VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1192: : Continue to attack

Yeluo and the others sneaked into the rear of the Indian team, because the tactics were quite perfect, coupled with the influence of Dongfang Jitian and others eliminated the top and fourth masters in India, the result was much smoother than expected, only 4 or 5 minutes Ye Luo and the others killed 5,600 people, and the number of killings is increasing rapidly. After all, Ye Luo's damage output with an increase of 200% in attack power is extremely terrifying, and any two or three group attack skills can kill one in a second.

When the group attack skills fall into the CD, Ye Luo will attack with a long sword. [Blade of Reincarnation] comes with a very powerful splash feature. In addition, the dark sacred dragon increases a lot of attack distance. Under the air superiority, he is almost invincible. , Like a killer.

"Ye Luo, fireworks, Indian air power has arrived, and we are still more than 50 meters away." Sitting on Qin Xin, who had been watching the surroundings, told the two of the situation for the first time: "It's just that they are a little too underestimated. We are here. Only 5 or 6 flying mounts came. The other flying mounts are 1, 20 people, but their flying speed is much slower. It is estimated that it will take 2 or 3 minutes to arrive."

"Only 5 or 6 flying mounts, it seems that these people really underestimate us." Ye Luo said, and then he looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, do we solve these people or attack other countries? Your team? Both methods have their own benefits."

Continuing to hunt down the players in India, and to solve all the air power they support, this is undoubtedly a great trauma to India, they will mobilize more people to come back, so that the pressure on Fengxing and others will be much easier.

The Indian team here is the largest, and the continued massacre will undoubtedly attract many of their people back.

Of course, if you switch to sneak attacks on teams from other countries, this will make other countries quite vigilant, and then some airpower support will be transferred back, which can also transfer many people back.

In addition, the second method is that Yeluo and the others are breaking into the teams of other countries, so players from India who come to support will have some scruples. After all, they dare not rush into the top of other countries’ camps. This can be regarded as Make a provocation.

Of course, even if players from other countries understand, because they are not from the same country, they will have some scruples when using group attack skills, otherwise it will easily cause misunderstandings.

Indian players have such scruples, but Ye Luo and the others do not. After all, these are all enemies, and they can be solved at once. This will also give them a lot of advantages. At least the full strength of the enemy cannot be used.

It can be said that these two methods have their own advantages, so Ye Luo couldn't decide which one to choose.

After a moment of indulgence, the fireworks easily coldly said: "We only tuned back to the 5 or 6 flying mounts. Obviously, they did not realize our danger. Others were still chasing Uncle Fengxing and them. Uncle Fengxing and them were under great pressure. They have to teach them more profound lessons, and in doing so, they can also deter other countries. They will also switch back to air power defense."

Obviously, Fireworks Yi Cold supports players who continue to attack India. After all, India has the most players. If players in this country stop chasing, the pressure on Fengxing and others will increase greatly.

"Well, okay, just do it." Ye Luo nodded: "After they tune back most of the air power, we will turn to attack players from other countries, so that the people they support will not dare to attack us. It can alleviate the pressure of Uncle Fengxing and them without too much danger, which is also very good."

"Ye Luo, don't get entangled with these people. Later, sister Qin and I will cooperate with you to control those air forces." Firework Yi Leng exhorted: "The next time the Light of the Holy World has 4 minutes and 30 seconds, try to within 30 seconds. It is best not to solve these air forces for more than 1 minute, otherwise it will be very troublesome next."

Hearing this, Ye Luo nodded, his expression resolutely a little bit: "Understand, you guys wait and see."

While talking about this, several players from India rode on flying mounts, Ye Luo didn't say much, and directly urged the Dark Sacred Dragon to rush towards them, while rushing to cast [Reincarnation*Six Shields]. At this moment, he is almost immune to other control skills except for sonic attacks.

Players in India are also quite smart. After seeing that they used several control skills to be intercepted by the energy shield, they also realized the power of [Samsara*Six Shields] and started to use [Fengming Nine Heavens] and [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens]. His sonic attack skills, ready to stun Ye Luo.

However, Ye Luo saw the prelude of those mounts and knew what skills they were going to use. He cast [Teleport] and then abandoned the Dark Sacred Dragon. When the skills of those mounts were displayed, he cast [Charge], and the goal was directed towards One of the players riding the dragon.

[Charge] In the invincible state, you can resist any control skills, including the mount's sonic control skills, so Ye Luo easily resists the 2 mounts' control skills.

As for the other fire magician who was preparing to cast [Fengming Nine Heavens], he was bound by the cold fireworks [Binding Arrows]. After all, the magician's body style is not comparable to melee players, so the control skill hit rate is still high .

