VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1243: : New tactics

The team led by Eastern Killing Sky and others encountered attacks from several teams, but it was the elite team led by Tokyo Myth that caused them the biggest loss. It is precisely because the fireworks are easy to get cold, and Eastern Stars and others proposed to keep them against players from other countries. , So after suffering losses, Eastern Zhantian will be so angry, even angry at fireworks and others.

Think about it, too, the team led by Bacchus Dukang also includes people from the Eastern family. From their mouths, Dongfang Zhantian knows that it is because the fireworks are easy to cold and the others release water that they have not dealt with the elite team of Tokyo Mythology. The elite team has long been broken up, how could such a loss be caused to them.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind did not retreat, very aggressively refuting Dongfang Zhantian, making him unable to refute.

Of course, Dongfang Zhantian also knew the status of Dongfang star in the Dongfang family. He didn't dare to criticize her bluntly. After all, Dongfang Zhantian would follow her advice.

The oriental star's expression remained unchanged. She looked towards the East and said indifferently: "Our tactics are correct. Even if we were attacked by Tokyo Mythology and suffered a lot of losses, it does not mean that our tactics were wrong, because they killed many other countries. The players have greatly weakened the strength of those countries. Otherwise, I am afraid that the overall strength of the teams we encountered is much stronger, so we will still suffer a lot of losses."

Obviously, Dongfang star is a smart person, she can know the pros and cons of tactics through analysis.

"Well, the star girl is right." Fengxing nodded, his expression solemnly: "This time it was mainly because we were careless. The investigative team sent out only found those few teams, and we were a little aggressive, if not we thought In order to kill them all and then a large-scale battle erupts, those in Tokyo Mythology will not have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Feng Xing said very well, it is precisely because their team has greed that they can be taken advantage of by the enemy, and these words he said made Dongfang Zhantian's face flushed, after all, he was yelling and offending in it. , Be regarded as a fuel to the flames.

"Uncle Fengxing is right, this time it is our carelessness." Dongfang Tiantian said in a deep voice. He had the courage to admit that he was wrong: "Although we lost quite a lot this time, we killed the opponent. For a thousand people, the loss is even greater, but the loss can be slightly recovered."

"Although this is the case, after all, our goal is to be the first place. The loss at this time will have a great impact on the future results, so we will try to avoid this as much as possible." Da Mo Guyan said lightly, and he looked at the oriental star and the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks beauties, celebrity beauties, do you have any countermeasures next?"

The Oriental star did not speak immediately. She said: "The timing of the attack on us led by the elite team led by Tokyo Mythology was just right. I don't believe they were just lucky, so I think we were monitored by Japanese players."

"Well, that's right." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Not only your team is being monitored, but our team is also being watched, not just from a country."

Brows frowned, breaking the waves and riding the wind: "No wonder we were sneak attacked by the team led by the dark night, and the timing they seized was just right. It appeared after most of our mammoth cavalry cast [Frozen Magic Bullets]. Otherwise, we will not lose some people. Fortunately, our air power is very strong, and we will beat them back, otherwise we will lose a lot."

"Sister Fireworks, what should we do? Could it be possible to keep them under surveillance?" June Feixue said, and then thought of something, she looked at Ye Luo: "Uncle Ye Luo can sense invisible units, can you not let them he……"

"I can only sense the assassins within a certain distance. Those who monitor us won't be too close to us." Ye Luo shook his head: "So I have no good way to deal with these people, after all, the number of our large troops. A lot, the team is very big, they only need to monitor from far away."

"Yes, it is not so easy to find all the assassins around the large army, unless we have props that can detect invisible units, and the scope is very wide, but this is very unrealistic." Samadhi Shi took the stubbornly.

"Speaking of which, it's not impossible." Ouyang Feiri murmured.

"If you can't think of any way, just shut up, don't be squeaky." Po Lang Chengfeng glared at Ouyang Feiri, looking at him who was flushed, she said: "You can't help it, it doesn't mean we can't think of a way. , So you just shut up and listen, or just kick you out."

Although they are all masters on the celebrity list, the rights are still different, especially the top 20 celebrity list masters, plus this virtual space is jointly opened by the **** of Bacchus Dukang, Fengxing and others, it can also bring Ouyang Fei Kicked out on the day.

It would be embarrassing if he was kicked out, so Ouyang Feiri closed his mouth obediently, but sneered with a sneer on his face, looking lively.

