VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1244: : Follow the plan

After listening to the latest tactics devised by fireworks and samādhi poems, Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing and others all agreed. Dongfang Jitian and others also knew that this idea was the most effective way at present, so they accepted it.

"According to the location and marching speed of our two teams, it may take more than a day to meet." Feng Xingdao, his tone could not be concealed with excitement: "Hey, wait for our two teams to gather together. After that, there were 8,9,000 people, hundreds of thousands of flying cavalry, and a lot of air power. With the addition of mammoth cavalry, even if they faced 20,000 or 30,000 people, they could have the upper hand. In this way, our ability to withstand risks would be much greater. "

Bringing together two teams is not just as simple as one plus one. After all, sometimes the slightest error is a thousand miles away, and more power can reverse the situation, so that even if many people are killed, they can be resurrected, which will be great Change.

Imagine that if the two teams were together when they were attacked today, the battle situation would be very different even if the enemy forces are joined together. After all, the damage output of the waves and the wind and Ye Luo is very high, under the cover of everyone. They can kill and kill. In this case, the enemy will definitely be afraid, and maybe they will leave sooner.

In this case, Dark Night and Tokyo Shinhwa would not dare to lead an elite team to attack, so their casualties would not be so great.

It is precisely because of this that Fengxing attaches so much importance to the convergence of the two teams.

Although Fengxing is very excited about this, the faces of Dongfang Zhantian and others have become difficult to look. After all, in this way, they are generally protected by the waves and the wind and others, and they are difficult to accept with their arrogant personality. this point.

However, they also knew that the overall strength of the two teams would be greatly improved after the meeting, so they didn't say anything, but their faces were a little ugly.

Afterwards, everyone discussed that they would withdraw from behind the scenes. When the Eastern Star wanted to leave, the samādhi called her, and she didn’t know what to say. The Eastern Star's expression became serious, and then nodded. Leave.

"Sister Shi, what did you say to Eastern Stars?" June Feixue was curious.

Not only her, but also Othello, Midnight Book and others.

"The fireworks reminded me that Tokyo Mythology might use [Painting the Ground as a Prison] for our two teams, so I remind the Eastern Stars to pay attention and be careful not to say anything." Samadhi Shi said, not waiting for June Feixue and others to speak, she explained "We also analyzed earlier that Tokyo Mythology sent some assassin teams to monitor our two teams. If the timing is right, they will use [Drawing the ground as a prison]. If this happens, we may lose a lot."

"It seems that you don't need to worry about it. After all, Sister Fireworks, you have come up with a solution. As long as the large teams of other countries can't get close to our large forces, there is nothing to worry about even if we use [Paint the Ground as a Prison] for our team." June Feixue didn't care, she laughed: "The elite team of Tokyo Shinhwa can't help us, I would rather them use [Paint the ground as a prison] against our team, so that we have a chance to kill them. It’s done, even if it’s because they can withdraw from the energy prison at any time, it’s okay. At least we don’t have to worry about him using [Painting the Ground as a Prison] on us in the future, and we don’t have to worry about them using [Conquest Order] against us."

In June Feixue’s heart, the two teams in China are both extremely strong, even if they face twice as many enemies, they can fight one, and even easily gain the upper hand, even if the Japanese team is in an energy prison because of the Tokyo myth. It's okay to have attribute bonuses, they can still easily defeat them, so Japan will lose a lot, and it may even be devastated.

"Yes, one team in Japan was completely wiped out by us, and the other team was no more than 5,000 people. The tasks of our two teams can easily defeat it and then wipe it out. In this case, Tokyo Mythology is fundamentally annihilated. Don’t dare to use [painting the ground as a prison] against us, because then they will lose more.” Othello took the stubbornness: “As for the elite team alone, we don’t have to be afraid. Either of our two teams can easily defeat them. Then it was wiped out."

"But what if 30,000 and 40,000 players from more than a dozen countries are all trapped in the energy cage?" Samadhi asked, "If this is the case, then our team will be hit hard, don't forget If you are killed in the enchantment cage, you will lose 6 or 7 resurrection opportunities, which is a great loss."

"Didn't we have discussed the tactics. Assassins go out to investigate. It is impossible for the large forces of other countries to approach our large forces, so this problem does not exist at all." June Feixue said indifferently.

"Did you forget that [painting the ground as a prison] can cover a radius of 10 kilometers, and it is a radius of 10 kilometers centered on the user." Ye Luo said, seeing the sudden color of June Feixue, he clicked Nodded: "Yes, our assassins can't go out that far at all. The timing is well grasped. It is easy for the energy cage to trap 30,000 or 40,000 players, and even more people."

