VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1208: : Three parties come to the enemy

The coalition forces of Britain, France and other countries have more than 10,000 people, dozens of flying mounts, and hundreds of dual professions. Among them, there are hundreds or thousands of people with flying skills. This is a very powerful force. They break the waves and ride the wind. Although the overall strength of the team led by them is very strong, after all, there are only 4 to 5,000 people. Even if they can win, they will suffer heavy casualties. Even the pastor will not have time to resurrect the killed. This is not what they want to see.

It is precisely because of this that they decided to avoid the edge for the time being, at least not with the big troops.

However, because of the tactics of circling the curve, the team led by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is located on the edge of the safe area. The well-prepared United Kingdom and France and other nations can force them to corners or even non-safe areas by virtue of their number advantages.

The non-safe area has been superimposed with three penalties of poisonous fog, fire, and frost. Not to mention that the defense power and movement speed are discounted under these three penalties. It is not that most players can drop 3000 blood points per second. It is precisely because of this that they are prepared to use an elite team to block the coalition forces of Britain and France.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. Their so-called elite team is all composed of players with ancient god-level flying mounts. There are also 40 or 50 flying mounts in this team. Special equipment such as [Orange Saddle] and [Yellow Spirit Claws] Under the bonus of, they have the advantage of flying speed, and can block and harass the coalition forces of the United Kingdom, France and other countries.

Ye Luo and Firework Easy Cold can use combo skills. The combo skills of June Feixue and Wednesday are more powerful. The two combo skills can kill hundreds of people in seconds, and Ye Luo’s attack power will also be full, under the cover of everyone. Under him, he can kill and kill, even if facing the opponent's dual-professional attack with big moves, he can't let go.

In this way, this elite squad can easily stop the coalition forces of Britain and France, while the Bacchus Dukang can take the opportunity to detour, and even if the coalition formation of Britain, France and other countries is disrupted, they will wait for the opportunity to attack them. Catch it all.

This is a quite perfect tactic without much danger. Breaking the waves and riding the wind will certainly agree to the fact that fireworks are easy to be cold.

But just as the fireworks were thinking about it, Jian San’s voice sounded in the team channel: "Sister Feng, sister fireworks, we found a large team of 120,000 people, from Australia, Canada, Brazil and other countries. The coalition has many flying mounts and dual professions, and its overall strength should be stronger than the coalition forces of Britain and France."

"You have also found a large-scale team?!" Samadhi was slightly surprised, her voice was a little dignified: "Jian San is 1, 2000 meters away from our left front, and the coalition forces of Britain and France are in front of us. The strength of the team is very strong. Even if we have the strength to defeat one of them, we may not be able to defeat the other. It is even possible that the other team will profit when we fight, so we can't fight with it. Now, avoid them."

"Yes, in this case, avoiding the edge is the wisest choice." Long Teng Tianxia took the stubborn words, his face was more solemn: "There are large teams in the front left and right, so we can only go to the right. Fortunately, the two teams are still far away from us, and we have time to retreat calmly."

"I'm afraid we don't have this chance." Suddenly Ye Yufei said, watching the puzzled look of everyone, she smiled bitterly: "Because the assassin we sent out found that there is also a large team in front of us, India, Russia, The coalition forces of Israel and other countries have a large number of more than 10,000, and their overall strength is also very strong."

"What, there are enemies on the right front?!" June Feixue was shocked, her pretty face was full of worry: "There are so many enemies on three sides, totaling more than 30,000 to 40,000, and they are obviously rushing to us. Doesn't it mean that we have no retreat?!"

"How could this happen? Mingmingyeye and Tokyo Mythology are now so high-profile, while the total points of Japan and South Korea are already approaching us. Why do people from these countries still target us?" Saturday was puzzled.

"Because our China's total points are still number one, and the number one killer is still our Chinese players. They are also normal against us." Samadhi said, and then changed his tone: "Of course, maybe they happened to discover our whereabouts. It is not impossible to form a temporary alliance to deal with us and cause us serious damage. After all, the relations between India and Russia are not so friendly. If there is no external reason, they are unlikely to form an alliance."

"Well, that's true too." Bacchus Du Kang nodded, and he looked at everyone: "And I don't think the three teams have reached an agreement or anything. They just happened to have discovered us, and they all went to us. After all, there is also a lot of hatred among these more than ten countries, and even some countries are still life and death enemies. If you know each other's existence in advance, I'm afraid they would have started fighting."

