VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1213: : Scare off chasers

The tactics of fireworks easy to cold are quite smooth. The teams of the three coalition forces touched together, and conflicts broke out, especially the land cavalry. They began to fight and the fighting was fierce, and the air power of the respective coalition forces was also worried. Their respective large forces were attacked by other coalition forces without all chasing and killing the people like Po Lang Chengfeng.

Of course, there is still a part of the air force chasing and killing them, there are about 3,400 people, it is very easy to destroy Ye Luo and dozens of them in the hearts of these people.

Seeing this scene of breaking the waves and riding the wind and others were not too worried. Not to mention that the mounts they rode fly faster and can easily get rid of these chasing soldiers. They can easily stop these chasing soldiers simply by saying that they have 4 combo skills. And they have already made a move-send Wednesday and June Feixue to use a combination of skills to block the pursuers.

Both Wednesday and June Feixue are lava magicians. They have used a combo skill book and realized a combo skill [Meteor Fall (group)]. The damage bonus of this skill is more than [Ice Fire* Wan Arrow Energy Sea ( Group)] Even higher, there is a 30% chance that a 5 times crit will erupt, and there is a continuous burning damage for 10 seconds. The most important thing is that this skill can also stun the target for 3 seconds.

Although Ye Luo's attack power is very high, but the firework is easy to be cold with full agility, and the attack power is relatively weak. On Wednesday, the equipment level of the two has been improved, and the [Meteor Fall (group)] is calculated based on the magic attack power In terms of damage bonus, both magicians have full intelligence plus points. The total magic attack power even exceeds the sum of Ye Luo and Firework Easy Cold. In addition, the damage bonus of this combination skill is higher, and the overall damage of this skill is also Just higher.

It is precisely because the damage output of this skill is higher than that of [Ice Fire* Ten Thousand Arrows Energy Sea (Group)], fireworks and fireworks are easy to be cold.

"Wednesday, I will lend you [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], so your attack power will be higher." Ye Luo said, trading the equipment to Wednesday.

On Wednesday, she would not refuse, and she was excited to equip it. As a result, her magical attack power has increased a lot, and the damage output of the combined skills is undoubtedly greater.

Seeing that the chasing soldiers were not far away, the snow was more and more crowded on Wednesday and June, and then they used a combination of skills, one after another huge lava meteorites fell from the sky, covering all the chasing soldiers in front of them.

I also saw the big move performed by Feixue on June and Wednesday, and the meteorite and range that fell from the sky. I also knew that this was a powerful combination skill. Those chasing soldiers were stunned, but they quickly reacted and used it as soon as possible. Invincible means.

Although they are in an invincible state, these people are quite shocked. After all, they also know the introduction of [Meteor Fall (group)] from the battle message. They have never seen such a powerful combination of skills.

Seeing that she hadn't killed a target, June Feixue was very embarrassed, she couldn't help but muttered: "These people are too cunning, they directly used invincible means, so no matter how powerful our combined skills are, we can't help them."

"Although it can't help them, but it also deterred them. At this time, they have already slowed down." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she chuckled: "Our purpose is not to kill these people, but to scare them. Retreat, they are very powerful. Returning to the main battlefield can kill a lot of people, so the casualties of the three coalition forces are even greater, which is much better than we killed them."

As sitting on Qin Xin said, air power is an invincible existence for most land players, and their return also means a more intense slaughter. There are undoubtedly more players killed and injured, so the power of the three coalition forces. Will be weakened even more severely, which is exactly what Ye Luo and the others want to see.

"Oh, it seems so." June Feixue nodded, but after seeing those chasing soldiers rushing up again after a little hesitation, she frowned: "But the effect of the combo skills I used on Wednesday does not seem to be obvious. , These people rushed up again, looking like they would never give up without killing us."

"That's because they thought we didn't have any powerful skills, so they dared to charge again." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then turned to look at Longteng Tianxia, ​​breaking the waves and riding the wind: "Longteng, Sister Feng, say something to deter them and make them somewhat Self-knowledge, by the way, give them some good looks, let them know that we are not just intimidating, but that we have that strength."

"Hey, things that scare people, I like them." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she came out more and more, and the sword pointed: "Hey, you don't chase anymore, otherwise we are not welcome, you already have Many people have used invincible means twice. We also have 3 combo skills and skills comparable to combo skills. Would you like to try it?"

