VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1214: : Heavy casualties

Casting 2 combo skills to scare back all the chasing troops, and the three coalition forces also began the fiercest fight. Their tactics have undoubtedly been perfectly realized, which made everyone excited. Inviting the moon to raise a glass and propose to be far away. Watching the game, maybe you can pick up some cheap by the way.

At this time, the attention of the three major coalition forces was on each other, and they couldn’t squeeze their hands to deal with them. In addition, their flying mounts flew very fast, even if they were chased, they could easily get out. There is no danger in watching the battle, so Fireworks Yi Leng accepted his proposal, but ordered most of the players around him to return to the big army, just in case.

Although the three major coalition forces are fighting, there is no guarantee that other teams will not attack the large forces led by Bacchus Dukang. Although Xiao Hongchen and others have led the mammoth cavalry back, but dozens of ancient gods are missing. After the flying mount, the air power of the large unit is much weaker, and most of the air cavalry around him return to ensure the safety of the large unit.

Although I also wanted to watch the melee of the three major coalition forces, Xiaofeng Canyue and others also knew the importance of protecting the large forces. They led most of the flying cavalry back. Only more than 10 people were left here.

Because I don't have to worry about being overtaken, I mentioned that everyone was approaching the battlefield while breaking the waves and riding the wind and inviting the moon to raise a glass, so that I could see the battlefield situation more clearly.

"Tsk tsk, the melee between 40,000 and 50,000 people is really spectacular, especially since these people are elites from all countries." Inviting Yue to toast with emotion, and then her tone changed: "But the more intense the battle, the better, so killed. The more people there are, the teams of the major coalition forces will be broken up, so that the threat to us is less."

That’s right, again, the loss of a chance to resurrect is not the biggest loss for the three major coalition forces. The biggest loss is that their teams are broken up. Most of the players who are scattered throughout the game are left alone. , It is likely to be killed by people from other countries.

Of course, the team is broken up, so the cohesion of these countries will be much worse, at least the threat to other countries is much smaller, especially for Chinese players.

Think about it too, if the three major coalition forces continue to be a team of tens of thousands, and then they encounter teams from other countries, they will be able to defeat them and slaughter them without accident, even if the Chinese team encounters them. But if the teams of the three major coalition forces are broken up, then the threat to teams from other countries will naturally be much smaller, including Chinese players.

"Fireworks, looking at the appearance of these people will definitely be endless, so the three parties will suffer heavy casualties." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, her pretty face is full of expectation: "When these people fight to the end, should we treat them? What about the shot? This way their losses will be greater."

"Yes." Yan Yue toasted and took the stubbornly: "Especially the pastor of the team that was finally defeated can prevent their people from resurrecting them. This can greatly increase their deaths and injuries, and let their people be scattered on the playing field as much as possible. In this way, it will take a long time for them to get together again, and it is more dangerous. After all, players who are alone will easily be chased by large teams."

That's right, players who are resurrected by priests in the extreme challenge game will not lose a chance to resurrect, so that the team that persists in the melee to the end will have the least loss, because their priests can resurrect the previously killed.

Although the three-way melee will last a long time, many people will be automatically resurrected before being resurrected by the priest, but the priest of the coalition who persists to the end can still serve many players, and their team can be as complete as possible. , This is not what they want to see.

"The most important thing is that after the three-way melee, they are at the end of the battle. Even if we only have more than 10 people, we can drive them away, because Brother Ye Luo and the beautiful girl Chengfeng are there." Long Teng Tianxia also took the conversation, and he laughed: "The most important thing is that we still have 2 combo skills here, which is enough to kill a special kill."

Not surprisingly, at the end of the three-way melee, even if the winning party has suffered heavy casualties, most players have already used ults and invincible skills. At this time, they are the weakest. They can do it alone with the strength of the waves and wind. Aspect of the massacre.

Think about it, the goal is already at the end of the crossbow. Po Lang Chengfeng and Ye Luo can easily fill up their attack power under the cover of Longteng Tianxia and others. At this time, I am afraid that no one can stop them. They can indeed do it. Kill special kill.

What's more, now the fireworks are easy to cold, Ye Luo and another team that masters combo skills, two combo skills will definitely kill a lot of people, which is almost a devastating blow to the victorious coalition.

