VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2014: : Reality call

At this time, the big move of Tokyo Shinhwa and others is about to be finished, and some people's big move has even ended the CD. If the fireworks Yicold calculates well, they will soon set off on the ancient battlefield and then go to the Chinese server, so Ye Luo and the others had a twelve-point spirit. Not only did the waves and the wind monitor every move under Mount Fuji at any time, but they also arranged some assassins on the ancient battlefield. If they find Tokyo Mythology and others, they will tell Ye Luo and others as soon as possible. Then they can transmit to intercept them.

But what made Ye Luo and the others a little puzzled was that Tokyo Mythology did not act rashly. Even 10 minutes ago, under Mount Fuji, they left the Black Dragon City and went to the wild to kill the boss once, and there was no intention to start an action.

I learned that Mt. Fuji left the Black Dragon City, and after judging that he hunted the BOSS with others, he was excited by breaking the waves and riding the wind, especially when I found that the location below Mt. Fuji was not too far away from them, there was a good chance of intercepting it. She killed it, but was stopped by Yi Leng from the fireworks. She still wanted to use it as a'eyeliner'.

"Fireworks, is your analysis wrong? Tokyo Mythology has no signs of leaving the Japanese server and sneaking into our server." Po Lang Chengfeng said, "Although most of their current big moves in Tokyo Mythology have not ended the CD, but Now it takes a long time to go to the ancient battlefield and then to our server. At that time, their big move and [Baqi Tianxiang] had already ended the CD, so they could sneak into our country. If I were them, they would have acted. "

"Tokyo Mythology, they should be still making preparations. For example, hunting BOSS is one of them, and the emergence of the enhanced system will also affect their actions a little. After all, they will also have equipment that needs to be enhanced, or only some After the equipment is strengthened, we will act." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then the conversation turned: "Of course they have guessed that we have analyzed their next actions. They know that we will deliberately guard against it during this time. This is why I deliberately did not choose to sneak into our country at this stage, but waited for us to relax before acting, such as waiting for us to go offline and rest."

Knowing that the fireworks Yi Leng said is very reasonable, it will even be like this in all likelihood, so Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded, she said nothing.

"It’s actually better for Tokyo Mythology not to infiltrate our country, so we don’t have to worry about them killing them on our servers. After all, even with the eyeliner under Mount Fuji, we may not be able to kill Tokyo Mythology. After all, He was too powerful after performing [Yaki Tianchuang]." Sitting on the piano heart warmly said: "And you and I both know what it means to let the Tokyo mythology infiltrate our country, but now he doesn’t mean to do so, it’s better. ."

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "So we can continue to kill them here and contain them. As time goes by, the entire Japanese server players will be dragged down by us."

In spite of this, sitting on the piano and Othello knows that Tokyo Mythology will not wait to die, and the only way they can resolve this disadvantage is to lead an elite team to sneak into the Chinese server, turning passive into active.

However, they did not worry too much about this problem, because they have made sufficient preparations to intercept Tokyo Mythology and others. Even if Tokyo Mythology can escape their obstacles and enter the ancient battlefield of Chinese servers, they also have enough. Time returns to intercept them.

"Well, will Mt. Fuji have already analyzed that Sister Feng has obtained [Nine Heavens Profound Thunder] and can lock him in position?" Suddenly June Feixue said, she frowned slightly: "If this is true They can make a sound. In fact, the Tokyo Mythology has quietly entered the ancient battlefield and then left for our country. If it is so..."

"This may not be unavailable, but it is not very big, unless Tokyo Mythology has been staring at various equipment lists and then discovered the existence of [Nine Sky Xuan Lei], and analyzed that it is us who anonymously owns this equipment." Yi said coldly: "This possibility is very small."

"But what if this is really the case?" June Feixue asked rhetorically.

"Even so, there is nothing to worry about." Ye Luo took the conversation and did not wait for June Feixue and others to ask. He explained: "Because once the Tokyo Mythology enters the server in our country, there will be a system prompt, and then Sister Shi will go offline to notify us as soon as possible, so that we can know that Tokyo Mythology has sneaked into our country, and then we have time to go back and intercept Tokyo Mythology and them on the edge of the ancient battlefield."

"Well, that's also true." Othello nodded.

As she was talking, suddenly June Feixue's expression changed, and she hurriedly said, "Someone called me in reality and entered my room. It should be Sister Shi, could it be..."

I said before that the samādhi would notify them of any problems, but now June Feixue felt that someone was calling, which naturally made her guess that Tokyo Mythology had sneaked into the Chinese server, so she became nervous.