No one cares about Ouyang Feiri's feelings, everyone's eyes are focused on Po Lang Chengfeng, because everyone heard her say that there is a way to solve the current problem.

"Girl Chengfeng, what solution did you think of?" Fengxing asked. Although he was asking about breaking the waves and riding the wind, he looked at the fireworks and the samaya poetry. Obviously he also knew that he could think of ways to deal with it in the Misty Pavilion People are two women who are easy to cold fireworks.

Fireworks Yi Leng took a look at the samādhi, the latter immediately understood, and said: "In fact, those assassins who watch us are not a threat to us. After all, even if they can assassinate some people, it is meaningless. The most important thing is to prevent large teams from approaching us. , Of course, including those elite teams led by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology."

"It's true that the number of assassins is too small to make any big waves. Their biggest role is to monitor our every move, and when we are fighting with people, the people who notify them will attack us, so they are the most troublesome. Great troops." Bacchus Dukang nodded, and then changed his tone: "But how to stop those troops from approaching us?"

"We have already figured out a way for this. We are going to send a flying cavalry composed of 4 to 50 people..." Samadhi said in detail, explaining the method they discussed before.

Hearing this, the eyes of Bacchus Dukang and others lit up, and Fengxing repeatedly praised: “Yes, that’s right, now our air power is strong enough to form a powerful elite team, and take the lead before the enemy approaches us. They are defeated, and no matter how bad they are, they can disrupt their formation, so their threat to us is almost gone."

"50 powerful flying cavalry, with 3 or 4 combo skills in the team, plus Ye Luo and Chengfeng girl, this is a very powerful combat force, even if it meets a team of thousands of people. The formation is disrupted, so that our large forces can take the opportunity to press on.” Bacchus Dukang took the stubbornly, with a smile on his face: “Even if the opponent’s number exceeds tens of thousands, even two or three teams can attack them. It’s not bad to stop it for a while and delay the transfer for us."

"But what if there are 3 or 4 teams with tens of thousands of people coming from different directions?" A celebrity list master asked: "They form a siege, behind us is a non-safe area, so we are fundamental There is no way to survive."

"First of all, it is rare to have 3 or 4 teams of tens of thousands of people attacking at the same time, because it requires 7, 8 or even more than 10 countries to form alliances." Samadhi said, she laughed: " I don’t believe that our luck is so bad. Don’t forget that the two elite teams led by the dark night and Tokyo Mythology have been harassed and attacked. The overall strength of the major countries has been weakened a lot, and many countries have begun to target Japan and South Korea. So many people came to deal with us."

While saying this, Samadhi glanced at Dongfang Zhantian. The meaning is very simple. It means that the tactics of keeping the dark night and the two elite teams of Tokyo Mythology developed by them are very useful.

"Yes, it is rare that more than 10 countries deal with us at the same time. If that is the case, we can only accept our fate, because this is beyond human reach." Nangong Yunlong said solemnly.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they were convinced.

"In fact, even if there are more than 10 countries at the same time, it is not impossible to deal with us at the same time." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "Let our assassins extend farther, so the encirclement will be much weaker. If you encounter this The assassins reported the situation as soon as possible, and we tried every means to tear up the encirclement circle. Or we can start to be strong, let our elite team mess them up, and then we will dispatch more than 50 flying cavalry. , But 500 or more air power, with this power I think I can disrupt a large team in a short time."

Hearing this, the Eastern star said solemnly: "The assassin's expansion of the scope of investigation can largely prevent us from being besieged by several large teams, and after the expansion of the scope, the response time for the large forces will be longer. During this period, the elite The team should be able to mess up the other side. They can't take care of themselves, so naturally they don't have the energy to attack us. This is a very good idea. I agree to do this.

Since Samadhi, Oriental Star, and Firework Yi Leng all agreed to this tactic, the others had no other opinion, not to mention that they couldn't think of a better way at this time.

"Our assassin's role is to prevent problems before they happen, to prevent large forces from being besieged." Wuming said indifferently, and he scanned for a week: "Don't worry, we will be more vigilant in the next game, and we will never miss a large number of opponents. "

"Well, good, that's the decision." Bacchus Du Kang nodded, and then he looked at Ye Luo and Fireworks Yiyi: "Ye Luo, Fireworks girl, you'd better keep your teleportation skills so that you can support the other party. "

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