While she was talking, she sat on Qinxin and laughed lightly. Looking at the doubts of the crowd, she explained: "The fireworks let Sister Feng and Ye Luo stay, and let the only team with combo skills in our team stay behind. It's not without deep meaning, what she has to do is to prevent the team that finally won from resurrecting the killed, otherwise there is no need for another team with combo skills to stay."

That's right, although the players of the other team with combined skills are considered elites, their strength is far from that of Xiaofeng Canyue and others. Fireworks Yi Leng deliberately left them with their own deep meaning.

Hearing this, everyone woke up and cheered up one by one, hoping that the battle of the three major coalition forces would end soon.

Next, everyone did not say much and continued to watch the three-way melee. Although the three-way coalition forces also saw the existence of these people, they only saw more than 10 people in the waves and wind, and some of them did not have flying mounts, and they were not even double. Professional players, they didn't care too much.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have to deal with the other two teams, and they simply can't spare their hands to deal with Po Lang Chengfeng and others.

Time passed, and ten or twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the melee of the three teams was still going on, and even the fighting was much more intense than before. This made Po Lang Chengfeng and the others a bit enthusiastic and couldn’t help but want to rush. Entering the war, but was stopped by the fireworks and others.

"Hey, the points of countries such as Britain and France have increased by thousands in 1 or 20 minutes. This speed is too fast." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, her pretty face was full of regret: "If our large troops Here, under the cover of those of us who enter the enemy's formation, we may easily get tens of thousands of points. At the very least, the number of murders of me and Ye Luo can increase by hundreds, or even thousands. This It is much more efficient than dealing with those small teams, and Dark Night and Tokyo Mythic also can't keep up with Ye Luo in terms of the number of murders.

"Sister Feng, we said before that we don't need such high points or too many kills now, even if it is surpassed by other countries or players, it doesn't matter." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel. "Because we have already thought of how to deal with Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, let them and their country bear the anger of other countries for us. We can completely surpass them in the late game."

"Yes, as long as we don't fall behind them too much now, it's easy to catch up with them." Ye Yufei said, and then turned to look at Ye Luo: "Big Brother Ye Luo's number of murders is still the number one. He will continue to kill people down, and Dark Night and Tokyo Myth will not surpass him too much. You can catch up with one or two medium-sized teams in the late game, and it is not the same if you encounter such a team in the late game. difficult."

"That said, what we have to do now is to increase our own strength and watch other countries weaken their strength." Samadhi Shi added.

Knowing this, Po Lang Riding the Wind murmured: "Well, our large troops are a little far away from here. When the large troops come here, the battle may have already come to an end, so there is no need to entangle this. Something happened."

"Sister Feng, our large forces have already bypassed when you lured these coalition forces. Even if they react now, they will not be able to catch up with us." Black and white chess said, she laughed loudly: "As long as you are not surrounded by them, the whole Few teams in the competition venue can pose any threat to us."

The situation has developed to this point. Even if the large forces did not bypass the past, there was no major danger, but everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing that the team was completely safe.

After more than 10 minutes, the three-way melee almost came to an end, as they speculated that all three parties suffered heavy casualties, and less than 30% of the players were left. Even the air power was killed seven or eighty-eight, and those dual professional players Most of them have already used their big moves, and this time is undoubtedly the weakest time for these three teams.

We all know that the team that persists to the end will lose the least, so the three coalition forces will not give in at all, and bravely kill the enemy, which also makes their losses even more serious.

Seeing this scene, they were overjoyed. After all, these three coalition forces no longer have dual-class abilities, meaning that they can slaughter unilaterally, and they repeatedly asked if they could make a move.

"Fireworks, now these three teams have suffered heavy casualties. Almost all the dual professions have no big moves. No one can stop us." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was excited: "There are thousands of people in them. , Let's take action, this will kill a lot of people."

"Sister Feng, you are here again. I didn't talk about Xiaoshi and fireworks before. Our most important task is to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and let them kill themselves." Sitting on Qin Xin smiled lightly, she looked at the surrounding Everyone: "The task we have to do is to drive and kill their priests after the three parties have decided the victory, so that they can't resurrect the killed players."

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