VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2013: : Golden Arhat

The enhancement system made Ye Luo and the others feel painful and happy. After all, the enhancement success rate after strengthening to advanced level is too low, even if there is a lucky value bonus, but seeing the attributes added after the enhancement is successful makes them excited- This can greatly enhance their overall strength.

"It seems that if you want to strengthen all the equipment to +7, you still need a long-term plan." Seeing that only one piece of equipment has been strengthened to +4, he couldn't help breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"We have already walked ahead of many people on this road of strengthening, so we don't have to get too entangled in these things." Sitting on Qin Xin comforted, then the tone changed: "And then we will continue to look for high grades. To kill the bosses, Ye Luo and Feng Jie also have great advantages in the arena PK. These will make us a bigger gap with other players, so in general, strengthening the system is good for us."

"Well, also, the new system will be more beneficial to the players who have a relatively large advantage, so the gap that can be opened will be greater." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

After a few casual chats, everyone went busy. Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and Changhe Sunset continued to find the leveling points of the Japanese players to start hunting operations, while the firework Yi Leng led everyone to continue to steadily advance the search for high-grade BOSS. .

The three of Ye Luo marched forward in three separate ways. Everyone knows Ye Luo’s life-saving ability. There is nothing wrong with acting alone. There is no problem with breaking the waves and riding the wind after having the [True Sight Gem]. The strength can at least last for a period of time, and as long as it can last for a period of time, Ye Luo and others can take action, or send it over, or send it to help, so there is no problem.

As for the sunset in Changhe, he used to be a little dangerous to act alone, but now it is different. He has 2 ancient holy equipment, and most of the equipment on his body has been strengthened. [Demon Blade Village Zheng] has been strengthened to the top level. In addition, he also has a [True Sight Gem], so he is not worried about any safety. If it is not, he can still ask for support. I believe Ye Luo and others can easily resolve his crisis.

Because of the enhancement system, the players of the entire Heavenly Tribulation game are in a boiling state. Players who have points in the arena system exchanged some strengthening stones to strengthen them, feeling the overall attribute improvement. These people are more looking forward to strengthening the equipment to Higher levels, and this also makes them more busy, or continue to participate in the arena PK, or look for high-level BOSS to kill, or take on some tasks with relatively large difficulty coefficient, and so on.

However, like Ye Luo and the others, it is not difficult to strengthen the equipment to +3 and +4, and even to strengthen to +5 is just a little bit of strengthening stones, but it is too much to strengthen to +6 and +7. It is difficult, not only because the success rate of strengthening to this level is very low, but the lack of strengthening stones is also a major reason.

It is precisely because of these that players from all countries are painful and happy to strengthen their equipment.

Along the way, Ye Luo and the others had their own gains. They killed many Japanese players, and the fireworks were easy to be cold. They also found some BOSS. After killing them, they also obtained some strengthening stones. The Saint-level BOSS even has It is possible to burst the 4th level strengthening stone, and this also allows them to go further on the road of strengthening-as sitting on the piano heart said, at this time, the existence of the game at the top of the game will have more advantages in the strengthening system. This will allow them to draw a greater distance from other players.

"Just killing the holy boss can burst the 4th level strengthened stone. If you kill the ancient holy boss, it will burst the 5th level strengthened stone or the 6th level strengthened stone. It may even burst down the 7th level strengthened stone." In June Feixue said, her tone was full of expectation: "It would be great if we could meet BOSS of this level again, so that we can not only get advanced strengthening stones, but also other benefits, such as powerful Equipment, such as various scrolls or something, may even encounter combination equipment like [Nine Sky Profound Thunder]."

"Yes, killing these two ancient sage-level equipment has given us enough benefits." Sitting on Qin Xin took over: "Now our overall strength has been further improved, and we can kill more powerful BOSS more easily. Up."

Think about it, too, killing the Titan crocodile gave Ye Luo and the others a lot of powerful equipment, natural energy stones, various scrolls, including combo skill scrolls. Of course, the most important thing is [Demon Blade Village Zheng], and killing Kuiniu There are also many benefits, such as the energy stone of good fortune, the ancient holy equipment and the activation of the strengthening system, and the wave breaking and wind riding have obtained the combined equipment [Nine Heavens Profound Thunder], it is no wonder that they are fighting against other ancient The holy boss is more interested.

"Our people have scattered around, everyone is very mobile, and the possibility of finding high-rank BOSS is also great." Ye Luo said while hunting the Japanese players: "But even if you can't find the ancient holy-level BOSS. It’s nothing. Saint-level bosses can also blast fortified stones. If you find more blasted stones, there will be a lot of them, and after the low-level fortified stones are fused, they will rise to a higher level.