"Feixue, go offline and see what happened." Po Lang Chengfengdao, and when she said this, June Feixue was offline.

Seeing that June Feixue went offline, many people looked solemn, and they began to worry that Tokyo Mythology had actually sneaked into Chinese servers.

"In fact, even if Tokyo Mythology they sneaked into our server, there is nothing, as the handsome uncle said, we still have plenty of time to intercept them." Every night unless said, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Sister Fireworks, if Tokyo The myth has really sneaked into our country, so who shall we send back next?"

They discussed that fireworks are easy to get cold before. Even if Tokyo Mythology actually sends someone to sneak into the Chinese server, they don’t need everyone to go back. Just go back some of them. Others can continue to stay here and start hunting operations. The losses to Japanese players will be the greatest.

"Ye Luo, Feng Sister, and just send some dual-professional masters to go back." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Others will continue to stay here to carry out hunting operations, but our mobility will be much less after Ye Luo is absent. , The next actions need to be more cautious."

When Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are there, everyone can be a little arrogant, because Ye Luo can use teleportation skills to rush to help at any time, and they can also use [Space Portal] to teleport everyone over, so that there is no danger. But Ye Luo couldn't do that if he wasn't there. Although there was still a powerful existence like the Long River Sunset, they needed to be more cautious in their actions next.

"If the Tokyo Mythology really sneaks into our country, it will be enough as long as I return, because I can send Brother Longteng and the others to help." Ye Luo shook his head: "Sister Feng, you can stay. After all, only one murder will increase the attack. There is a threat to Sister Feng's existence, and there will be no danger if Sister Feng stays here."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they know that if Tokyo Mythology and others sneak into the Chinese server, it will definitely cause the Bacchus Dukang and Longteng Tianxia to be vigilant, and if they are needed for battle, Ye Luo can easily use [Space Portal] to send them to help. , With the Dragon World, Inviting the Moon to toast and other masters, plus the Blue Dragon Summoner Legion and the Mammoth Cavalry, it’s not a problem to intercept the Tokyo Mythology, not to mention there are 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in the hands of Samadhi. And other scrolls.

Although Changhe sunset can also kill people and increase attack power, his life-saving ability is not as good as Yeluo after all, and it is not even as good as breaking the waves and riding the wind. In addition, he is a little alone and difficult to support, so let the waves stay and help him naturally. It will be better.

"If the person holding the Xuan Thunder Orb leaves the Japanese service and enters our country, then Sister Feng needs to return to lock him and then lock the elite team of Tokyo Mythology." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed: "But if you hold People with Xuan Leizhu stay here, so Feng Sister naturally does not have to go back. It is better to stay here, but super master Tokyo Mythology like the foot of Mount Fuji will definitely bring it."

Obviously, now that the fireworks are easy to be cold, it is still determined that the mysterious thunder ball is in the hands of Mount Fuji, so it is necessary to break the waves and ride the wind to use the [Nine Sky Xuan Thunder] induction and then lock the position of the elite team under Mount Fuji and even Tokyo Shinhwa.

"You are not afraid of the sound of Mount Fuji coming down..." Black and white, but he was interrupted by the fireworks before he was finished.

"Before Mt. Fuji went out to the Black Dragon City for 1, 20 minutes. This time is enough for us to rush over to surround him and then kill him. If he knows that Sister Feng has [Nine Sky Profound Thunder] in his hands, then he will definitely not It’s too dangerous to do so.” Fireworks Yi said coldly: “From this we can see that he doesn’t know that we have [Nine Sky Profound Thunder] in our hands.”

"It's also possible that the foot of Mount Fuji has already traded Xuan Leizhu to other people, and then let that person attract our attention." Zhiyue said casually.

"No, they don't need to take this risk, because as long as the person holding the Profound Thunder Orb is still in the Black Dragon City or other system cities, it can attract our attention. There is no need to take the Profound Thunder Orb to leave." The firework is very cold. Affirmatively said: "Although the Profound Thunder Orb in the hands of other people is just an item that can slightly increase strength, but in Tokyo Mythology, if they know the existence of [Nine Heavens Profound Thunder], they naturally know that a Profound Thunder Orb can control [Nine Heavens Profound Thunder]. How strong it can be, and how much Sister Feng’s strength can be improved by this. As smart as the foot of Mount Fuji, naturally he won’t take this risk unless he doesn’t know this at all."

Everyone is smart, and soon understood the meaning of fireworks being cold, and Othello nodded: "Well, this is also true. If we know that [Nine Heavens Profound Thunder] left the city with Profound Thunder Pearl in our hands for so long Time is too arrogant."

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