In fact, Firework Easy Cold has already prepared skills such as [Frozen Arrow], but her luck is good, the first skill hits, naturally there is no need to use other skills.

Sitting on Qin Xin did not idle, when Ye Luo cast a charge, she cast a spell immunity skill to it, so he was even more unscrupulous, although he was not completely immune to ordinary attacks, but his attack power was very high. Only relying on the powerful blood-sucking ability can keep the blood full.

After applying the skill to Ye Luo, he sat on the Qin Xin and used the [Music Eyes] on another player riding a flying mount. This skill had a high hit rate. This time he also successfully hit the target. The person could not move within 30 seconds. Of course it means that it was not attacked during this period.

While doing this, sitting on Qin Xin was also controlling Qing Luan to rush forward, and soon she was less than 20 meters away from the Indian players, and she did not hesitate to use [Sound Wave Shock], almost Enveloping all Indian players riding flying mounts, making them dizzy for 2 seconds.

Seeing that the players in India were under control, Ye Luo didn't say much, [Samsara Slash] + Flat Slash + [Samsara Lian Slash] killed the fire dragon magician he charged in a second, and then he cast [Samsara Break], After casting this skill, he didn't say much, the magic wand and the long sword danced, and various group attack skills were displayed.

I have to say that the Indian players are a little careless. They did not expect Ye Luo and the others to rush straight towards them, and they did not expect Ye Luo’s attack to be so high, most of them greeted them without using their invincible skills, and even only others did it. A big move.

Ye Luo’s damage output is very high, and his skills are well connected. Those Indian players who just woke up from the stun effect of [Sonic Vibration] were hit by [Samsara Domain], not only the blood fell sharply, but they were also hit again. Dizzy, and then was shrouded by several group attack skills. Not surprisingly, everyone except the player who performed the ultimate move was killed.

Although these people have the status of [Resurrection Prophecy], they will have to wait a while before they can summon flying mounts when they are killed this time. In this case, their movement speed is greatly reduced.

After solving these people, Ye Luo came to the player who performed the ultimate move in a flash. He didn't say much, and he directly wrote [Scary Slash], and then waved the magic wand and the long sword again and again, each with a high amount. The hurt floated from the top of the man's head.

The person performing the ultimate move is the Wind Dragon Archer. Although he has doubled his defense power after using the ultimate move, his vitality is 5 times the original, but Ye Luo’s attack power has increased by 200%, and he is fighting in close quarters. Will definitely be unable to stop his attack.

Ye Luo's luck was good. There were two eight-fold critical strikes. As a result, he killed the Fenglong Archer within 10 seconds. His first life was explained. The most troublesome was him. He can only summon his dragon after 5 minutes, and the effect of the ultimate move no longer exists.

That's right, the effect of the ultimate move will disappear after a player is killed, so the Wind Dragon Archer is almost no threat to Ye Luo and the others.

When Ye Luo attacked the Wind Dragon Archer, other people also resurrected one after another, and most of the dual-professional players among these people chose to use their big moves, and then rushed towards Ye Luo.

"Ye Luo, don't care about them." Fireworks Yi Leng asked. While saying this, she controlled the Frost Dragon and used [Long Yin Nine Heavens]. After controlling a few people, she urged the dragon to take Ye Luo back. .

Earlier, Ye Luo abandoned the dark sacred dragon. It would take some time to summon it again. It would be better to land directly on the back of the frost dragon and attack when he wanted to attack.

This was the way of fighting when fighting the Japanese team long ago. Ye Luo was also very familiar with it. While flying towards the Frost Dragon, he attacked a player who was not a dual professional player. Two or three group attack skills would once again be used. Kill.

The Indian players returned to support with only 5 or 6 flying mounts. Under Ye Luo’s attack, they all lost their flying mounts, and two of them were killed twice. The wind dragon archer not only lost the mounts, but also had a great effect. It's gone. Seeing Ye Luo's terrifying output ability, he dared to rush up again, and hurriedly backed away.

Previously, under the attack of Yeluo's trio, most of the priests in India were killed. Although there are some left, these priests dare not come back to revive the killed, because Ye Luo can attack them with 2 group attack skills. Kill, after all, you cannot be disturbed when you cast [Resurrection], and it takes some time to cast this skill, and you can't be disturbed during this time.

"Ye Luo, none of the flying mounts they returned to support can be summoned in a short time. 6 people were killed, 2 people escaped and 1 person. The remaining 3 people performed their big moves. I want to kill them in a short time. Too realistic." The firework said coldly, and then changed his tone: "But ignore them. We attacked the Indian players below while keeping a distance from them. They couldn't catch up."

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