VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2065: : Countermeasures

The current situation of Yinfu is extremely bad. The infiltration of elite players from various servers puts a lot of pressure on Wucai Shenniu and others. Especially the elite team led by Ye Luo and the others makes them quite a headache, even tens of thousands of troops. They couldn't do anything to them, and this also made Wucai Shenniu and the others aware of the current situation of the printing service-if you don't want to do it, I am afraid that they will suffer heavy losses from printing the service, and they will even be unable to recover for a long time.

The colorful sacred cows are not stupid. They naturally know that Ye Luo and others are attracted by the [Dragon Scale Dagger], which means that as long as this national weapon is not in their hands, the current problem can be solved, but they also know that they will directly [Dragon Scale Dagger] It would be too humiliating to return it to Ye Luo. After all, this action can be called a'being of power and humiliating the country'. If this is the case, I am afraid that they will have no place in the Indian clothing.

Think about it, too, Wucai Shenniu is the leader of the first big gang of Yinfu, with high authority, and even has the right to command all players of Yinfu during the national war, and this is why he can easily mobilize tens of thousands of troops. For this reason, many people will covet such a great right, and many people will wait for him to make a mistake and replace it.

Wucai Shenniu naturally knows this situation, so he can't leave a handle to these people, so he must find a perfect way to'let out' the [Dragon Scale Dagger], for example, let the people of the US server, the British server and other servers grab it. Go, this can not only preserve his reputation and status, but also bring some trouble to the country that has obtained the [Dragon Scale Dagger]. The colorful sacred cow is a very vengeful person, and he is quite stunned by the players of the British server and other servers. Being angry, so naturally hope to create some trouble for them.

Of course, the colorful sacred cow also knows that people from other countries are not fools. They will be suspicious of the obvious "send to death". In addition, he wants to induce more people to participate in the battle for [Dragon Scale Dagger], so he wants a perfect one. Way.

Think about it, too, if people from major servers such as the British server and the US server fight for the [Dragon Scale Dagger], they will surely suffer serious deaths and injuries, and this is what the colorful sacred cow most wants to see, and maybe they can still fishermen in the end. Profitable.

Of course, it would be difficult to achieve such a goal. For a time, the colorful sacred cow and the colorful demon fox didn't think of a good way.

"It would be great if the invaders could be concentrated in one area." Wucai Curry said, he looked at everyone: "Let the people of the major servers clashed, so that we can profit from the fisherman, and the least pressure will be. Smaller."

"It's easy to say, but how do we bring them together? After all, they sneaked in from different directions, and they were far apart." The colorful monster fox said in an angry manner: "The most important thing is that we have sent thousands of them now. The army of ten thousand people formed a carpet search on the search line. In this case, it is more difficult for people from major servers to gather together."

"What if you use [Dragon Scale Dagger] as bait?" Suddenly, the first priest named Wucai Demon Ji said, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "The people on all major servers are all for [Dragon Scale Dagger]. 】, especially those from Ye Luo Zhiqiu, no, to be precise, the players on the Chinese server came for [Dragon Scale Dagger], and people on other servers should also know the end of the [Dragon Scale Dagger] snatching, so They are to prevent [Dragon Scale Dagger] from falling into the hands of Chinese server players."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they now naturally know that [Dragon Scale Dagger] is a hot potato. I am afraid that many people do not want to take over. However, if players on the Chinese server have a chance to obtain [Dragon Scale Dagger], they will definitely stop it. .

"Yes, using the [Dragon Scale Dagger] is an opportunity to gather them together. As long as they gather together, they will inevitably fight." Colorful God Niu said, after a short pause, he looked at the colorful monster fox: "You fox, Next, you have to take the initiative to show your face. The focus of the activity is on the Chinese server players, and you deliberately let the players on the US server, Australian server and other servers see it, but don’t fall in love with it. You can’t be caught by them so easily. Hold on for some time. The longer they persist, the more likely people from other servers will rush over, so that their melee will be more intense and the casualties will be greater. Maybe we will have the chance to kill them all."

Wucai Yaohu is also a smart person. He quickly understood the arrangement of the colorful sacred cow. He nodded: "Well, I understand that I will appear frequently next time. People do it, I want to kill some of them with my strength and get away without any problems."

"You bring [True Sight Gem] and [Dragon Scale Dagger] this magic weapon, and you have a lot of life-saving methods. There is no problem in getting out of your body." The method of the colorful sacred cow for the first assassin in India. Still very confident, then he looked at Wucai Demon Ji and others: "The next step is to spread the news, so that everyone in the world will know the location of Demon Fox. Not surprisingly, people from other major servers will try to get there."

