VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1207: : Meet the coalition

In the game, the explosion rate of jewelry equipment is much lower than that of weapons and protective gear, while the explosion rate of magic weapons, medals, and masks is lower, but these types of equipment are not comparable to those that do not require equipment. Compared with the special equipment of the groove, the latter has an extremely low burst rate, no one in a million, or even no one in a million, not to mention the ancient artifact level equipment.

It is precisely because of this that Samadhi Shi said that June Feixue they want to get [Plum Blossom Dart] is almost a dream.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the Samadhi poem continued: "In addition, you rewarded 6 Primordial God-level treasure chests for completing the task yesterday, and there are 3 today. As the number of times a dungeon task is completed increases, the reward will get worse and worse, maybe tomorrow. You can’t get the treasure chests of the Primordial God-level, so how can you get the [Plum Blossom Darts]? Although this kind of thing is only the ancient god-level treasure, I feel that only the treasure chests of the Primordial God-level can be opened."

"Well, that's true." June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "And maybe there are other teams that can complete the 280 level dungeon mission. After all, many teams have been preparing for the past two days to strengthen their equipment. Maybe They will be able to complete this task, so our reward will be worse."

I also heard the system prompts. Although I knew that the first kill was taken away, the rewards of level 280 are still valued by players in many countries, especially the degenerate suits, so there are still many elite teams preparing to do this task.

In the past two days, these elite squads have not only improved their equipment levels and assembled a stronger lineup, but are also studying dungeon mission tactics, so the chance of passing the mission has also increased a lot.

Because breaking the waves and riding the wind, they are not doing the task at the beginning of each day's game, but after waiting more than 40 minutes, during this period, there may be an elite team triggering this task and then passing it, so that as the task is completed The more the number of times, the worse the reward.

There are only 3 Primordial God-level treasure chests for the second completion of the dungeon mission. After the number of tasks completed increases, the chance of obtaining Primordial God-level treasure chests will be smaller, or even not at all.

"Even if we can't get the Primordial God-level treasure chest, we still have to trigger this task, not to mention that we can get very rich points, but we also do it for the degenerate suit." Long Teng said, he laughed: "like the beauty of Fei Xue Said that our overall equipment level has improved a bit, and the equipment level of the three women Chengfeng has been greatly improved. We want to complete this task tomorrow easier."

"Equipment upgrades are useless, because we still have to turn on big moves to pass the final BOSS, otherwise we can continue to do this task, where can we find it until tomorrow?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind said one after another, she looked around : "Even if we do a level 280 dungeon task once a day, we can only do it 7 or 8 times, so we can't get many depraved suits at all, and we can't even do a manpower set, let alone two days after the game. Don't dare to use big moves to do missions, so you get a smaller number of fallen suits."

"Sister Feng, please be content. We already have a great advantage over other countries. At least no one has a degenerate suit except us, and no one should have special equipment such as [Plum Blossom Dart]." Tao.

As he was talking, suddenly the voice of the book in the middle of the night sounded in the team channel: "Sister Fireworks, Uncle Bacchus, we found a team with a lot of people, and there are players from Britain, France, Switzerland and other countries. They are right in front of you. , And it’s heading where you are."

"What, a large-scale team?!" Hearing what the midnight book said, breaking the waves and riding the wind became excited: "Hey, great, we are all here with Ye Luo and fireworks. This time we can kill them."

"Sister Feng, you don't have to ask how many people the other party has, how many flying mounts they have, and how many dual professions they have." Samadhi said, she smiled bitterly, "In case the other party has a lot of people and is very strong, even if we If we can defeat them, we will suffer heavy casualties, so we will lose out."

"Yes, now we have to preserve our vitality. After all, we have to deal with a lot of countries in the future, and we can't fight it prematurely." Bacchus Dukang said, and then he asked: "Little book, how many people are there in the team? How much, are they already allied?"

"Sister Shi is still cautious." In the middle of the night, he said in a serious tone: "This team has a lot of people, more than 10,000, and there are only 4 to 50 flying mounts, although the ranks are different. , But there are more than 20 ancient god-level flying mounts, which poses a great threat to us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "From the distance between them, we know that players in these countries should form an alliance. There are a lot of dual-professionals, and there are nearly 100 people."

"I'm going, so many people?!" Po Lang Rongfeng burst into a swear word, and then she said to herself: "Although they have less flying mounts than us, they have a lot of dual classes. If it's true, Even if we can defeat them, there will be heavy casualties, and even the pastor will not have time to rescue."