"That's right." Samadhi nodded: "Tokyo Mythology also knows that Japanese players alone can't help us, so they will kill people with the knife. This skill will greatly damage us and weaken the overall strength of other countries. They can kill two birds with one stone. They are naturally happy to do so. , It’s just that they can’t get points for killing us, and it’s nothing to them."

Hearing this, June Feixue nodded: "Yes, it will hit us hard, so our overall strength will be greatly weakened, and even not enough to threaten Japanese players. In this case, Tokyo Mythology, they can continue to act as an elite team and score points. , The head is still easy to get."

"So, we have to prevent these. I told the Eastern Stars earlier that these are the things, so let them be more careful." Samadhi said.

"Well, indeed, this must be prevented, otherwise we will really suffer heavy casualties." June Feixue nodded.

"In fact, there is one more thing to prevent, and that is to be careful to be used by Tokyo Mythology [Paint the ground as a prison] and then fall into an unsafe area." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "Tomorrow is the sixth day of the game, there will be five types The damage of different attributes, not to mention the loss of 5000 points of vitality per second, and there are other attributes weakened, such a strong injury fear is not a few people can withstand, if the Tokyo Mythical timing is right, our team is It is very likely to fall into the non-secure area, because our two teams are on the edge of the security distinction, the security area is shrinking...

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood the meaning of samādhi, and also knew what kind of losses would be in this situation, Othello said solemnly: "Indeed, if this is very troublesome, we really have to pay attention. "

"Sister Shi, how do we guard against it?" Zhiyue asked, her pretty face full of worry.

"There are some ways to deal with it. I told the Eastern Stars that they should stay away from the unsafe area a little bit, and let the assassins expand the scope of investigation as much as possible." Samadhi Shi said, she sighed: "The only way to do so now."

"Huh, why don't we directly challenge the masters around Tokyo Mythology and eliminate them, so that these troubles will be reduced." June Feixue coldly snorted.

"Even if the masters around Tokyo Mythology are eliminated, this problem still exists. After all, we can't challenge Tokyo Mythology, so that he can still use [Painting the Ground as a Prison] for our people. It is better to let their team weaken the strength of other countries. Sitting on Qin Xindao, she looked at the fireworks and the samādhi poem: "There is nothing wrong with the tactics discussed by the fireworks and Xiaoshi."

Knowing this, June Feixue murmured, and didn't worry about this problem anymore.

Next, everyone left the virtual space and returned to Wushuang City, and then each became busy, or went out to survey the terrain to find a suitable gang resident, or did a gang resident mission.

The next day, everyone went online on time, and then they took part in the competition. Because they had decided to implement the tactics developed by the fireworks and the cold, 4 to 50 flying cavalry left the main unit and divided into three teams.

Fireworks is easy to cold, and Ye Luo leads a team in front. They lead more than 10 flying cavalry. Ye Luo is in the team, and he can work with Fireworks Yicold to display combo skills, so this team has a very strong combat power. .

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, Changhe sunset and others led a team of more than 20 people. They are in the front right of the large unit, breaking the waves and riding the wind to kill people to increase their attack power, and the team can display combination skills in June and Wednesday. Not to be underestimated.

As for the third team, led by Long Teng Tianxia, ​​Yueyue Toasting and Xiaofeng Canyue, although there are no players in the team who kill and increase attack power, they have two or three combo skills, and their combat effectiveness is also very strong. In the front left of the large unit, it formed a strong barrier with the other two teams.

As for Wuming, Midnight Book and others, they ordered the assassins to extend as far as possible, and report back to the fireworks and Yicold and others as soon as they found a large team, so as to avoid being surrounded by large forces from other countries.

The three elite teams and so many assassins went out to investigate. As a result, the security level of the large forces was greatly improved, which made Bacchus Dukang and the others relieved.

Of course, I am also worried about being trapped in an unsafe area by the use of Tokyo Mythology [Painting the Ground as a Prison] at this time, so Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, led a large army to speed up.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, the team on their side acted according to plan, and the team on the other side of Dongfang Tiantian did the same. After 2, 30 minutes, they still found nothing unusual. They breathed a long sigh of relief and no longer worried about being [painted as a prison] The formed energy cage was trapped, after all, even if trapped at this time, they had driven so far and far away from the unsafe area.

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