The shadow of the person’s name and the tree, the wave and wind is still very famous in the game industry. Such celebrities will naturally not make jokes at will, and her words will also stop those who pursue them, but they did not just retreat like this. Hesitating.

As said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, some of these people have used invincible means twice, and they also know the power of combo skills. If the opponent really has 3 combo skills, they are really not enough.

However, these people are all decent figures in their own countries, and even some of them have some international fame. If they are "scared back" by the words of breaking the waves and riding the wind, it will also be a big blow to their reputation. .

"We are riding ancient god-level mounts, you can't catch up with us, go back." Long Teng Tianxia said lightly: "Your people have already fought, you should also go back and help. Let me say one last thing. If you dare to chase us, don't blame us for killing you all."

When he said this, Long Teng Tianxia's expression became more solemn, and he turned around and glanced at Po Lang Chengfeng and the others. He waved his hand to signal everyone to continue on their way.

Longteng Tianxia is even more famous internationally than breaking the waves and riding the wind. His remarks are quite powerful. Coupled with concerns about the situation of the large forces, many people chose to withdraw. Those who continue to stay for a while are already Less than half.

There were also many young and energetic people among these chasing soldiers. They thought that Po Lang Cheng Feng and others were threatening them. After hesitating, they rushed up again, aggressively and more determined than before.

"Oh, it seems that our international influence is much smaller than before. A word can only scare the average person." Po Lang Chengfeng sighed, and then her tone changed, she was excited: "Since they are seeking their own death. , Then we don’t have to be polite with them anymore, just kill them all."

"Let them scare them off, let them kill more people from the other coalition forces." Fireworks said coldly, and then winked at the people led by Yaoyue toast.

Those few people instantly understood the meaning of the fireworks being easy to cold, and the more they came out, then they all displayed their combined skills.

The combined skill power of 4 or 5 players is much smaller than [Meteorite Fall (group)], but the power is also quite terrifying. Some of the chasing people are directly killed by spikes, and the other part uses invincible means. Most of the outsiders were also full of blood, which made them horrified and inexplicable, and finally stopped pursuing them and returned as quickly as possible.

These chasers knew that if they were killed here, no priest came to revive them, so they would lose a chance to resurrect.

Seeing all the chasing soldiers retreating, June Feixue chuckled: "Hehe, it seems that fists are still more powerful than words. Only by killing some of them do they know that we are not joking. This time they finally know us. That's awesome."

"Just ran away, I thought they would bite the bullet and rush up." Po Lang murmured, she was a little dissatisfied: "I wanted to kill a few masters to earn points and kills, but it's a pity."

"Let these people kill more people, so that they eliminate more people." Sitting on Qin Xin while watching some of the lists, said: "The points of these more than ten countries are increasing rapidly. From the speed of increase, I know that the battle this time is very fierce, and I have checked it now. The number of people eliminated from these more than ten countries is increasing rapidly. I think that hundreds of people will be eliminated after this battle. Thousands of people will lose a chance of resurrection, which is a great loss to their countries."

"Losing a chance to resurrect is not their biggest loss. The biggest loss is that their killed people have to randomly land in a safe area. It is very dangerous to place orders. Many people will be killed or eliminated again because of this." Inviting Yue to toast, he laughed: "In short, this action is too perfect, our competitors have been weakened a lot, and we will have a lot easier facing them in the future."

"This is not necessarily true." Sitting on Qin Xin and shook her head, she sighed: "There are also smart people among these people. Afterwards, they should easily analyze our role in this incident, so they will hate us for this. After the middle and late stages of the game, I am afraid that they will deliberately target us, and we will be under great pressure at that time."

Knowing this, everyone looked a little more solemn, after all, this action offended too many countries.

"Hey, that's the end of the matter, but it doesn't make much sense." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, "Furthermore, even if there is no action this time, people from these countries will target us. Many countries have already formed alliances, and they will definitely be in the future. Our strong opponents, it is inevitable to weaken them as much as possible today, otherwise we will still be in trouble in the future."

"That's true." Yingyue raised his glass, and then he looked into the distance: "Tsk tsk, the battle of tens of thousands of people, the scene must be spectacular, should we watch it closer? Maybe we can pick up some cheap ."

"The air power of our large army is much weaker, leaving some people to pay attention to these people's dynamics, and others will go back." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

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