Hearing this, everyone nodded. After all, encountering an ancient holy-level boss is something you can meet and not expect, and it is also very good to meet a holy-level boss.

Soon after, Jianpachi successfully crossed the national border and came to the Japanese suit. Ye Luo directly used the [Space Portal] to teleport him, and then he began to use the energy stone for trial tasks. I believe it won’t be too long after that. Ge will have one more powerful dual career.

After about 10 minutes, a system reminder resounded through the daily service. It was the reminder that Jianba completed the trial task and successfully advanced his career:


System reminder (day server): Congratulations to Jianba for using the energy stone of good fortune to open and complete the special hidden trial task, and successfully advanced his career, because his original career is a monk, after he is advanced, his career is-golden body Arhat, growth qualification For promotion, the system will reward him with a skill book of his own department, which is worth 1 point for luck and 1000 points for prestige. It is encouraged.

The system prompts sounded three times in a row, which caused an uproar in the daily server. Every day server player was extremely annoyed by this. They felt extremely shameful, especially the system prompts that sounded in their servers, but they were also There is no good way but to endure it temporarily.

"Sure enough, Jianba’s career has taken the position of the Golden Arhat." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she was a little excited in her tone: "This is a very powerful knight career, not only has relatively powerful taunting skills, but also has Many defense and life-saving skills, the most important thing is that the damage output of this profession is also quite good. In the future, we can divide more teams to fight monsters, so that the efficiency will be higher."

Everyone has also discussed with Yuexia Listening Zen. Naturally, they also know that the golden body Arhat is a powerful profession. In addition, Jianba is a dual profession in the Japanese service. Everyone is very happy, and there is one more in the Tao Miomi Pavilion. Powerful dual career.

"Sister Fireworks, Jianpachi took the position of the Golden Arhat, and his strength has greatly improved. Will he stay here or stay with us?" June Feixue asked curiously: "As said by Sister Feng , Yuexia Tingzen can easily resist powerful BOSS attacks, so that we can form multiple teams to deal with BOSS, and the efficiency will be higher."

"But our country's defensive mission is also very important. After turning over both Jianqi and Jianba, Xiaoshi's defense is much weaker, so that's not good." Sitting on Qin's heart, he said solemnly. Turning: "Besides, it’s enough for us people to stay here. Sister Feng, Ye Luo, and Sunset have already added up their attack power, but they don’t need Sword Eight to fight monsters anymore. Now his career advancement, the Golden Arhat has Many taunt control skills, if Tokyo Mythology they sneak into our country server, he can also help a lot."

"Hey, since we have the eyeliner under Mount Fuji, then we have a good chance to intercept the Tokyo Mythology and them on the ancient battlefield, so they can't sneak into our national server at all." Othello has different opinions: "There are more swords. Eight, Jianqi and the others, we will have a better chance of intercepting them and then killing them all at once."

Hearing this, she sat on the piano in silence, because she also knew that Othello was reasonable, but she was still a little worried, so she looked at the fireworks and wanted to ask her opinion.

"Sister Qi also makes a lot of sense. We have a great opportunity to intercept the Tokyo Mythology and the others on the ancient battlefield. There is no need for Kenpachi and them to go back." The firework was cold, and he didn't wait to sit in the heart of the piano and speak. She continued: "In addition, I have communicated with Sister Shi. If Tokyo Mythology they sneak into our country, she will notify us as soon as possible, so that we will have no time to rush over."

Because they blocked the secret path completely in Samadhi, Tokyo Mythology and the others must cross the ancient battlefield if they want to sneak into the Chinese server. It will take a long time to cross the border from the border to the edge of the ancient battlefield, and this time is enough. Ye Luo and the others returned to the Chinese server weapon to intercept them from Tokyo Mythology.

Think about it, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng left a teleportation point on the secret path, they can directly teleport to the past, and then Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport everyone, and then they can return to China server.

After returning to the Chinese server, Ye Luo can lock the Samadhi and others and send them to the past, and then send the people there. Using these, they will definitely be able to return here before the Tokyo Mythology they rush to the edge of the ancient battlefield, and then want to intercept them. It's simple.

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood this, and they all agreed with the arrangement of fireworks that are easy to cold, so they didn't worry about this matter anymore, and then continued to get busy.

Time passed, and another one or two hours passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, it hasn’t been long since Tokyo Mythology and other dual-professional masters’ ult CDs, and even some dual-professional masters’ ults can be used. In the hearts of June Feixue and others, Tokyo Shinhwa and others will start their operations, and they are also ready to intercept them at any time.

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