"Good way." Wucai Demon Ji praised, and then she said [新笔趣阁www.xxbiquge.xyz] angrily: "But if you do this, you will need to withdraw the 10,000-person army, otherwise you will be blocked by the search lines. It’s hard for people who download the British server and other servers to span most of the map."

"Yes, the role of these ten thousand troops is not obvious anyway. It takes time and effort. It's better to let them withdraw. No, go to the ancient battlefield to level up and fight more magic spar fragments so that our mobile magic crystal cannon can Play a more important role." A gang leader of another gang agreed.

"Well, this is also a good way. After all, people who concentrate their manpower on other major servers in the ancient battlefield dare not do it." The colorful **** said, and then he sighed: "It's a pity that the ancient battlefield can accommodate the number of players. Limited, so many people can't be there, so most people can only be allowed to go to other places to level up, and if they encounter a sneak attack, they will see if the situation is removed."

Although the ancient battlefield is very large, especially when all the ancient battlefields of a server are counted, there are not many monsters suitable for current players to level in the ancient battlefield, so the number of players that can be accommodated here is quite limited, which can accommodate hundreds Ten thousand people are already a lot, and hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of players can only go to other places to practice.

Although helpless, everyone knew that the arrangement of the colorful sacred cow was the best arrangement, and then they discussed some details and went to act separately.

Not to mention the arrangement of Wucai Shenniu and the others, but also the situation of Ye Luo and the others.

"Ye Luo, fireworks, why don't the players of the India server use the mobile magic crystal cannon?" Suddenly broke the waves and rides the wind, wondering: "The attack range of this siege weapon can reach 100 meters. This distance is enough to cover us. Those space-based players can use [Space Portal] to teleport people with mobile magic crystal cannons, so they can stop us from harassing them."

"Although the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon is good, it is not too threatening to us, because a single magic crystal cannon can easily follow us, so we need a lot of magic crystal cannons to attack us." The fireworks are easy to be cold. Said: "Not to mention that it takes some time for them to move the magic crystal cannon. It is not a threat to us just to say that the magic crystal cannon cannot be moved after installation, because we can quickly get out of their attack range and use so many magic crystal cannons. But it consumes magic spar very much, and it does not pose too much threat to us, so they will naturally not use it."

The attack power of the mobile magic crystal cannon is worse than that of the one placed on the city wall. It has an attack power of about 40,000 to 50,000. Although the attack power looks very high, most of Yeluo’s defense power is very high, and all have been reduced. It’s not bad that a single magic crystal cannon’s attack can cause them 10,000 points of damage. At this time, Ye Luo and the others have millions of qi and blood, and the qi and blood recovery speed is very fast. The crystal cannon is fine for a period of time to attack, unless the printing service uses dozens of hundreds of magic crystal cannons, but this is impossible at all. I thought it would be good for a player to carry one such large siege weapon.

Each person can only carry 1 mobile magic crystal cannon, so it is impossible to use hundreds of magic crystal cannons at once, and after someone uses the magic crystal cannon, Ye Luo and others will retreat and wait for others to rush over and then set up. The magic crystal cannon is afraid that Ye Luo and the others have long been out of the magic crystal cannon's attack range.

In addition, moving the magic crystal cannon takes some time to assemble, at least more than 10 seconds, and with this time, Ye Luo and the others can get away from them a hundred meters away at the speed of them. Such placement of the magic crystal cannon is fundamental to them. It's no use.

"The most important thing is that the magic crystal cannon takes 1, 20 seconds to be placed, and we will withdraw when we see them set up the magic crystal cannon, and even let the magic crystal cannon attack for a period of time. After all, most of us have invincible skills. Sister and the others can add blood to us, and it’s okay to be attacked forever in the state of [Qin Yin Hualin]. After all, lasers can also be avoided." The firework is easy to be cold and continues: "There are so many restrictions on the mobile magic crystal cannon. Under such circumstances, they will naturally not use it rashly."

"I feel that the colorful sacred cows are also worried that we will rush to the mobile magic crystal cannons and attack them." Othello said casually: "After all, the mobile magic crystal cannon is also difficult to make. If we destroy it, then They will lose a lot, especially if they are not sure to compete with us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course I feel that the most important reason is that they have to place the Magic Crystal Cannon at the front of the team to attack us. After all, their people will also block the Magic Crystal Cannon’s laser, and we are far away. They are not far from the front row, and they can easily rush to the invincible state or [spell immunity] state, or kill the person who placed the magic crystal cannon, or destroy the magic crystal cannon. In this case, they naturally cannot Use magic crystal cannon."

"Oh, that's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she finally understood.

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