attack skill is still very high. They are attacking crispy professions like priests and magicians, so the damage is quite obvious, and many of them have less than half of their blood is the best proof.

At this time, the Indian players were still immersed in the bad news of the elimination of the top and fourth masters in India. They only reacted 5 or 6 seconds after being attacked, but they suddenly saw the three-headed flying mount and saw these three-headed mounts. After their master, they were shocked, they couldn't understand why Ye Luo and the three suddenly came to them.

That's right, the Indian players also got some [Communication Devices (Special)], and their spies also knew the location of the team that broke the waves and the wind. It stands to reason that Ye Luo should be with them.

After hesitating for a period of time, the Indian players finally reacted, but as predicted by the fireworks, these people have almost no flying skills. Therefore, facing the Ye Luo three people, they had no choice but to disperse while calling for help. Retreating while preparing to add blood to their people.

Ye Luo would not give them this opportunity to control the Dark Sacred Dragon and used [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens], and then the group attack skills were deployed one by one. In a short time, 7 or 8 group attack skills were displayed. His attack power and the bonus of the Dark Sacred Dragon, the damage he caused was much higher than that of the fireworks and easy cold two, and even the sum of the damage caused by two people was not as high as he alone.

[Long Yin Nine Heavens] has a wide range of attacks. It not only stuns the priests who are about to use healing skills, but also stuns the surrounding Indian players who are about to flee, which makes it more convenient for Ye Luo to kill.

Originally it was a crispy profession, and suffered so many group attack skills from Ye Luo, but within 20 seconds, 2 or 30 Indian players were killed, and most of these people did not have the status of [Resurrection Prophecy], which means they were killed. With these people, Ye Luo can increase his attack power.

Think about it, these priests added [Resurrection Prophecy] to their air power. After all, this skill has CD time, and they don't think anyone would dare to attack them, so they didn't add it to themselves in the guide.

In fact, even if the [Resurrection Prophecy] was added, it was nothing. Facing the ruthless attack of the Ye Luo trio, they just persisted for a while.

With the cooperation of the two women sitting on the piano and the fireworks, Ye Luo killed a lot of people, and his attack power increased. This way, killing is easier, and his actions are much smoother than expected. At least Ye Luo increased his attack power by more than 100% within 1 minute, so killing people was much easier.

Although the air power of the Indian players received a message for help, they chased too aggressively before, and there was still a long distance from the rear. If they wanted to come back to support, it would be 5 or 6 minutes later. This time is enough for Ye Luo and the others to kill. Many people.

Think about it, too, only a small part of the Indian players in the rear can fly, and they only rely on their own flying skills, and there is no mount bonus. In this case, they still have no resistance against the Ye Luo three. Can not even resist Ye Luo 2 and 3 group attack skills.

What's more, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the two people sitting on the piano can deal with those players who can fly after they have used the group attack skills. The two of them have some control skills, and they can slow down. Can't get close to Ye Luo.

Facing the three people like Ye Luo who can fly, those players who can't fly have no alternative. They can only become living targets. They can only escape or be killed before the air power can support them.

The flying mounts such as the Dark Sacred Dragon fly very fast, much faster than those players in India who do not have mounts. It is not easy for them to escape, not to mention so many people mixing together and they cannot be scattered. After all, All around are players from other countries.

At this time, it rushed to both sides, but it is very likely to cause misunderstandings among those countries, and it is not surprising that they will be attacked later.

Of course, there will be players from some countries who want to take advantage of the chaos to kill some people in India, who will let them break into their formation.

After 2 minutes, Ye Luo’s attack power is full. At this time, he is even more terrifying. Any one or two group attack skills can kill a group of people in seconds. At this time, there is almost no need to choose a target. , After all, the following are all players, anyway, they are all Indian players, killing everyone is the same.

The rear of the Indian team was sneak attacked, and people from other countries soon learned about it. However, as they predicted, people from these countries did not help. They hoped that the Indian team would be hit hard. After all, the Indian team The team is the largest in all countries, and their number is less. After the Chinese players are solved, they will break out of a melee.

Think about it, other countries are already very good at this time without falling into trouble. Where will they send people to support them, not to mention their air power has not returned. At this time, it is undoubtedly unwise to provoke Ye Luo and other three evil spirits. s Choice.

In this way, Ye Luo and the others started to kill unscrupulously. After 3 or 4 minutes, they had killed 5,600 people, and this number was still increasing rapidly.

Two minutes after Ye Luo and the others launched a sneak attack, Da Mo Guyan also defeated the Russian masters, and they did not accidentally eliminate them. What surprised Ye Luo and the others was that the second Russian master randomly arrived with Russia. The second pastor, her elimination was a big blow to Russia.

"Tsk tsk, Ye Luo's number of killings has increased too fast, right? More than 500 people have been added in 3 or 4 minutes!" Othello's voice sounded in the team channel: "Ye Luo's number of killings is now the second highest. Hundreds and nearly a thousand people were pulled away. It takes a long time to catch up. Not surprisingly, Ye Luo should be the champion of killing in this extreme challenge."

"Not only the number of murders, but also the points. Ye Luo's points are 3,4000 points higher than the second-ranked sister Feng. This requires killing thousands of people or doing many copies and trial tasks to catch up. Samadhi took the stubborn words, and then changed his tone: "However, there may be accidents. After all, there are other people who kill and increase attack power among the participants. For example, Dark Night, he is also a super master, and Twilight is slightly cool. Eliminated, it is hard to guarantee that he will not go mad. In this case, it is not impossible for him to attack teams in other countries.

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