"Well, yes, these three teams shouldn't know each other's existence, they just happen to have done something to us." Ye Yufei said, she looked at everyone: "So this is a blessing in misfortune, we still have If you have a chance to escape, you can even write some articles on this."

"Hmph, since the three of them have come to us, and since we can't head-on with them, then we should form an elite team to deal with them." Po Lang Chengfeng snorted: "With the strength of our elite team, we can drag. Stay with them for a period of time so that our large forces can take the opportunity to escape. This is our only chance now."

"That's right, escaping in the non-safe area, Sister Feng and the others dragged those teams, we will still be very big if we withdraw safely." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly.

"Yes, it's just that these people can't be defeated. After all, when we deal with one of the teams, the other two teams are very likely to profit." June Feixue took the conversation, and then she couldn't wait to urge: " What are you waiting for? Taking advantage of the distance between these three teams and us, let's act quickly, otherwise we may actually face them head-on, so we will be killed and injured."

The strength of the three teams is very strong. Even if the large force they lead can defeat one of them, they will suffer heavy casualties, not to mention that the other team has three teams. When they start with one team, the other two will definitely They will not sit idly by, and they will profit from the fishermen. Under this circumstance, the Chinese team will inevitably suffer numerous casualties, or even wipe out the entire army.

In this case, the Chinese team definitely cannot confront it head-on, and can only send an elite team to delay time for the large team.

"Fireworks, what do you think we should do?" Ye Luo looked at the fireworks who had not spoken, and it was cold.

Hearing this, everyone remembered that there was a genius commander of fireworks and easy cold in their team, and they hurriedly looked at them.

"The three teams did not form an alliance. They just happened to discover us at the same time, and they didn't even know each other's existence. We can make a fuss on this and find ways to make them match up. We will take advantage of the fishermen's profit." Yi Leng said, she looked at everyone: "In this way, not only will our large forces be safely withdrawn, but it will also cause heavy casualties to countries such as Britain and France, so that in the future we will face them more easily."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind lit up: "Let the three teams match up?! Can we do it? It would be great if we can do this."

There are more than 10,000 people in those three teams. If the three powers match up, there will be countless deaths and injuries, and the overall strength of these countries will also be greatly weakened. This is undoubtedly what they would like to see in the waves and wind. As a result, the enemies they will face in the future will be much weaker.

That’s right, the three teams with tens of thousands of people get together and fight in three parties. The battle will be extremely tragic, and countless deaths and injuries are inevitable. Maybe it will eliminate many people because of this. It is no wonder that after these, the waves will be so excited. .

"Fireworks, you should think about your tactics." Although you are guessing, the tone of breaking the waves and riding the wind is quite sure. She hurriedly urged: "Hurry up and tell us what tactics are, no, you just give us an order. Right."

"Let the enemy go deeper, and then lure the three forces to meet, and then our people will withdraw." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and when she said this, she looked at everyone: "That is to say, we are going to send three decoys at this time. Each of the three teams must have at least dozens of people, and some celebrities will lead them. Are you willing to be the bait?"

There is no lack of smart people among the crowd. After listening to the fireworks, they instantly understood what she was going to do. They became excited one by one, and the first one said: "How can such a fun and exciting action be less than me, I am willing to lead A team."

"I am also willing to bring a team." Long Teng said in a deep voice.

"Then I will go to the other team." Inviting Yue to raise a glass and not to be outdone, and Xiaofeng Canyue also hurriedly expressed her willingness to go with her.

"Well, Sister Feng, I, and Ye Luo led a team to the front. Long Teng took Feixue and went to the left and forward on Wednesday, and invited Yue and Xiaofeng Wanyue to lead another team to the right and forward. , Remember to bring your two gang combo skills players, I remember reluctantly to make up two 4 or 5 combo skills." The firework was easy to cold, and she continued: "Red dust, follow the wind, fly , You led the mammoth cavalry to join a team, remember to lead all the mammoth cavalry to join these three decoy teams."

"Understand." Yixiao Hongchen and others said repeatedly.

On the side, listening to the order given by Fireworks Yicold, the eyes of the **** of Bacchus Dukang, Samadhi, and Ye Yufei Fei lit up. They were as smart as they instantly understood why the fireworks Yicold arranged in this way, and their actions this time were even more important. Have confidence.

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