Although breaking the waves and riding the wind and fighting like madness, she is not stupid. She naturally knows that even if they defeat more than 10,000 people, they will suffer heavy casualties. The game is not halfway through, and she doesn't want to see it. A large number of Chinese players were killed because he knew it was not just a matter of losing a chance to resurrect.

As far as the current situation is concerned, most players from various countries gather in some team actions. The killed players will randomly land in a safe area, which means that there is a high probability that they will be singled. If these people encounter a large number of players, It will be more or less good, and they will be very dangerous before looking for the Dao army.

It is precisely because of this that fireworks are easy to be cold, and Samadhi, they propose to avoid large-scale enemies as much as possible to preserve their strength.

If the opponent’s number is almost the same as theirs, or even more than 1,2,000 people, they will be sure to defeat them by breaking the waves and riding the wind, and they will be able to resurrect the killed players on their side and lose as few people as possible, but the opponent’s The number of people is more than twice theirs. In this case, it is obviously not wise to challenge them.

Even breaking the waves and riding the wind knows that head-on confrontation is not an opponent, not to mention the tactical masters such as Samadhi and fireworks. They have proposed to temporarily avoid the edge. Anyway, there are assassins watching each other's every move. It is not too difficult to avoid the opponent. , Not to mention that they have the advantage of mounts and move much faster.

"Hey, it's certain that the big army temporarily avoids the edge, but we can send an elite team to deal with them. According to the small book, these people are aimed at us, so we don't have to be polite with them." , She was faintly excited: "Ye Luo, we formed an elite squad. After rushing into the enemy's formation, we will cast [Wan Jianguizong], and then use the firework combination skills, and Feixue will also cooperate with Wednesday to use the combination skills. Kill a lot of them in a second, and the toughness of their mounts can be cleared at the worst. With these skills, Ye Luo's attack power should be full, and then he can kill a lot of people. Even if the opponent has more than 10,000 people, it will be casualties. Disastrous."

After the invincible skill is cast, then the [Wan Jian Guizong] and combination skills can be used to kill many people in a second. In this case, Ye Luo's attack power can be full, and using him as an arrow can also inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

At this time, breaking the waves and taking the opportunity to kill people to increase their attack power, let June Feixue, Wednesday and others cooperate. She specializes in dealing with players with remnants of blood. It will not take long to fill up the attack power and join forces with Ye Luo. Almost invincible, I am afraid that even the dual professions that have used their big moves can't help them.

If it’s not possible, they can also take advantage of the flying speed of the mount to escape. After all, they have obtained a lot of [Orange Spirit Saddle] and [Yellow Spirit Claws], plus the selected elite team all have ancient god-level flying mounts, and they retreat safely. Still not a problem.

Of course, the most important thing for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is that she can kill once and face tens of thousands of people.

The fireworks are easy to be cold and did not decide immediately, she was thinking, obviously weighing the pros and cons.

"Fireworks. Obviously this time the coalition forces from Britain, France and other countries came prepared. They have so much air power, and there is a non-safe area behind us. If they form a circle to persecute us, we will have no way out." Fireworks are easy to be cold and silent. Breaking the waves and riding the wind continue to increase the bargaining chip for ourselves: "So our best way is to use an elite team to defeat them, and then send a large force to kill them, so that we can minimize the loss."

That’s right, because according to the strategy of circling the curve, breaking the waves and riding the wind is an unsafe area behind them. If the allied forces of Britain, France and other countries keep pressing, then they may be forced into the unsafe area, and their attributes will be greatly reduced. Moreover, not all players can afford to drop 3000 points of vitality per second.

"Yes, I also suggest to attack." Long Tengtian said, his eyes flashed a bright light: "Choose an elite team with all ancient god-level flying mounts, all mounts are equipped with [Orange Spirit Saddle] and [Huang Lingli] Claw], so we have a flying speed advantage, and we can use this advantage to deal with it, so that our large forces can also go around."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course, if our elite team can disrupt the opponent's formation, we can also send a large force to rush over to completely defeat it. As long as the opponent's formation is disrupted by us, the large force will fight it head-on. It’s not that hard to defeat it."

"This method is feasible. At that time, our large forces can wait for the opportunity to move." Bacchus Du Kang said that he was easy to get cold when looking at the fireworks. After all, she should decide whether to fight or avoid it.

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